A chronological reading of the Old Testament, New Testament, Book of Mormon, Doctrine & Covenants, & Pearl of Great Price
This website was born from a desire to read the Four Gospels side by side for comparison. But why stop there? Many events in the scriptures are mentioned in different books, and not always chronologically. As a student of the scriptures, I wanted a place where I could study all accounts of the events side by side, in chronological order, for a full picture. I am also a believer in the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ, and because of that, I've kept the title.
This website is best viewed on DESKTOP, but is also available on mobile.
All dates are approximate.
A perfect timeline of the scriptures doesn't exist because there isn't enough information. Many sources were consulted to create a reasonable chronology with the effort to make it as accurate as possible. As more information comes available, the chronology will be adjusted. You can email suggestions here.
Because things are chronological and not in traditional book order, you may want to consult the scripture index to find a particular passage.
Search by event, timeline, people, or the scripture index.
The Old Testament and New Testament specifically the KJV (other translations can be found at Biblehub.com and BlueLetterBible.org).
The Book of Mormon, Doctrine & Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price, which are scriptures of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Parts of The Apocrypha have also been added, although they are not considered canon by most modern Christian or Jewish people. This is done to fill in some gaps in the history between the Old and New Testament. More info here.
Videos are from "Bible Videos - The Life of Jesus Christ"
Email feedback or corrections to us here.
The hope for this website is to deepen your love and connection to our Savior Jesus Christ by studying His gospel throughout history of the world.
"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today, and forever"
Hebrews 13:8