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≈ 420 BC

Prophet: Enos II

Enos Prays & Generations Pass

Enos Prays & Generations Pass
Enos / Jarom / Omni

Enos 1 - 1 Behold, it came to pass that I, Enos, knowing my father that he was a just man—for he taught me in his language, and also in the nurture and admonition of the Lord—and blessed be the name of my God for it—2 And I will tell you of the wrestle which I had before God, before I received a remission of my sins. 3 Behold, I went to hunt beasts in the forests; and the words which I had often heard my father speak concerning eternal life, and the joy of the saints, sunk deep into my heart. 4 And my soul hungered; and I kneeled down before my Maker, and I cried unto him in mighty prayer and supplication for mine own soul; and all the day long did I cry unto him; yea, and when the night came I did still raise my voice high that it reached the heavens. 5 And there came a voice unto me, saying: Enos, thy sins are forgiven thee, and thou shalt be blessed. 6 And I, Enos, knew that God could not lie; wherefore, my guilt was swept away. 7 And I said: Lord, how is it done? 8 And he said unto me: Because of thy faith in Christ, whom thou hast never before heard nor seen. And many years pass away before he shall manifest himself in the flesh; wherefore, go to, thy faith hath made thee whole. 9 Now, it came to pass that when I had heard these words I began to feel a desire for the welfare of my brethren, the Nephites; wherefore, I did pour out my whole soul unto God for them. 10 And while I was thus struggling in the spirit, behold, the voice of the Lord came into my mind again, saying: I will visit thy brethren according to their diligence in keeping my commandments. I have given unto them this land, and it is a holy land; and I curse it not save it be for the cause of iniquity; wherefore, I will visit thy brethren according as I have said; and their transgressions will I bring down with sorrow upon their own heads. 11 And after I, Enos, had heard these words, my faith began to be unshaken in the Lord; and I prayed unto him with many long strugglings for my brethren, the Lamanites. 12 And it came to pass that after I had prayed and labored with all diligence, the Lord said unto me: I will grant unto thee according to thy desires, because of thy faith. 13 And now behold, this was the desire which I desired of him—that if it should so be, that my people, the Nephites, should fall into transgression, and by any means be destroyed, and the Lamanites should not be destroyed, that the Lord God would preserve a record of my people, the Nephites; even if it so be by the power of his holy arm, that it might be brought forth at some future day unto the Lamanites, that, perhaps, they might be brought unto salvation—14 For at the present our strugglings were vain in restoring them to the true faith. And they swore in their wrath that, if it were possible, they would destroy our records and us, and also all the traditions of our fathers. 15 Wherefore, I knowing that the Lord God was able to preserve our records, I cried unto him continually, for he had said unto me: Whatsoever thing ye shall ask in faith, believing that ye shall receive in the name of Christ, ye shall receive it. 16 And I had faith, and I did cry unto God that he would preserve the records; and he covenanted with me that he would bring them forth unto the Lamanites in his own due time. 17 And I, Enos, knew it would be according to the covenant which he had made; wherefore my soul did rest. 18 And the Lord said unto me: Thy fathers have also required of me this thing; and it shall be done unto them according to their faith; for their faith was like unto thine. 19 And now it came to pass that I, Enos, went about among the people of Nephi, prophesying of things to come, and testifying of the things which I had heard and seen. 20 And I bear record that the people of Nephi did seek diligently to restore the Lamanites unto the true faith in God. But our labors were vain; their hatred was fixed, and they were led by their evil nature that they became wild, and ferocious, and a blood-thirsty people, full of idolatry and filthiness; feeding upon beasts of prey; dwelling in tents, and wandering about in the wilderness with a short skin girdle about their loins and their heads shaven; and their skill was in the bow, and in the cimeter, and the ax. And many of them did eat nothing save it was raw meat; and they were continually seeking to destroy us. 21 And it came to pass that the people of Nephi did till the land, and raise all manner of grain, and of fruit, and flocks of herds, and flocks of all manner of cattle of every kind, and goats, and wild goats, and also many horses. 22 And there were exceedingly many prophets among us. And the people were a stiffnecked people, hard to understand. 23 And there was nothing save it was exceeding harshness, preaching and prophesying of wars, and contentions, and destructions, and continually reminding them of death, and the duration of eternity, and the judgments and the power of God, and all these things—stirring them up continually to keep them in the fear of the Lord. I say there was nothing short of these things, and exceedingly great plainness of speech, would keep them from going down speedily to destruction. And after this manner do I write concerning them. 24 And I saw wars between the Nephites and Lamanites in the course of my days. 25 And it came to pass that I began to be old, and an hundred and seventy and nine years had passed away from the time that our father Lehi left Jerusalem. 26 And I saw that I must soon go down to my grave, having been wrought upon by the power of God that I must preach and prophesy unto this people, and declare the word according to the truth which is in Christ. And I have declared it in all my days, and have rejoiced in it above that of the world. 27 And I soon go to the place of my rest, which is with my Redeemer; for I know that in him I shall rest. And I rejoice in the day when my mortal shall put on immortality, and shall stand before him; then shall I see his face with pleasure, and he will say unto me: Come unto me, ye blessed, there is a place prepared for you in the mansions of my Father. Amen.

≈ 399 BC

Prophet: Jarom

Jarom 1 - 1 Now behold, I, Jarom, write a few words according to the commandment of my father, Enos, that our genealogy may be kept. 2 And as these plates are small, and as these things are written for the intent of the benefit of our brethren the Lamanites, wherefore, it must needs be that I write a little; but I shall not write the things of my prophesying, nor of my revelations. For what could I write more than my fathers have written? For have not they revealed the plan of salvation? I say unto you, Yea; and this sufficeth me. 3 Behold, it is expedient that much should be done among this people, because of the hardness of their hearts, and the deafness of their ears, and the blindness of their minds, and the stiffness of their necks; nevertheless, God is exceedingly merciful unto them, and has not as yet swept them off from the face of the land. 4 And there are many among us who have many revelations, for they are not all stiffnecked. And as many as are not stiffnecked and have faith, have communion with the Holy Spirit, which maketh manifest unto the children of men, according to their faith. 5 And now, behold, two hundred years had passed away, and the people of Nephi had waxed strong in the land. They observed to keep the law of Moses and the sabbath day holy unto the Lord. And they profaned not; neither did they blaspheme. And the laws of the land were exceedingly strict. 6 And they were scattered upon much of the face of the land, and the Lamanites also. And they were exceedingly more numerous than were they of the Nephites; and they loved murder and would drink the blood of beasts. 7 And it came to pass that they came many times against us, the Nephites, to battle. But our kings and our leaders were mighty men in the faith of the Lord; and they taught the people the ways of the Lord; wherefore, we withstood the Lamanites and swept them away out of our lands, and began to fortify our cities, or whatsoever place of our inheritance. 8 And we multiplied exceedingly, and spread upon the face of the land, and became exceedingly rich in gold, and in silver, and in precious things, and in fine workmanship of wood, in buildings, and in machinery, and also in iron and copper, and brass and steel, making all manner of tools of every kind to till the ground, and weapons of war—yea, the sharp pointed arrow, and the quiver, and the dart, and the javelin, and all preparations for war. 9 And thus being prepared to meet the Lamanites, they did not prosper against us. But the word of the Lord was verified, which he spake unto our fathers, saying that: Inasmuch as ye will keep my commandments ye shall prosper in the land. 10 And it came to pass that the prophets of the Lord did threaten the people of Nephi, according to the word of God, that if they did not keep the commandments, but should fall into transgression, they should be destroyed from off the face of the land. 11 Wherefore, the prophets, and the priests, and the teachers, did labor diligently, exhorting with all long-suffering the people to diligence; teaching the law of Moses, and the intent for which it was given; persuading them to look forward unto the Messiah, and believe in him to come as though he already was. And after this manner did they teach them. 12 And it came to pass that by so doing they kept them from being destroyed upon the face of the land; for they did prick their hearts with the word, continually stirring them up unto repentance. 13 And it came to pass that two hundred and thirty and eight years had passed away—after the manner of wars, and contentions, and dissensions, for the space of much of the time. 14 And I, Jarom, do not write more, for the plates are small. But behold, my brethren, ye can go to the other plates of Nephi; for behold, upon them the records of our wars are engraven, according to the writings of the kings, or those which they caused to be written. 15 And I deliver these plates into the hands of my son Omni, that they may be kept according to the commandments of my fathers.

≈ 323 - 130 BC

Record Keepers: Omni, Amaron, Chemish

Omni 1:1–11 - 1 Behold, it came to pass that I, Omni, being commanded by my father, Jarom, that I should write somewhat upon these plates, to preserve our genealogy—2 Wherefore, in my days, I would that ye should know that I fought much with the sword to preserve my people, the Nephites, from falling into the hands of their enemies, the Lamanites. But behold, I of myself am a wicked man, and I have not kept the statutes and the commandments of the Lord as I ought to have done. 3 And it came to pass that two hundred and seventy and six years had passed away, and we had many seasons of peace; and we had many seasons of serious war and bloodshed. Yea, and in fine, two hundred and eighty and two years had passed away, and I had kept these plates according to the commandments of my fathers; and I conferred them upon my son Amaron. And I make an end. 4 And now I, Amaron, write the things whatsoever I write, which are few, in the book of my father. 5 Behold, it came to pass that three hundred and twenty years had passed away, and the more wicked part of the Nephites were destroyed. 6 For the Lord would not suffer, after he had led them out of the land of Jerusalem and kept and preserved them from falling into the hands of their enemies, yea, he would not suffer that the words should not be verified, which he spake unto our fathers, saying that: Inasmuch as ye will not keep my commandments ye shall not prosper in the land. 7 Wherefore, the Lord did visit them in great judgment; nevertheless, he did spare the righteous that they should not perish, but did deliver them out of the hands of their enemies. 8 And it came to pass that I did deliver the plates unto my brother Chemish. 9 Now I, Chemish, write what few things I write, in the same book with my brother; for behold, I saw the last which he wrote, that he wrote it with his own hand; and he wrote it in the day that he delivered them unto me. And after this manner we keep the records, for it is according to the commandments of our fathers. And I make an end. 10 Behold, I, Abinadom, am the son of Chemish. Behold, it came to pass that I saw much war and contention between my people, the Nephites, and the Lamanites; and I, with my own sword, have taken the lives of many of the Lamanites in the defence of my brethren. 11 And behold, the record of this people is engraven upon plates which is had by the kings, according to the generations; and I know of no revelation save that which has been written, neither prophecy; wherefore, that which is sufficient is written. And I make an end.

From the *Apocrypha - The Maccabean Revolt
1 & 2 Maccabees

Apocrypha - Maccabean Revolt

*1 Macc. 1:1–10 - Introduction: 1:1 And it happened afterwards that Alexander, the son of Philip the Macedonian, who first reigned in Greece having come from the land of Kittim, struck Darius the king of the Persians and the Medes. 2 He appointed many battles, and he took hold of all the fortifications, and he executed the kings of the earth. 3 And he passed through even to the ends of the earth. And he received the spoils of many nations. And the earth was silenced in his sight. 4 And he gathered together power, and an exceedingly strong army. And he was exalted, and his heart was lifted up. 5 And he captured the regions of nations and of sovereign leaders, and they became tributaries to him. 6 And after these things, he fell down on his bed, and he knew that he would die. 7 And he called his servants, nobles who were raised with him from his youth. And he divided his kingdom to them, while he was still alive. 8 And Alexander reigned twelve years, and then he died. 9 And his servants obtained his kingdom, each one in his place. 10 And they all put diadems on themselves after his death, and their sons after them, for many years; and evils were multiplied on the earth.

*2 Macc. 1–3 - A Letter to the Jews in Egypt: 1:1 To the brothers, the Jews, who are throughout Egypt: the brothers, the Jews, who are in Jerusalem and in the region of Judea, send greetings and good peace. 2 May God be gracious to you, and may he remember his covenant, which was spoken to Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, his faithful servants. 3 And may he give all of you the heart to worship him, and to do his will, with a great heart and a willing soul. 4 May he throw open your heart with his law and with his precepts, and may he create peace. 5 May he heed your prayers and be reconciled to you, and may he not forsake you in the evil time. 6 And now, in this place, we are praying for you. 7 When Demetrius reigned, in the one hundred and sixty-ninth year, we Jews wrote to you during the tribulation and assaults which overcame us in those years, from the time that Jason withdrew from the holy land and from the kingdom. 8 They burnt the gate, and they shed innocent blood. And we prayed to the Lord and were heard, and we brought forth sacrifices and fine wheat flour, and we kindled the lamps and set forth the loaves. 9 And now, celebrate the days of shelters in the month of Kislev. A Letter to Aristobulus about the fictitious death of Antiochus Epiphanes: 10 In the one hundred and eighty-eighth year, from the people who are at Jerusalem and in Judea, and from the Senate and Judas: to Aristobulus, the magistrate of king Ptolemy, who is of the ancestry of anointed priests, and to those Jews who are in Egypt: greetings and good health. 11 Having been freed by God from great peril, we give thanks to him greatly, in as much as we have been struggling against so great a king. 12 For he caused those who fought against us and against the holy city to burst forth from Persia. 13 For when the commander himself was in Persia, and with him an immense army, he fell in the temple of Nanea, having been deceived by the counsel of the priests of Nanea. 14 For Antiochus also came to the place with his friends, as if to live with her, and so that he would receive much money in the name of a dowry. 15 And when the priests of Nanea had made the proposal, and he had entered with a few men into the vestibule of the shrine, they closed the temple, 16 after Antiochus had entered. And throwing open a hidden entrance to the temple, they cast stones, and they struck the leader and those who were with him. And, having severed their limbs and cut off their heads, they threw them outside. 17 Blessed be God through all things, who has delivered up the impious. Fire Consumes Nehemiah’s Sacrifice, Artaxerxes Longimanus encloses area called Nephi 18 Therefore, establishing the purification of the temple on the twenty-fifth day of the month of Kislev, we considered it necessary to signify this to you, so that you, likewise, may keep the day of shelters, and the day of the fire that was given when Nehemiah offered sacrifice, after the temple and the altar had been built. 19 For when our fathers were led into Persia, the priests, who at that time were worshippers of God, secretly took the fire from the altar, and they kept it hidden in a valley, where there was a deep and dry pit, and they kept it safe in that place, in such a way that the place would be unknown to all. 20 But when many years had passed, and it pleased God that Nehemiah should be sent by the king of Persia, he sent some of the posterity of those priests who had hidden it to seek the fire. And, just as they told us, they did not find fire, but only deep water. 21 Then he ordered them to draw it up and to carry it to him. And the priest, Nehemiah, ordered the sacrifices, which had been set out, to be sprinkled with the same water, both the wood and those things that were placed on it. 22 And when this was done, and the time came when the sun shined brightly, which before was in a cloud, there was kindled a great fire, so much so that all were filled with wonder. 23 But all the priests were reciting prayer, while the sacrifice was being consumed, with Jonathan beginning and the rest answering. 24 And the prayer of Nehemiah was held in this way: “O Lord God, Creator of all, terrible and strong, just and merciful, you alone are the good King. 25 You alone are excellent, you alone are just, and all-powerful, and eternal, who frees Israel from all evil, who created the chosen fathers and sanctified them. 26 Receive the sacrifice on behalf of all of your people Israel, and preserve and sanctify your portion. 27 Gather together our dispersion, free those who are in servitude to the Gentiles, and respect those who are despised and abhorred, so that the Gentiles may know that you are our God. 28 Afflict those who, in their arrogance, are oppressing us and treating us abusively. 29 Establish your people in your holy place, just as Moses said.” 30 And so the priests sang hymns until the sacrifice had been consumed. 31 But when the sacrifice had been consumed, Nehemiah ordered the remainder of the water to be poured upon the great stones. 32 When this had been done, a flame was kindled from them, but it was consumed by the light that shined brightly from the altar. 33 In truth, when this thing became known, it was reported to the king of Persia that in the place where the fire had been hidden by those priests who had been led away, water appeared, by which Nehemiah, and those who were with him, purified the sacrifices. 34 But the king, considering and examining the matter diligently, made a temple for it, so that he might study what had happened. 35 And when he had studied it, he gave the priests many goods and presents, of one kind or another, and using his own hands, he distributed these. 36 And Nehemiah called this place Nephthar, which is interpreted as Purification. But with many it is called Nephi. Jeremiah Hides the Tent, Ark of the Covenant, and Altar at Mount Nebo 2:1 Now it is found in the descriptions of the prophet Jeremiah that he ordered those who transmigrated to take the fire, just as it was signified and as he ordered, into the transmigration. 2 And he gave them the law, so that they would never forget the commandments of the Lord, and so that they would not go astray in their minds, seeing the idols of gold and silver, and their ornaments. 3 And in this manner, with other sayings, he exhorted them, lest they remove the law from their heart. 4 Furthermore, it was in the same writing, how the prophet, by divine response, ordered that the tabernacle and the ark be made to accompany him, until he exited from the mountain, where Moses ascended and saw the inheritance of God. 5 And arriving there, Jeremiah found a place in a cave. And he brought both the tabernacle, and the ark, and the altar of incense into that place, and he obstructed the opening. 6 And certain ones of those who followed him, approached to make note of the location, but they were not able to find it. 7 But when Jeremiah knew of it, he blamed them, saying: “The place shall be unknown, until God shall gather together the congregation of the people, and until he may be favorably inclined. 8 And then the Lord will reveal these things, and the majesty of the Lord shall appear, and there will be a cloud, just as it was also manifested to Moses, and just as he manifested these when Solomon petitioned that the place should be sanctified to the great God. 9 For he also drew upon wisdom magnificently, and so, having wisdom, he offered the sacrifice of the dedication and the consummation of the temple. 10 And, just as Moses prayed to the Lord, and fire descended from heaven and consumed the holocaust, so also Solomon prayed and fire descended from heaven and consumed the holocaust. 11 And Moses said that it was consumed because the sin offering was not eaten. 12 And similarly, Solomon also celebrated the eight days of the dedication. 13 Moreover, these same things were put into the descriptions and commentaries of Nehemiah, including how, when constructing a library, he gathered together from the regions the books of the Prophets, and of David, and the epistles of the kings, and from the holy gifts. 14 And, similarly, Judas also gathered together all the things that were destroyed by the war that befell us, and these are with us. 15 Therefore, if you desire these things, send those who may carry them to you. 16 And so, since we will be celebrating the purification, we wrote to you. Therefore, you will do well, if you keep these days. 17 But we hope that God, who has freed his people and has rendered to all the inheritance, and the kingdom, and the priesthood, and sanctification, 18 just as he promised in the law, will quickly have mercy on us and will gather us together from under heaven into the holy place. The Compilers Preface 19 For he has rescued us from great perils, and he has purged the place. 20 The truth about Judas Maccabeus, and his brothers, and the purification of the great temple, and the dedication of the altar, 21 and also about the battles, which pertain to Antiochus the illustrious, and his son, Eupator, 22 and about the illuminations, which came from heaven to those who acted on behalf of the Jews with fortitude, was such that they, though few, vindicated the entire region and put to flight a multitude of the barbarous, 23 and recovered the most famous temple in the whole world, and freed the city, and restored the laws that were abolished. For the Lord, with all tranquility, was acting favorably toward them. 24 And similar things as have been comprised in five books by Jason the Cyrenean, we have attempted to abridge into one volume. 25 For, considering the multitude of the books, and the difficulty that those who are willing to undertake the narrations of histories find, due to the multitude of events, 26 we have taken care, so that, indeed, those who are willing to read may have delights of the mind, and so that, in truth, the studious may more easily be able to commit it to memory, and also so that all readers may find it useful. 27 And indeed, we ourselves, who have taken up the task of abridging this work, have no easy labor. For, in truth, more correctly, we have assumed an activity full of vigilance and sweat. 28 Just as those who prepare a feast also seek to be attentive to the will of others, for the sake of the gratitude of many, we willingly undertake the labor. 29 Indeed, leaving to the authors the truths about particular details, we instead have been devoted to this form, striving to be brief. 30 For, just as the architect of a new house will have concern for the entire structure, and, in truth, he who takes care to paint it will seek out what is fitting to adorn it, so also should such things be considered by us. 31 Moreover, to collect knowledge, and to order words, and to discuss every particular point attentively, is the duty of the author of a history. 32 Yet truly, to pursue brevity of speech, and to shun the extension of matters, is conceded to an abbreviator. 33 Therefore, here we will begin the narration. Let so much be sufficient to say in preface. For it is foolish to go on and on before the account, when the account itself is succinct. Heliodorus goes to Jerusalem to collect money for Seleucus IV Philopator 3:1 Therefore, when the holy city was inhabited with all peace, and also the laws were still being kept very well because of the piety of Onias, the high priest, and the hatred that his soul held for evil, 2 it happened that even the kings and princes themselves considered the place worthy of the highest honor, and so they glorified the temple with very great gifts, 3 so much so that Seleucus, king of Asia, furnished from his revenues all of the expenses for the ministry pertaining to the sacrifices. 4 But Simon, from the tribe of Benjamin, having been appointed as overseer of the temple, obstructed the chief priest, in order to undertake some kind of iniquity in the city. 5 But when he was not able to overcome Onias, he went to Apollonius, the son of Tarsus, who at that time was governor of Coelesyria and Phoenicia, 6 and he announced to him that the treasury in Jerusalem was full of innumerable sums of money, and that the common storehouse, which did not pertain to the allotment for the sacrifices, was immense, and that it would be possible for all of this to fall under the power of the king. 7 And when he had presented the news that he brought back to king Apollonius about the money, he summoned Heliodorus, who was in charge of this matter, and he sent him with orders, in order to transport the aforesaid money. 8 And immediately Heliodorus set forth on the way, indeed, appearing as if sojourning to the cities of Coelesyria and Phoenicia, but in truth the reason was to complete the proposition of the king. 9 But, when he had arrived at Jerusalem and had been kindly accepted into the city by the high priest, he explained to him the information that had been provided concerning the money. And he freely disclosed the cause for which he was present. But he questioned whether these things were truly so. 10 Then the high priest revealed to him that these things had been deposited, along with provisions for the widows and the orphans. 11 In truth, a certain part of that which impious Simon had reported belonged to Hyrcanus, son of Tobias, a very eminent man. But the entire amount was four hundred talents of silver and two hundred of gold. 12 For in truth, to deceive those who had trusted in the place and the temple that is honored throughout the whole world for its veneration and sanctity would be altogether impossible. 13 But because of those things that he held as orders from the king, he said that by all means the money must be transferred to the king. 14 And so, on the appointed day, Heliodorus entered to set these things in order. Yet truly, there was no small amount of trepidation throughout the entire city. 15 And so the priests threw themselves before the altar in their priestly vestments, and they called upon him from heaven, who had established the law about deposits, such that those with whom they had deposited it would keep it safe. 16 Now truly, whoever saw the countenance of the high priest was wounded in mind. For his face and the changing of its color declared the inner sorrow of the soul. 17 For this one man was so immersed in grief and in physical dread that it was clear to those who beheld him that sorrow had affected his heart. 18 And now, others flowed together in flocks from the houses, pleading and making public supplication, on behalf of the place, which soon might be brought into contempt. 19 And the women, wrapped with haircloth around the chest, flowed together through the streets. And even the virgins, who were cloistered, rushed forth to Onias, and others rushed to the walls, and, truly, certain ones looked through the windows. 20 But every one of them, stretching forth their hands toward heaven, made supplication. 21 For the expectation of the mixed multitude, and of the great priest in agony, would have endowed anyone with pity. The Lord Protects His Temple; Onias III Prays for Heliodorus 22 And indeed, these called upon almighty God, so that the trust that had been entrusted to them would be preserved with all integrity. 23 But Heliodorus completed the same thing that had been decreed, being himself present in the place, with his attendants, near the treasury. 24 Then the Spirit of Almighty God made a great manifestation of his presence, so much so that all who had presumed to yield to him were turned aside by fainting and dread, falling by the power of God. 25 For there appeared to them a certain horse, having a terrible rider, adorned with the best covering, and he rushed forth and assailed Heliodorus with his front hooves. And he who sat upon him seemed to have armor of gold. 26 Moreover, there appeared two other youths with the appearance of power, the glory of nobility, and the apparel of splendor. These stood near him on each side, and they scourged him without ceasing, striking with many scourges. 27 Then Heliodorus suddenly fell to the ground, and they quickly took him up, draped by a great darkness, and, having placed him onto a stretcher, they rushed him away. 28 And so, he who had approached the aforesaid treasury, with so many officials and attendants, was carried away, with no one to bring help to him, the manifest power of God being made known. 29 And indeed, through divine power, he lay mute and also was deprived of all hope of recovery. 30 But they blessed the Lord, because he had magnified his place, and because the temple, which a little while before was filled with confusion and fear, became filled with joy and gladness, when the all-powerful Lord appeared. 31 Then, truly, certain friends of Heliodorus came forth to petition Onias, so that he would call upon the Most High to grant life to him who was appointed to breathe his last breath. 32 But the high priest, considering that the king might perhaps suspect that some malice against Heliodorus had been completed by the Jews, offered a beneficial sacrifice for the health of the man. 33 And when the high priest was praying, the same youths, dressed in the same clothing, were standing by Heliodorus, and they said: “Give thanks to Onias the priest, for it is on his behalf that the Lord has granted life to you. 34 But, having been scourged by God, you must announce to all the great things of God and his power.” And having said this, they disappeared. The Conversion of Heliodorus 35 Then Heliodorus offered sacrifice to God and made great vows to him who had permitted him to live. And he gave thanks to Onias. And, gathering his troops, he returned to the king. 36 But he testified to all about the works of the great God, which he had seen with his own eyes. 37 And so, when the king questioned Heliodorus as to who might be fit to be sent once more to Jerusalem, he said: 38 “If you have any enemy, or a traitor to your kingdom, send him there, and he will return to you scourged, if he even escapes. For truly, in that place, there is a certain power of God. 39 Yes, he who has his dwelling in the heavens is the visitor and protector of that place, and he strikes and destroys those arriving to do evil.” 40 Thus, the things about Heliodorus and the preservation of the treasury happened in this way.

≈ 175 BC

Leaders of the Maccabees: Mattathias, Judas, Simon Thassi

*1 Macc. 1:11–2:69 - Antiochus IV Epiphanes and Renegade Jews - 1:11 And there went forth from among them a sinful root, Antiochus the illustrious, the son of king Antiochus, who had been a hostage at Rome. And he reigned in the one hundred and thirty-seventh year of the kingdom of the Greeks. 12 In those days, there went forth from Israel sons of iniquity, and they persuaded many, saying: “Let us go and negotiate a covenant with the Gentiles that are all around us. For since we have withdrawn from them, many evils have found us.” 13 And the word seemed good in their eyes. 14 And some of the people determined to do this, and they went to the king. And he gave them the power to act according to the justice of the Gentiles. 15 And they built a sports arena in Jerusalem, according to the laws of the Nations. 16 And they made themselves uncircumcised, and they withdrew from the holy covenant, and they were joined to the nations, and they were sold into evil-doing. Antiochus IV Epiphanes in Egypt 17 And the kingdom was ready in the sight of Antiochus, and he began to reign over the land of Egypt, so that he might reign over two kingdoms. 18 And he entered into Egypt with an oppressive multitude, with swift chariots, and elephants, and horsemen, and a great abundance of ships. 19 And he appointed a war against Ptolemy, the king of Egypt, and Ptolemy was filled with dread before his face, and he fled, and many fell down wounded. 20 And he took hold of the fortified cities in the land of Egypt, and he received the spoils of the land of Egypt. Persecution of the Jews & Temple ransacked 21 And Antiochus turned back, after he struck Egypt, in the one hundred and forty-third year, and he ascended against Israel. 22 And he ascended to Jerusalem, with an oppressive multitude. 23 And he entered into the sanctuary with arrogance, and he took the golden altar, and the lampstand of light, and all the vessels, and the table for the bread of the Presence, and the vessels of libation, and the vials, and the little mortars of gold, and the veil, and the crowns, and the golden ornament, which was at the face of the temple. And he crushed them all. 24 And he took the silver and gold, and the precious vessels, and he took the hidden treasures, which he found. And having taken all these things away, he departed into his own land. 25 And he caused a massacre of men, and he was speaking with great arrogance. 26 And there was great wailing in Israel and in all of their places. 27 And the leaders and elders mourned, and the virgins and young men became weak, and the splendor of the women was changed. 28 Every bridegroom took up lamentation, and those who sat in the marriage bed mourned. 29 And the land shook on behalf of the inhabitants in it, and the entire house of Jacob was clothed with confusion. Seleucid Occupation of Jerusalem & Desecration of Temple 30 And after two years of days, the king sent the prince of his tributes to the cities of Judah, and he came to Jerusalem with a great crowd. 31 And he spoke peaceful words to them, in deceitfulness; and they believed him. 32 And he rushed upon the city suddenly, and he struck it with a great scourging, and he destroyed many of the people of Israel. 33 And he took the spoils of the city, and he burned it with fire, and he destroyed its houses and the walls around it. 34 And they led away the women as captives, and they possessed the children and the cattle. 35 And they built up the city of David with a great and strong wall, and with strong towers, and it became a stronghold for them. 36 And they set up in that place a sinful people, wicked men, and together they grew strong in it. And they stored up weapons and provisions. And they gathered together the spoils of Jerusalem, 37 and deposited them in that place. And they became a great snare. 38 And this became a place of ambush against the sanctuary and a diabolical evil in Israel. 39 And they poured out innocent blood around the sanctuary, and they contaminated the sanctuary. 40 And the inhabitants of Jerusalem fled because of them, and the city became the dwelling place of outsiders, and she became a stranger to her own offspring, and her own children abandoned her. 41 Her sanctuary was desolate, like a place of solitude, her feast days were turned into mourning, her Sabbaths into disgrace, her honors into nothing. 42 Her shame was multiplied according to her glory, and her loftiness was turned into lamentation. Jews killed for practicing Law of Moses, Idols & swine sacrificed in the Temple 43 And king Antiochus wrote to all his kingdom, that all the people must be one, and that each one should relinquish his own law. 44 And all Gentiles consented, according to the word of king Antiochus. 45 And many out of Israel consented to his servitude, and they sacrificed to idols, and they polluted the Sabbath. 46 And the king sent letters, by the hand of messengers, to Jerusalem and to all the cities of Judah: that they should follow the law of the Nations of the earth, 47 and that they should prohibit holocausts and sacrifices and atonements to be made in the temple of God, 48 and that they should prohibit the celebration of the Sabbath and the solemn days. 49 And he ordered the holy places to be defiled, along with the holy people of Israel. 50 And he ordered altars to be built, and temples, and idols, and he ordered the immolation of the flesh of swine and of unclean cattle, 51 And that they should leave their sons uncircumcised, and defile their souls with all that is unclean, and with abominations, so that they would forget the law and would alter all the justifications of God, 52 and that whoever would not act according to the word of king Antiochus should be put to death. 53 According to all these words, he wrote to all his kingdom. And he appointed leaders over the people, who would compel them to do these things. 54 And these ordered the cities of Judah to sacrifice. 55 And many from the people, who had abandoned the law of the Lord, were gathered together by them. And they committed evils upon the land. 56 And they drove the people of Israel into hiding and into the secret places of fugitives. 57 On the fifteenth day of the month of Kislev, in the one hundred and forty-fifth year, king Antiochus set up the abominable idol of desolation on the altar of God, and they built altars throughout all the surrounding cities of Judah. 58 And they burned frankincense, and they sacrificed before the doors of houses and in the streets. 59 And they cut up the books of the law of God and destroyed them with fire. 60 And all those who were found with the books of the testament of the Lord, and whoever observed the law of the Lord, they butchered, according to the edict of the king. 61 By their power, they did these things to the people of Israel, as they were discovered in the cities, month after month. 62 And on the twenty-fifth day of the month, they sacrificed on that altar which was opposite the high altar. 63 And the women who circumcised their sons were butchered, according to the order of king Antiochus. 64 And they suspended the children by their necks in all their houses, and those who had circumcised them, they butchered. 65 And many of the people of Israel decided within themselves that they would not eat unclean things. And they chose to die, rather than to be defiled with unclean foods. 66 And they were not willing to infringe upon the holy law of God, and they were butchered. 67 And there was a very great wrath upon the people. Mattathias and His Sons 2:1 In those days, there rose up Mattathias, the son of John, the son of Simeon, a priest of the sons of Joarib from Jerusalem, and he settled on the mountain of Modin. 2 And he had five sons: John, who was surnamed Gaddi, 3 and Simon, who was surnamed Thassi, 4 and Judas, who was called Maccabeus, 5 and Eleazar, who was surnamed Avaran, and Jonathan, who was surnamed Apphus. 6 These saw the evils that were done among the people of Judah and in Jerusalem. 7 And Mattathias said: “Woe to me, for why was I born to see the grief of my people and the grief of the holy city, and to sit there, while it is given into the hands of the enemies? 8 The holy places have fallen into the hands of outsiders. Her temple is like a man without honor. 9 The vessels of her glory have been taken away captive. Her old men have been butchered in the streets, and her young men have fallen by the sword of the enemies. 10 What nation has not inherited her kingdom and taken from her spoils? 11 All her beauty has been taken away. She who was free, has become a slave. 12 And behold, our sanctuary, and our beauty, and our splendor has been desolated, and the Gentiles have defiled them. 13 Therefore, what is it to us that we still live?” 14 And Mattathias and his sons tore their garments, and they covered themselves with haircloth, and they lamented greatly. Pagan Worship Refused, Mattathias slays 2 and flees to the mountains 15 And those who had been sent from king Antiochus came to that place to compel those who fled into the city of Modin to immolate, and to burn frankincense, and to depart from the law of God. 16 And many of the people of Israel consented and came to them. But Mattathias and his sons stood firm. 17 And those who had been sent from Antiochus, responding, said to Mattathias: “You are a ruler, and very splendid and great in this city, and you are adorned with sons and brothers. 18 Therefore, approach first, and carryout the order of the king, as all the nations have done, and the men of Judah, and those who remained in Jerusalem. And you and your sons will be among the friends of the king, and enriched with gold and silver and many gifts.” 19 And Mattathias responded, and he said with a loud voice: “Even if all nations obey king Antiochus, so that each one departs from the service of the law of his fathers and consents to his commandments, 20 I and my sons and my brothers will obey the law of our fathers. 21 May God be forgiving to us. It is not useful for us to abandon the law and the justices of God. 22 We will not listen to the words of king Antiochus, nor will we sacrifice, transgressing the commandments of our law, so as to set out on another way.” 23 And, as he ceased speaking these words, a certain Jew approached in the sight of all to sacrifice to the idols upon the altar in the city of Modin, according to the order of the king. 24 And Mattathias saw, and he grieved, and his temperament trembled, and his fury was enkindled according to the judgment of the law, and leaping up, he slaughtered him on the altar. 25 Moreover, the man whom king Antiochus had sent, who compelled them to immolate, he killed at the same time, and he destroyed the altar, 26 and he was zealous for the law, just as Phinehas did to Zimri, the son of Salomi. 27 And Mattathias exclaimed with a loud voice in the city, saying, “All who hold zeal for the law, maintaining the covenant, let them follow me.” 28 And he and his sons fled to the mountains, and they left behind whatever they had in the city. Jews flee to the deserts, killed when they refuse to fight on the Sabbath 29 Then many who sought judgment and justice went down into the desert. 30 And they camped there, with their sons, and their wives, and their herds, because evils had overwhelmed them. 31 And it was reported to the king’s men, and to the army that was in Jerusalem, in the city of David, that certain men, who had cast aside the commandment of the king, had departed into the hidden places in the desert, and that many had followed after them. 32 And immediately, they went out to them, and they arranged a battle against them, on the day of the Sabbath. 33 And they said to them: “And now, do you still resist? Go out and act according to the word of king Antiochus, and you will live.” 34 And they said, “We will not go out, and we will not do the king’s word, so as to profane the day of the Sabbath.” 35 And they rushed against them in battle. 36 But they did not respond, nor did they cast a stone at them, nor did they barricade the hidden places, 37 for they said, “Let us all die in our simplicity. And heaven and earth will testify for us, that you destroyed us unjustly.” 38 So they carried out a battle on the Sabbath. And they were put to death, with their wives, and their sons, and their cattle, even to the number of a thousand souls of men. 39 And Mattathias and his friends heard of it, and they held a very great lamentation for them. 40 And every man said to his neighbor, “If we all do just as our brothers have done, and if we do not fight against the Gentiles for the sake of our lives and our justifications, then they will quickly eradicate us from the earth.” 41 And they decided, on that day, saying: “Every man, who will come against us in warfare on the day of the Sabbath, we will fight against him. And we will not all die, like our brothers who were put to death in the hidden places.” Counter-Attack 42 Then there was assembled before them the synagogue of the Hasideans, strong men from Israel, each one with a will for the law. 43 And all those who fled from the evils added themselves to them, and they became a firmament to them. 44 And they gathered together an army, and they struck down the sinners in their wrath and the wicked men in their indignation. And the others fled to the nations, so as to escape. 45 And Mattathias and his friends traveled around, and they destroyed the altars. 46 And they circumcised all the uncircumcised boys, whom they found within the limits of Israel, and they acted with fortitude. 47 And they pursued the sons of arrogance, and the work was prosperous in their hands. 48 And they obtained the law from the hands of the Gentiles, and from the hands of the kings. And they did not surrender the horn to the sinner. The Last Words of Mattathias, hall of faith 49 Then the days drew near when Mattathias would die, and he said to his sons: “Now arrogance and chastisement have been strengthened, and it is a time of overturning and of the wrath of indignation. 50 Now therefore, O sons, be imitators of the law, and give your lives for the sake of the covenant of your fathers. 51 And call to mind the works of the fathers, which they have done in their generations. And you will receive great glory and an eternal name. 52 Was not Abraham found to be faithful in temptation, and so it was accounted to him as justice? 53 Joseph, in the time of his anguish, kept the commandment, and he was made ruler of Egypt. 54 Phinehas our father, being zealous in the zeal of God, received the covenant of an eternal priesthood. 55 Jesus, since he fulfilled the word, was made a commander in Israel. 56 Caleb, since he testified in the assembly, received an inheritance. 57 David, in his mercy, obtained the throne of a kingdom for all generations. 58 Elijah, since he was zealous with a zeal for the law, was received into heaven. 59 Hananiah and Azariah and Mishael, by believing, were delivered from the flame. 60 Daniel, in his simplicity, was delivered from the mouth of the lions. 61 And so, consider that, through generation after generation of all those who trusted in him, none have failed in strength. 62 And fear not the words of a sinful man, for his glory is dung and worms. 63 Today he is extolled, and tomorrow he will not be found, because he has returned into his earth and his thinking has perished. 64 Therefore, you sons, be strengthened and act manfully in the law. For by it, you shall become glorious. 65 And behold, I know that your brother Simon is a man of counsel. Heed him always, and he will be a father to you. 66 And Judas Maccabeus, who has been strong and resourceful from his youth, let him be the leader of your militia, and he will manage the war of the people. 67 And you shall add to yourselves all who observe the law, and you shall claim the vindication of your people. 68 Render to the Gentiles their retribution, and pay attention to the precepts of the law.” 69 And he blessed them, and he was added to his fathers. 70 And he passed away in the one hundred and forty-sixth year, and he was buried by his sons in the sepulchers of his fathers, in Modin, and all Israel mourned for him with a great mourning.

*2 Macc. 4–7 - Simon Accuses Onias - 4:1 But the aforementioned Simon, who was a betrayer of the money and of his nation, spoke evil about Onias, as if he had instigated Heliodorus to do these things and as if he had been the inciter of evils. 2 And he dared to say that he was a traitor to the kingdom, though he provided for the city, and defended his people, and was zealous for the law of God. 3 But when the hostilities had proceeded to such an extent that even murders were committed by certain close associates of Simon, 4 Onias, considering the peril of this contention, and Apollonius to be mad, though he was governor of Coelesyria and Phoenicia, which only augmented the malice of Simon, he brought himself before the king, 5 not so as to be an accuser of a citizen, but in view of his own consideration for the common good of the entire multitude. 6 For he saw that, without royal providence, it would be impossible to provide peace to events, nor would Simon ever cease from his foolishness. Jason gives Antiochus IV Epiphanes money in exchange for the high priest’s office; instigates idolatry and Greek customs 7 But after the life of Seleucus expired, when Antiochus, who was called the illustrious, had assumed the kingdom, Jason, the brother of Onias, was ambitious for the high priesthood. 8 He went to the king, promising him three hundred and sixty talents of silver, and from other revenues eighty talents, 9 and beyond these, he promised also one hundred and fifty more, if he would be granted the authority to establish a sports arena, and a school for boys, and to enroll those who were at Jerusalem as Antiochians. 10 When the king had assented, and he had obtained the leadership, he immediately began to transfer his subjects to the rituals of the heathens. 11 And taking away those things that had been established by the kings, by reason of the humanitarianism of the Jews, through John, the father of Eupolemus, who formed a friendship and alliance with the Romans, he discharged the legitimate legislations, voiding the oaths of the citizens, and he sanctioned depraved customs. 12 For he even had the audacity to set up, below the very stronghold, a sports arena, and to place all of the best adolescent boys in brothels. 13 Now this was not the beginning, but a certain increase and progression of heathenism and foreign practices, due to the nefarious and unheard of wickedness of the impious non-priest Jason, 14 so much so that now the priests were not devoted to the concerns of services at the altar, but, despising the temple and neglecting the sacrifices, they hurried to become participants of the wrestling school, and of its prohibited injustices, and of the training of the discus. 15 And, even holding the honors of their fathers to be nothing, they esteemed the glories of the Greeks as best. 16 For the sake of these, they held a dangerous competition, and were imitators of their practices, and so, in all things, they desired to be similar to those who had been their enemies and destroyers. 17 But acting impiously against the divine laws does not go unpunished, as these subsequent events will reveal. Jason Introduces Greek Customs 18 But when the competition that was celebrated every fifth year was at Tyre, the king being present, 19 the villainous Jason sent sinful men from Jerusalem, carrying three hundred didrachmas of silver for the sacrifice of Hercules. But those who transported it asked that it might not be paid out for the sacrifices, because it was not needed, but might be used for other expenses. 20 So, even though this was offered by him who sent it for the sacrifice of Hercules, it was instead given over to the manufacture of Greek warships, because of those presenting it. 21 Then Apollonius, the son of Menestheus, was sent into Egypt because of the nobles of king Philometor of Ptolemy. But when Antiochus realized that he had been effectively alienated from the affairs of the kingdom, consulting his own interests, he started out from there and came to Joppa, and from there to Jerusalem. 22 And he was received magnificently by Jason and the city, and he entered with the lights of little torches and with praises. And from there he turned back with his army to Phoenicia. Menelaus Outbids Jason to Become High Priest 23 And, after three years, Jason sent Menelaus, the brother of the above mentioned Simon, carrying money to the king, and bearing responses about essential matters. 24 And he, being recommended to the king, when he had magnified the appearance of his power, usurped the high priesthood for himself, outbidding Jason by three hundred talents of silver. 25 And so, having received orders from the king, he returned, holding nothing at all worthy of the priesthood, in truth, having the soul of a cruel tyrant and the rage of a wild beast. 26 And indeed, Jason, who had taken captive his own brother, was himself deceived, and was expelled to become a fugitive in the region of the Ammonites. 27 Then Menelaus, indeed, obtained the principality, but truly, concerning the money that he had promised to the king, nothing was done. Although Sostratus, who was first over the stronghold, attempted to collect it, 28 since the collection of certain taxes pertained to him. For this reason, they were both called before the king. 29 And Menelaus was removed from the priesthood, being succeeded by Lysimachus, his brother. Then Sostratus was appointed over the Cyprians. Murder of Onias III 30 And while these things were occurring, it happened that those from Tarsus and Mallus incited a sedition, because they had been given as a gift to Antiochidi, the concubine of the king. 31 And so, the king hurried to come and calm them, leaving behind Andronicus, one of his associates, as his deputy. 32 Then Menelaus, believing that he had reached an opportune time, having stolen certain gold vessels out of the temple, gave them to Andronicus, along with others he had gained at Tyre and throughout the neighboring cities. 33 But when Onias had realized this with certainty, he accused him, keeping himself in a safe place at Antioch beside Daphne. 34 Meanwhile, Menelaus met with Andronicus, asking him to execute Onias. So he then went to Onias, and he gave him his right hand with an oath, and, even though he was suspicious of him, he persuaded him to venture out of asylum, and he immediately killed him, with no respect for justice. 35 For this reason, not only the Jews, but also the other nations, were indignant and bore much grief for the unjust killing of so great a man. 36 But when the king returned from the places of Cilicia, the Jews at Antioch, and similarly the Greeks, went to him, complaining of the iniquitous killing of Onias. 37 And so Antiochus was grieved in his mind because of Onias, and, being moved to compassion, he shed tears, remembering the sobriety and modesty of the deceased. 38 And, being inflamed in soul, he ordered the purple to be torn from Andronicus, and that he be led around, throughout the entire city, and that, in the same place where he had committed the impiety against Onias, the sacrilegious man should be deprived of his life, as his fitting punishment rendered by the Lord. Unpopularity of Lysimachus and Menelaus 39 But when many sacrileges were committed by Lysimachus in the temple through the counsel of Menelaus, and the news was divulged, the multitude gathered together against Lysimachus, though a great quantity of gold had been exported already. 40 But when the multitude stirred up an insurrection, and their minds were filled with anger, Lysimachus armed about three thousand, who began to act with hands of iniquity. A certain tyrant was their leader, a man advanced both in age and in madness. 41 But when they perceived the attempt of Lysimachus, some took hold of stones, others strong clubs, and, in truth, certain ones threw ashes upon Lysimachus. 42 And indeed, many were wounded, and some were struck down; however, all were put to flight. And, as for the sacrilegious man, they executed him beside the treasury. 43 Therefore, about these things, a judgment began to be stirred up against Menelaus. 44 And when the king had arrived at Tyre, three men were sent from the elders to bring the matter to him. 45 But when Menelaus was overcome, he promised to give much money to Ptolemy to persuade the king. 46 And so, Ptolemy went to the king in a certain court where he was, as if merely to refresh himself, and he influenced him away from the sentence. 47 And so Menelaus, though indeed guilty of all malice, was absolved of the crimes. Moreover, these pitiable men, who, even if they had pleaded their case before Scythians, would have been judged innocent, he condemned to death. 48 Therefore, those who brought the case on behalf of the city, and the people, and the sacred vessels were quickly given an unjust punishment. 49 For this reason, even the Tyrians, being indignant, proved to be very liberal toward their burial. 50 Thus, because of the greed of those who were in power, Menelaus remained in authority, increasing in malice, to the betrayal of the citizens. Jason Tries to Regain Control 5:1 At the same time, Antiochus prepared for a second journey into Egypt. 2 But it happened, throughout the entire city of Jerusalem, that there were seen, for forty days, horsemen rushing through the air, having golden robes, and armed with spears, like a cohort of soldiers, 3 and horses, set in order by ranks, running, coming together to engage in close combat, and the shaking of shields, and a helmeted multitude stretching forth swords, and the casting of darts, and the splendor of golden armor, and all kinds of breastplates. 4 Because of this, everyone begged that these prodigies might be turned to good. 5 But when a false rumor went out, as though the life of Antiochus had expired, Jason, taking with him no less than one thousand men, suddenly assaulted the city. And, though the citizens together rushed to the wall, the city at last was taken, and Menelaus fled into the stronghold. 6 Truly, Jason did not spare his citizens from the slaughter; not realizing that success at the expense of kin is a very great evil, he considered those over whom he was victorious to be enemies, and not citizens. 7 And so, he certainly did not obtain the leadership, but truly, in the end, received confusion for his betrayals, and he departed again to take refuge among the Ammonites. 8 In the end, to his ruin, he was enclosed by Aretas, the sovereign of the Arabs. And then, fleeing from city to city, hated by all as a detestable fugitive from the laws, and as an enemy of his own nation and citizens, he was expelled into Egypt. 9 And he who had expelled many from their native land perished abroad, starting out toward the Lacedaemonians, as if, for the sake of kinship, he should have refuge there. 10 And he who cast out many, unburied, was himself also cast out, both unlamented and unburied, and without having use of either foreign burial or a share of the sepulcher of his fathers. Antiochus IV Epiphanes attacks Jerusalem and executes 80,000 Jews 11 And so, when these things were done, the king suspected that the Jews would desert the alliance. And because of this, departing from Egypt with a raging soul, he indeed took the city by force. 12 Moreover, he ordered the military to execute, and not to spare, anyone they met, and to ascend through the houses to slay. 13 Therefore, a massacre occurred of youths and elders, an extermination of women and children, a killing of virgins and little ones. 14 And so, over three whole days, eighty thousand were executed, forty thousand were imprisoned, and no small number were sold. Pillage of the Temple 15 But, as if this were not enough, he even presumed to enter into the most holy temple in the entire world, with Menelaus, that traitor to the law and to his own nation, as his guide. 16 And, taking in his wicked hands the holy vessels, which were given by other kings and cities for the adornment and glory of the place, he unworthily handled and contaminated them. 17 So Antiochus, having gone astray in mind, did not consider that, because of the sins of the inhabitants of the city, God had become angry for a while, and so, for this reason, contempt had fallen upon the place. 18 Otherwise, if it had not happened that they were involved in so many sins, as with Heliodorus, who was sent by king Seleucus to plunder the treasury, so also this one, as soon as he had arrived, certainly would have been scourged and driven away from his audacity. 19 Truly, God did not choose the people because of the place, but the place because of the people. 20 And therefore, the place itself also became a participant in the evils of the people. But afterwards, it shall be a companion to what is good. And she who was abandoned to the wrath of Almighty God shall be exalted again with the greatest glory, at the reconciliation of the great Lord. 21 Therefore, when Antiochus had taken away from the temple one thousand eight hundred talents, he quickly returned to Antioch, thinking, in his arrogance, to navigate the earth, even by finding a passage leading across the open ocean: such was the elation of his mind. 22 Yet he left behind rulers to afflict the people. In fact, at Jerusalem, Philip was by birth a Phrygian, but he was in manners more cruel than he who had appointed him. 23 Yet Andronicus and Menelaus hung a heavier weight over the citizens at Garizim than the others. 24 And when he had been appointed over the Jews, he sent that hateful leader, Apollonius, with an army of twenty-two thousand, instructing him to execute all men in the prime of life, and to sell the women and the youths. 25 When he had arrived at Jerusalem, feigning peace, he remained quiet until the holy day of the Sabbath. And then, when the Jews were taking rest, he instructed his own to take up arms. 26 And he slaughtered all those who were seen going out. And rushing throughout the city with armed men, he destroyed a vast multitude. 27 But Judas Maccabeus, who was the tenth, had withdrawn himself to a deserted place, and there he lived life among the wild beasts in the mountains, with his own. And they remained there, consuming herbs as food, lest they be partakers in the defilement. The Suppression of Judaism, renamed temple to “Jupiter of Olympus” 6:1 But not much time later, the king sent a certain elder of Antioch, who compelled the Jews to transfer themselves from the laws of God and of their fathers, 2 and also to contaminate the temple that was in Jerusalem, and to name it ‘Jupiter of Olympus,’ and in Garizim, ‘Jupiter of Hospitality,’ exactly like those who inhabited the place. 3 Yet the worst and most grievous thing of all was the onrush of evils. 4 For the temple was full of the luxuries and carousings of the Gentiles, and of consorting with promiscuous women. And the women hurried themselves unreservedly into the sacred buildings, bringing in things that were not lawful. 5 And even the altar was filled with illicit things, which were prohibited by the laws. 6 And also the Sabbaths were not kept, and the solemn days of the fathers were not observed, neither did anyone simply confess himself to be a Jew. 7 And so, they were led by bitter necessity, on the birthday of the king, to the sacrifices. And, when the holy things of Liber were celebrated, they were forced to go around crowned with the ivy of Liber. 8 Then a decree went out to the neighboring cities of the Gentiles, suggested by the Ptolemeans, that they too should act in a similar manner against the Jews, to oblige them to sacrifice, 9 and that those who were not willing to conform to the institutions of the Gentiles should be executed. Therefore, there was misery to be seen. 10 For two women were denounced for having had their boys circumcised. These, with the infants suspended at their breasts, when they had publicly led them around the city, they cast down from the walls. 11 Truly, others, meeting together in nearby caves and celebrating the Sabbath day secretly, when they had been discovered by Philip, were burned with fire, because they showed reverence to the observances of religion, deciding to help themselves by their own hand. Providential Significance of the Persecution 12 So then, I beg those who will read this Book, let them not be repelled by these adverse events, but let them consider that these things happened, not for the destruction, but for the correction, of our people. 13 For it is also an indication of great benefits that sinners are not permitted to continue in their ways for a long time, but are promptly brought to punishment. 14 For, as it is with other nations, (whom the Lord patiently awaits, so that, when the day of Judgment will arrive, he may punish them according to the plentitude of their sins,) 15 not so does he also deal with us, as if to put off our sins until the end, so as to punish us for them eventually. 16 Because of this, he certainly would never take away his mercy from us. Yet truly, chastising his people in adversity, he does not abandon them. 17 But these few things have been spoken by us as a reminder to the reader. For now we have arrived at the narration. Martyrdom of Eleazar for not eating swine 18 And so, Eleazar, one of the chief scribes, a man advanced in years and of stately countenance, was compelled to open his mouth wide to consume the flesh of swine. 19 Yet he, embracing a most glorious death as greater than a detestable life, went forward voluntarily to the torments. 20 And so, thinking over the manner by which he ought to approach it, enduring patiently, he was determined not to permit, due to a love for life, any unlawful things. 21 Yet those who stood near, being moved by an iniquitous pity because of long friendship with the man, taking him aside privately, asked that flesh be brought which was lawful for him to eat, so that he could pretend to have eaten, just as the king had commanded, from the flesh of the sacrifice. 22 So then, by doing this, he might be freed from death. And it was because of their old friendship with the man that they performed this kindness for him. 23 But he began to consider the eminent dignity of his stage of life and old age, and the natural honor of gray hair, as well as his exemplary words and deeds from childhood. And he responded quickly, according also to the ordinances of the sacred law preserved by God, saying, that he would first be sent to the underworld. 24 “For it is not worthy for those of our age,” he said, “to deceive, so that many adolescents might think that Eleazar, at ninety years, had converted to the life of the foreigners. 25 And so, they, because of my pretense and for the sake of a brief time of a corruptible life, would be misled, and, through this stain and desecration, I would defile my last years. 26 But if, in the present time, I were rescued from the torments of men, I would then not escape the hand of the Almighty, neither in life, nor in death. 27 For this reason, by departing life with fortitude, I will show myself to be clearly worthy of my long life. 28 And so, I will bequeath an example of fortitude to youths, if, with a ready soul and constancy, I carry out an honest death, for the sake of the most serious and most holy laws.” And having said this, he was immediately dragged away to execution. 29 But those who led him, and who were more mild a little before, were turned to anger because of the words spoken by him, which they considered to have been brought forth by way of arrogance. 30 But when he was ready to perish by the scourges, he groaned, and he said: “O Lord, who holds all holy knowledge, you clearly understand that, although I could be freed from death, I suffer grievous pains in body. Truly, according to the soul, I willingly endure these things, because of your fear.” 31 And the way in which this man passed from this life, bequeathed, not only to youths, but also to the entire people, the memory of his death as an example of virtue and fortitude. Martyrdom of Seven Brothers and their mothers for refusing to conform to Epiphanes 7:1 And it happened also that seven brothers, united with their mother, were apprehended and compelled by the king to eat the flesh of swine against divine law, being tormented with scourges and whips. 2 But one of them, who was first, spoke in this way: “What would you ask, or what would you want to learn from us? We are ready to die, rather than to betray the laws that our fathers received from God.” 3 And so the king, being angry, ordered frying pans and bronze caldrons to be heated. When these were presently heated, 4 he ordered the tongue of him who had spoken first to be cut off, and, once the skin of his head had been pulled off, likewise his hands and feet to be cut off at the top, while the rest of his brothers and his mother were watching. 5 And when now he had been made helpless in all parts, he commanded him to be moved to the fire, and, while still breathing, to be fried in the frying pan. As he was suffering long torments therein, the rest, united with the mother, exhorted one another to die with fortitude, 6 saying: “The Lord God will perceive the truth, and he will be consoled in us, in the way that Moses declared in the profession of the canticle: ‘And in his servants, he will be consoled.’ ” 7 And so, when the first had died in this way, they led in the next one, so as to ridicule him. And when the skin of his head was pulled off with the hair, they asked him if he would eat, instead of being punished throughout the whole body in every limb. 8 But responding in the language of his fathers, he said, “I will not do it.” Because of this, he also, in the next place, received the torments of the first. 9 And when he had reached his last breath, he spoke in this way: “You, indeed, O most wicked man, are destroying us in this present life. But the King of the world will raise us up, in eternal life at the resurrection, for we die on behalf of his laws.” 10 After this one, the third was ridiculed, and when he was asked, he quickly offered up his tongue, and he resolutely extended his hands. 11 And he said with confidence, “I possess these from heaven, but, because of the laws of God, I now despise them, for I hope to receive them again from him.” 12 So then, the king and those who were with him, wondered at the soul of this youth, because he considered the torments as if they were nothing. 13 And after he had died in this way, they afflicted the fourth with similar tortures. 14 And when he was about to die, he spoke in this way: “It is preferable, being put to death by men, to wait for hope from God, so as to be revived again by him. But the resurrection to life will not be for you. 15 And when they had brought the fifth, they afflicted him. But he, gazing at him, 16 said: “Having power among men, though you are corruptible, you do what you want, but do not think that our nation has been abandoned by God. 17 And so, wait patiently for a while, and you will see his great power, by the manner in which he will torture you and your offspring.” 18 After this one, they brought the sixth, and he, being about to die, spoke in this way: “Do not go astray in vain. For we suffer because of ourselves, having sinned against our God, yet things worthy of admiration have been accomplished in us. 19 But do not consider that you will be without punishment, for you have attempted to fight against God.” 20 Now the mother was wonderful beyond measure, and a worthy memorial of the good, for she watched her seven sons perish within the time of one day, and she bore it with a good soul, because of the hope that she had in God. 21 And, with fortitude, she exhorted every one of them, in the language of the fathers, being filled with wisdom. And, joining masculine courage with feminine thinking, 22 she said to them: “I do not know how you were formed in my womb. For I did not give you spirit, nor soul, nor life; neither did I construct each of your limbs. 23 Nevertheless, the Creator of the world, who formed the nativity of man, and who founded the origins of all, will restore both spirit and life to you again, with his mercy, just as you now despise yourselves for the sake of his laws.” 24 But Antiochus, thinking himself despised, and at the same time also despising the voice of the reproacher, when only the youngest was still left, not only exhorted him with words, but also assured him with an oath, that he would make him wealthy and happy, and, if he would convert from the laws of his fathers, he would have him as a friend, and he would provide him with necessary things. 25 But, when the youth was not swayed by these things, the king called the mother and persuaded her to act toward the youth to save him. 26 And so, when he had exhorted her with many words, she promised that she would counsel her son. 27 Then, leaning towards him and mocking the cruel tyrant, she said in the language of the fathers: “My son, take pity on me, for I carried you for nine months in my womb, and I gave you milk for three years, and I nourished you and led you through to this stage of life. 28 I ask you, child, gaze upon heaven and earth, and all that is in them, and understand that God made them, and the family of man, out of nothing. 29 So shall it be that you will not fear this executioner, but, participating worthily with your brothers, you shall accept death, so that, by this mercy, I shall receive you again with your brothers.” 30 While she was still saying these things, the youth said: “What are you waiting for? I will not obey the precepts of the king, but the precepts of the law, which was given to us through Moses. 31 In truth, you, who have been the inventor of all malice against the Hebrews, will not escape the hand of God. 32 For we suffer these things because of our sins. 33 And if, for the sake of our chastisement and correction, the Lord our God is angry with us for a little while, yet still he will be reconciled again to his servants. 34 But as for you, O wicked and most disgraceful of all men, do not be extolled over nothing, with vain hopes, while you are inflamed against his servants. 35 For you have not yet escaped the judgment of Almighty God, who examines all things. 36 Therefore, my brothers, having now sustained brief sorrow, have been brought under the covenant of eternal life. But, in truth, you, by the judgment of God, will be released into just punishment for your arrogance. 37 But I, like my brothers, deliver up my soul and my body for the sake of the laws of the fathers, calling upon God so as to bring forgiveness upon our nation sooner, and so that you, with torments and lashings, may confess that he alone is God. 38 Truly, in me and in my brothers, the wrath of the Almighty, which has been led over all our people justly, shall cease.” 39 Then the king, burning with anger, raged against this one with cruelty beyond all the rest, bearing it indignantly that he himself was derided. 40 And so this one also died in purity, trusting in the Lord through all things. 41 Then, last of all, after the sons, the mother also was consumed. 42 Therefore, about the sacrifices and about the exceedingly great cruelties, enough has been said.

1 Macc. 3–7 - Leadership of Judas Maccabeus | Early Victories of Judas - 3:1 And his son Judas, who was called Maccabeus, rose up in his place. 2 And all his brothers assisted him, along with all those who had joined themselves to his father. And they fought the battle of Israel with rejoicing. 3 And he expanded the glory of his people, and he clothed himself with a breastplate like a giant, and he surrounded himself his weapons of war in battles, and he protected the camp with his sword. 4 In his actions, he became like a lion, and like a young lion roaring in the hunt. 5 And he pursued the wicked and tracked them down. And those who disturbed his people, he burned with fire. 6 And his enemies were repelled by the fear of him, and all the workers of iniquity were troubled. And salvation was well-directed in his hand. 7 And he provoked many kings, and he gave joy to Jacob by his works, and his memory will be a blessing for all generations. 8 And he traveled through the cities of Judah, and he destroyed the impious out of them, and he turned wrath away from Israel. 9 And he was renowned, even to the utmost part of the earth, and he gathered together those who were perishing. 10 And so Apollonius gathered together the Gentiles, with a numerous and great army from Samaria, to make war against Israel. 11 And Judas knew about it, and he went forth to meet him. And he struck him and killed him. And many fell down wounded, and the rest fled away. 12 And he took away their spoils. And Judas took possession of the sword of Apollonius, and he fought with it during all his days. 13 And Seron, the leader of the army of Syria, heard that Judas had gathered together a company of the faithful and an assembly with him. 14 And he said, “I will make a name for myself, and I will be glorified in the kingdom, and I will defeat Judas in warfare, and those who are with him, who have spurned the word of the king.” 15 And he prepared himself. And the camp of the impious went up with him, with strong auxiliaries, so as to act with vengeance upon the sons of Israel. 16 And they approached even as far as Bethhoron. And Judas went forth to meet him, with a few men. 17 But when they saw the army coming to meet them, they said to Judas, “How will we few be able to fight against so great and so strong a multitude, even though we are weakened by fasting today?” 18 And Judas said: “It is easy for many to be enclosed in the hands of a few, for there is no difference in the sight of the God of heaven to liberate by means of many, or by means of few. 19 For victory in warfare is not in the multitude of the army, but in the strength from heaven. 20 They come to us with a contemptuous multitude and with arrogance, in order to destroy us, with our wives and our sons, and to despoil us. 21 In truth, we will fight on behalf of our souls and our laws. 22 And the Lord himself will crush them before our face. But as for you, do not fear them.” 23 And as soon as he had ceased speaking, he attacked them suddenly. And Seron and his army were crushed in his sight. 24 And he pursued him from the descent of Bethhoron, even to the plains. And eight hundred of their men were cut down, but the rest fled into the land of the Philistines. 25 And the fear and dread of Judas, as well as his brothers, fell upon all the nations around them. 26 And his name reached even to the king, and all the nations told stories of the battles of Judas. The Policy of Antiochus 27 But when king Antiochus heard these accounts, he was angry to his very soul. And he sent and gathered together forces from his entire kingdom, a very strong army. 28 And he opened his treasury, and he gave out stipends to the army for a year. And he commanded them to make ready for all things. 29 And he saw that the money from his treasures had failed, and that the tributes of the country were small, because of the dissension and the scourging that he had caused on earth in order to take away the legitimate laws, which had been since the first days. 30 And he feared, lest he not have enough the second time as the first, for expenses and gifts, which he had given before with a liberal hand. For his excesses were more than the kings who had been before him. 31 And he was alarmed to his very soul, and he intended to go into Persia, and to take tributes from the regions, and to gather together much money. 32 And he left behind Lysias, a nobleman of royal family, to preside over the kingdom from the river Euphrates, even to the river of Egypt, 33 and to raise his son, Antiochus, until he would return. 34 And he handed over to him half of the army, and the elephants. And he commanded him concerning all that he wanted, and concerning the inhabitants of Judea and Jerusalem: 35 so that he would send an army against them to crush and to root out the virtue of Israel and the remnant of Jerusalem, and to take away the memory of them from that place, 36 and so that he would establish dwelling places for the sons of foreigners in all their parts, and would distribute their land by lot. 37 And so, the king took the remaining part of the army, and he went forth from Antioch, the city of his kingdom, in the one hundred and forty-seventh year. And he crossed over the river Euphrates, and he traveled through the upper regions. Preparations for Battle 38 Then Lysias chose Ptolemy, the son of Dorymenes, and Nicanor and Gorgias, powerful men from among the king’s friends. 39 And he sent them with forty thousand men, and seven thousand horsemen, to enter into the land of Judah, and to destroy it, according to the word of the king. 40 And so, they proceeded with all their power, and they arrived and took a position near Emmaus, in the land of the plains. 41 And the merchants of the regions heard of their name. And they took very much silver, and gold, and servants, and they came into the camp to take the sons of Israel into servitude. And armies from Syria and from the lands of foreigners were added to them. 42 And Judas and his brothers saw that evils were being multiplied, and that armies had been positioned near their borders. And they knew the words of the king, which ordered the people to be put to death and to be utterly consumed. 43 And they said, each one to his neighbor, “Let us relieve the dejection of our people, and let us fight on behalf of our people and our sacred places.” 44 And an assembly was gathered together, so that they would be prepared for battle, and so that they could pray and ask for mercy and compassion. 45 Now Jerusalem was not inhabited, but was like a desert. There was no one who entered or exited from among her children. And the sanctuary was trampled upon, and the sons of foreigners were in the stronghold. This place was the habitation of the Gentiles. And delight was taken away from Jacob, and the music of flute and harp ceased in that place. 46 And they gathered together and came to Mizpah, opposite Jerusalem. For a place of prayer was in Mizpah, in the former Israel. 47 And they fasted on that day, and they clothed themselves with haircloth, and they placed ashes on their heads, and they tore their garments. 48 And they laid open the books of the law, in which the Gentiles searched for the likeness of their idols. 49 And they brought the priestly ornaments, and the first fruits and tithes, and they roused the Nazirites, who had fulfilled their days. 50 And they cried out with a loud voice toward heaven, saying: “What shall we do with these, and where shall we take them? 51 For your holy things have been trampled and defiled, and your priests have been in mourning and in humiliation. 52 And behold, the Nations gather together against us, to destroy us. You know what they intend against us. 53 How shall we be able to stand before their face, unless you, O God, assist us?” 54 Then they sounded the trumpets with a loud call. 55 And after this, Judas appointed commanders over the people: over thousands, and over hundreds, and over fifties, and over tens. 56 And he said to those who were building houses, or who had betrothed wives, who were planting vineyards, or who were terribly afraid, that they should return, each one to his own house, according to the law. 57 So they moved the camp, and relocated to the south of Emmaus. 58 And Judas said: “Gird yourselves, and be sons of power, and be ready in the morning, so that you may fight against these nations that have assembled against us, so as to destroy us and our sacred things. 59 For it is better for us to die in battle, than to see evils come to our nation and to the sacred places. 60 Nevertheless, as it shall be willed in heaven, so let it be.” Battle at Emmaus, God gives them a victory 4:1 Then Gorgias took five thousand men and a thousand chosen horsemen, and they moved out of the camp by night, 2 so that they might set upon the camp of the Jews and strike them suddenly. And the sons who were from the stronghold were their guides. 3 And Judas heard of it, and he rose up, with his powerful men, to strike the force from the king’s army that was in Emmaus. 4 For the army was still dispersed from the camp. 5 And Gorgias came by night, into the camp of Judas, and found no one, and he sought them in the mountains. For he said, “These men flee from us.” 6 And when it had become day, Judas appeared in the plain with only three thousand men, who had neither armor nor swords. 7 And they saw the strength of the camp of the Gentiles, and the men in armor, and the horsemen surrounding them, and that these were trained to fight. 8 And Judas said to the men who were with him: “Do not be afraid of their multitude, and do not dread their attack. 9 Remember in what way salvation came to our fathers in the Red Sea, when Pharaoh pursued them with a great army. 10 And now, let us cry out to heaven, and the Lord will have mercy on us, and he will remember the covenant of our fathers, and he will crush this army before our face this day. 11 And all nations shall know that there is One who redeems and frees Israel.” 12 And the foreigners lifted up their eyes, and they saw them coming against them. 13 And they went out of the camp into battle, and those who were with Judas sounded the trumpet. 14 And they came together. And the Gentiles were crushed, and they fled into the plains. 15 But the last of them all fell by the sword, and they pursued them even to Gazara, and even to the plains of Idumea, and Azotus, and Jamnia. And there fell from them as many as three thousand men. 16 And Judas returned, with his army following him. 17 And he said to the people: “Do not desire the spoils; for there is war before us. 18 And Gorgias and his army are near us on the mountain. But stand firm now against our enemies, and fight against them, and you shall take the spoils afterwards, securely.” 19 And while Judas was speaking these words, behold, a certain part of them appeared, looking out from the mountain. 20 And Gorgias saw that his men were put to flight, and that they had set fire to the camp. For the smoke that he saw declared what had happened. 21 When they had seen this, they became very afraid, seeing at the same time both Judas and his army in the plains prepared to do battle. 22 So they all fled away into the encampment of the foreigners. 23 And Judas returned to take the spoils of the camp, and they obtained much gold and silver, and hyacinth, and purple of the sea, and great riches. 24 And returning, they sang a canticle, and they blessed God in heaven, because he is good, because his mercy is with every generation. 25 And so, a great salvation occurred in Israel in that day. First Campaign of Lysias 26 But those among the foreigners who escaped went and reported to Lysias all that had happened. 27 And when he heard these things, he was discouraged, being alarmed to his very soul. For things had not occurred in Israel according to his wishes, nor as the king had commanded. 28 And, in the following year, Lysias gathered together sixty thousand chosen men and five thousand horsemen, so that he might defeat them in warfare. 29 And they came into Judea, and they positioned their camp in Bethzur, and Judas met them with ten thousand men. 30 And they saw the strength of the army, and so he prayed, and he said: “Blessed are you, Savior of Israel, who crushed the assault of the powerful by the hand of your servant David, and who delivered up the camp of the foreigners into the hand of Jonathan, the son of Saul, and his armor bearer. 31 Enclose this army in the hand of your people Israel, and let them be confounded in their soldiers and their horsemen. 32 Strike them with dread, and melt away the boldness of their strength, and let them shudder in their grief. 33 Cast them down with the sword of those who love you, and let all who know your name praise you with hymns.” 34 And they went forth to battle, and there fell from the army of Lysias five thousand men. 35 But Lysias, seeing their flight and the boldness of the Jews, and that they were prepared either to live or to die with fortitude, went to Antioch and chose soldiers, so that they might come back to Judea with greater numbers. Cleansing and Dedication of the Temple 36 Then Judas and his brothers said: “Behold, our enemies have been crushed. Let us go up now to cleanse and renew the holy places.” 37 And all the army gathered together, and they ascended to Mount Zion. 38 And they saw the sanctuary deserted, and the altar profaned, and the gates burned, and weeds growing up in the courts, as in a forest or as on the mountains, and the adjoining chambers demolished. 39 And they rent their garments, and they made a great wailing, and they placed ashes on their heads. 40 And they fell to the ground on their faces, and they sounded the trumpets of alarm, and they cried out toward heaven. 41 Then Judas numbered men to fight against those who were in the stronghold, until they had cleansed the holy places. 42 And he chose priests without blemish, whose will held to the law of God. 43 And they cleansed the holy places, and they took away the stones of defilement to an unclean place. 44 And he considered the altar of holocausts, which had been profaned, as to what he should do with it. 45 And a good counsel fell upon them, to destroy it, lest it might become a reproach to them, because the Gentiles had defiled it; so they demolished it. 46 And they stored the stones in the mountain house, in a fitting place, until there should come a prophet, who would provide an answer about these. 47 Then they took whole stones, according to the law, and they built a new altar, according to that which was before. 48 And they rebuilt the holy places and the things that were in the inner parts of the temple, and they sanctified the temple and the courts. 49 And they made new holy vessels, and they brought the lampstand, and the altar of incense, and the table into the temple. 50 And they placed incense on the altar, and they lit the lamps, which were on the lampstand, and they gave light in the temple. 51 And they placed the bread on the table, and they hung up the veils, and they completed all the works which they had begun. 52 And they arose before the morning, on the twenty-fifth day of the ninth month, (which is the month of Kislev) in the one hundred and forty-eighth year. 53 And they offered sacrifice, according to the law, on the new altar of holocausts that they made. 54 According to the time and according to the day, on which the Gentiles had contaminated it, on the same day, it was renewed with canticles, and lutes, and lyres, and cymbals. 55 And all the people fell upon their faces, and they adored, and they blessed, toward heaven, him that had prospered them. 56 And they kept the dedication of the altar for eight days, and they offered holocausts with joy, and sacrifices of salvation and praise. 57 And they adorned the face of the temple with crowns of gold and small shields. And they dedicated the gates and the adjoining chambers, and they set up doors on them. 58 And there was very great rejoicing among the people, and the disgrace of the Gentiles was averted. 59 And Judas, and his brothers, and all the assembly of Israel decreed that the day of the dedication of the altar must be kept in its time, from year to year, for eight days, from the twenty-fifth day of the month of Kislev, with joy and gladness. 60 And they built up, at that time, Mount Zion, with high walls and strong towers all around, lest the Gentiles should at any time come and trample upon it, as they did before. 61 And he stationed a garrison there, to keep it, and he fortified it, in order to guard Bethzur, so that the people might have a fortification opposite the face of Idumea. Wars with Neighboring Peoples 5:1 And it happened that, when the surrounding nations heard that the altar and the sanctuary had been rebuilt as before, they were very angry. 2 And they intended to destroy the people of Jacob that were among them, and they began to kill some of the people, and to persecute them. 3 Then Judas defeated in warfare the sons of Esau in Idumea, and those who were in Akrabattene, because they besieged the Israelites, and he struck them with a great scourging. 4 And he remembered the malice of the sons of Baean, who were a snare and a scandal to the people, lying in ambush for them in the way. 5 And they were trapped by him in the towers, and he took up a position near them, and he anathematized them, and he burned their towers with fire, along with all who were in them. 6 Then he crossed over to the sons of Ammon, and he found a strong hand, and an abundant people, and Timothy was their commander. 7 And he engaged in many battles with them, and they were crushed in their sight, and he struck them down. 8 And he seized the city of Jazer, and her sister cities, and he returned to Judea. Liberation of Galilean Jews 9 And the Gentiles, who were in Gilead, gathered together against the Israelites, who were within their borders, to take them away, and so they fled into the fortress of Dathema. 10 And they sent letters to Judas and his brothers, saying: “The Gentiles all around have been gathering together against us to carry us away. 11 And they are preparing to come and occupy the fortress into which we have fled. And Timothy is the commander of their army. 12 Now, therefore, come and rescue us from their hands, for many of us have fallen. 13 And all our brothers, who were in the places of Tob, have been put to death. And they have led away as captives their wives, and their children, and their spoils. And they have slain nearly a thousand men in that place.” 14 And while they were still reading these letters, behold, there arrived from Galilee other messengers, with torn garments, who announced according to these words: 15 saying that those of Ptolemais and Tyre and Sidon have assembled against them, “and all of Galilee has been filled with foreigners, in order to consume us.” 16 So then, when Judas and the people heard these words, a great assembly came together, to consider what they should do for their brothers who were in trouble and were being assailed by them. 17 And Judas said to Simon his brother: “Choose men for yourself, and go, and free your brothers in Galilee. But I and my brother Jonathan, will go into the country of Gilead.” 18 And he left behind Joseph, son of Zachariah, and Azariah, as commanders of the people, with the remainder of the army, in Judea, to guard it. 19 And he instructed them, saying, “Take charge of this people, but do not go to war against the Gentiles, until we return.” 20 Now three thousand men were divided to Simon, to go into Galilee, but eight thousand were divided to Judas, to go into the land of Gilead. 21 And Simon went into Galilee, and he engaged in many battles with the Gentiles, and the Gentiles were crushed before his face, and he pursued them even to the gates of Ptolemais. 22 And there fell of the Gentiles nearly three thousand men, and he took their spoils. 23 And he took with him those who were in Galilee and in Arbatta, with their wives and children, and all that was theirs, and he led them into Judea with great rejoicing. Judas and Jonathan in Gilead 24 And Judas Maccabeus, and Jonathan his brother, crossed over the Jordan, and they traveled three days’ journey through the desert. 25 And the Nabateans met them, and they accepted them peacefully, and they described to them all that had happened to their brothers in the land of Gilead, 26 and that many of them were trapped in Bozrah, and Bosor, and Alema, and in Chaspho, and Maked, and Carnaim. All these are large and fortified cities. 27 Moreover, they were held in their grasp in the other cities of Gilead, and they had arranged to move their army, on the next day, to these cities, and to seize them, and to destroy them all in one day. 28 Then Judas and his army unexpectedly turned their path into the desert, to Bosor, and they occupied the city. And he killed every male by the edge of the sword, and took all their spoils, and burned it with fire. 29 And they arose from there by night, and they went forth all the way to the fortress. 30 And it happened that, at first light, when they lifted up their eyes, behold, there was a multitude of people, which could not be numbered, bringing ladders and machines, in order to seize the fortress, and to assault them. 31 And Judas saw that the fight had begun, and the cry of the battle went up to heaven like a trumpet, and a great cry went out of the city. 32 And he said to his army, “Fight today on behalf of your brothers.” 33 And he came, with three companies behind them, and they sounded the trumpets, and they cried out in prayer. 34 And the camp of Timothy knew that it was Maccabeus, and they took flight before his face. And they struck them with a great scourging. And there fell from them in that day nearly eight thousand men. 35 And Judas diverted to Mizpah, and he fought and seized it. And he killed all of its males, and he took its spoils, and he burned it with fire. 36 From there, he continued on, and he seized Chaspho, and Maked, and Bosor, and the rest of the cities of Gilead. 37 But after these events, Timothy gathered together another army, and he positioned his camp opposite Raphon, across the torrent. 38 And Judas sent men to catch sight of the army. And they reported back to him, saying: “All the nations that surround us have assembled before him, with an exceedingly great army. 39 And they have brought the Arabians as auxiliaries to them, and they have set up camp across the torrent, in preparation to come against you in battle.” And Judas went to meet them. 40 And Timothy said to the leaders of his army: “When Judas and his army approach, close to the torrent of water, if he crosses over to us first, we will not be able to withstand him. For he will be able to prevail against us. 41 If, truly, he is afraid to cross over, and so he sets up camp across the river, we will cross over to them, and we will prevail against him.” 42 But when Judas approached, close to the torrent of water, he stationed the scribes of the people near the torrent, and he commanded them, saying, “Permit no man to stay behind, but let all come into the battle.” 43 And he crossed over to them first, and all the people after him. And all the Gentiles were crushed before their face, and they threw away their weapons, and they fled to the temple that was in Carnaim. 44 And he occupied that city, and he burned the temple with fire, along with all the things that were in it. And Carnaim was subdued, and it could not stand against the face of Judas. The Return to Jerusalem 45 And Judas gathered together all the Israelites who were in the land of Gilead, from the least even to the greatest, with their wives and children, and a very great army, to come into the land of Judah. 46 And they came as far as Ephron. And this was a great city, positioned at the entrance, strongly fortified, and there was no way to go around it on the right or on the left, but the path was through the midst of it. 47 And those who were in the city shut themselves in and barricaded the gates with stones. And so Judas sent to them with words of peace, 48 saying, “Let us cross through your land, to go into our own land, and no one will harm you; we will only cross through on foot.” But they were not willing to open to them. 49 Then Judas instructed a proclamation to be made in the camp, that they would engage them, each one from the place where he was. 50 And the men of the army drew close. And he assaulted that city all day and all night. And the city was delivered into his hand. 51 And they destroyed every male with the edge of the sword, and he eradicated the city, and he took its spoils, and he crossed through the entire city, over those who had been slain. 52 Then they crossed over the Jordan to the great plain that is opposite the face of Bethshan. 53 And Judas was gathering the stragglers and exhorting the people, throughout the entire way, until they came into the land of Judah. 54 And they ascended to mount Zion with joy and gladness, and they offered holocausts, because not one of them had fallen, until they had returned in peace. Joseph and Azariah Defeated 55 Now in the days that Judas and Jonathan were in the land of Gilead, and Simon his brother was in Galilee against the face of Ptolemais: 56 Joseph, the son of Zachariah, and Azariah, the leader of the army, heard good things about the battles that were fought. 57 And he said, “Let us also make a name for ourselves, and let us go to fight against the Gentiles that are all around us.” 58 And he gave orders to those who were in his army, and they went out towards Jamnia. 59 And Gorgias and his men exited the city, to meet them in the fight. 60 And Joseph and Azariah were forced to flee, even to the borders of Judea. And there fell on that day, from the people of Israel, up to two thousand men, and it was a great defeat for the people. 61 For they did not listen to Judas and his brothers, supposing that they should act boldly. 62 But these were not of the offspring of those men by whom salvation was brought to Israel. 63 And the men of Judah were magnified greatly in the sight of all Israel and of all the nations where their name was heard. 64 And the people gathered to them with favorable acclamations. Success at Hebron and Philistia 65 And so Judas and his brothers went out and assailed the sons of Esau, in the land that is toward the south, and he struck Hebron and her sister cities, and he burned its walls and the towers all around it with fire. 66 And he moved his camp to go into the land of the foreigners, and he traveled through Samaria. 67 In that day, some priests fell in battle. Since they desired to act boldly, they went out, without counsel, into the battle. 68 And Judas turned aside to Azotus, into the land of the foreigners, and he destroyed their altars, and he burned the statues of their gods with fire. And he seized the spoils of the cities, and he returned to the land of Judah. The Last Days of Antiochus Epiphanes 6:1 And king Antiochus was traveling through the upper regions, and he heard that the city of Elymais in Persia was very noble and abundant in silver and gold, 2 and that the temple in it was very opulent, and that there were, in that place, coverings of gold, and breastplates and shields, which Alexander, the son of Philip, king of Macedonia, who reigned first in Greece, had left behind. 3 So he came and sought to seize the city and to pillage it. And he was not able, because this plan became known to those who were in the city. 4 And they rose up in battle, and he fled away from there, and he departed with great sadness, and he returned into Babylon. 5 And someone arrived to report to him in Persia, that those who were in the land of Judah were forced to flee the camp, 6 and that Lysias went forth with a particularly strong army, and he was forced to flee before the face of the Jews, and that they were strengthened by the weapons, and resources, and many spoils which they seized from the camps they demolished, 7 and that they had destroyed the abomination, which he had established on the altar that was in Jerusalem, and that the sanctuary, just as before, had been encircled with high walls, along with Bethzur, his city. 8 And it happened that, when the king heard these words, he was terrified and very moved. And he fell down on his bed, and he fell into feebleness out of grief. For it had not happened to him as he had intended. 9 And he was in that place through many days. For a great grief was renewed in him, and he concluded that he would die. 10 And he called all his friends, and he said to them: “Sleep has withdrawn from my eyes, and I am declining, and my heart has collapsed out of anxiety. 11 And I said in my heart: How much trouble has come to me, and what floods of sorrow there are, where I am now! I used to be cheerful and beloved in my power! 12 Truly, now, I remember the evils that I did in Jerusalem, from which place I also took away all the spoils of gold and silver that were in it, and I sent to carry away the inhabitants of Judah without cause. 13 Therefore, I know that it is because of this that these evils have found me. And behold, I perish with great sorrow in a foreign land.” 14 Then he called Philip, one of his friends, and he placed him first over all his kingdom. 15 And he gave him the diadem, and his robe, and his ring, so that he would guide Antiochus, his son, and raise him, and so that he would reign. 16 And king Antiochus died there, in the one hundred and forty-ninth year. 17 And Lysias knew that the king was dead, and he appointed Antiochus, his son, to reign, whom he had raised from adolescence. And he called his name Eupator. Renewed Attacks from Syria 18 And those who were in the stronghold had enclosed the Israelites by surrounding the holy places. And they continually sought to do evil to them and to support the Gentiles. 19 And Judas intended to disperse them. And he called together all the people, in order to besiege them. 20 And they came together and besieged them in the one hundred and fiftieth year, and they made catapults and other machines. 21 And certain ones of these, who were besieged, escaped. And some of the impious out of Israel joined themselves to them. 22 And they went to the king, and they said: “How long will you not act with judgment and vindicate our brothers? 23 We resolved to serve your father, and to walk according to his precepts, and to obey his edicts. 24 And because of this, the sons of our people have alienated themselves from us, and they have put to death as many of us as they could find, and they have torn apart our inheritances. 25 And they have not extended their hand against us only, but also against all within our borders. 26 And behold, this day they have taken a position near the stronghold of Jerusalem to occupy it, and they have fortified the stronghold of Bethzur. 27 And, unless you quickly act to prevent them, they will do greater things than these, and you will not be able to subdue them.” 28 And the king was angry when he heard this. And he called together all his friends, and the leaders of his army, and those who were over the horsemen. 29 But there even came to him mercenary armies from other kingdoms and from the islands of the sea. 30 And the number of his army was one hundred thousand footmen, and twenty thousand horsemen, and thirty-two elephants trained for battle. 31 And they traveled through Idumea, and they took a position near Bethzur. And they fought for many days, and they made machines of war. But they came out and burnt them with fire, and they fought manfully. The Battle at Beth-zechariah 32 And Judas departed from the stronghold, and he moved the camp to Bethzechariah, opposite the camp of the king. 33 And the king rose up, before it was light, and he forced his troops to march toward the way of Bethzechariah. And the armies prepared themselves for battle, and they sounded the trumpets. 34 And they showed the elephants the blood of grapes and mulberries, to provoke them to fight. 35 And they divided the beasts by the legions, and there stood by every elephant a thousand men, with shields joined together and with brass helmets on their heads. And five hundred well-ordered horsemen were chosen for every beast. 36 These were ready beforehand, and wherever the beast was, they were there; and whenever it moved, they moved, and they did not depart from it. 37 Moreover, upon them there were strong wooden turrets, watching over every beast, with machines upon them, and on them were thirty-two valiant men, who fought from above, and an Indian to rule each beast. 38 And the rest of the horsemen, he stationed here and there, in two parts, with trumpets to stir up the army and to urge on those who were slow to move within its legions. 39 And so, when the sun reflected off the shields of gold and of brass, the mountains were resplendent from them, and they glowed like lamps of fire. 40 And part of the king’s army was divided to the high mountains, and the other part to the low places. And they went forth with order and caution. 41 And all the inhabitants of the land were shaken at the voice of their multitude, and at the advance of the company, and at the clash of the armor. For the army was very great and strong. 42 And Judas and his army drew near for battle. And there fell of the king’s army six hundred men. 43 And Eleazar, the son of Saura, saw one of the beasts shielded with the king’s shield, and it was higher than the other beasts. So it seemed to him that the king must be on it. 44 And he gave himself for the freedom of his people, and to obtain for himself a name in eternity. 45 And he ran up to it boldly in the midst of the legion, killing on the right and on the left, and they fell down before him on this side and that. 46 And he went between the feet of the elephant, and put himself under it, and he killed it. And it fell to the ground upon him, and he died there. 47 And, seeing the strength of the king and the forcefulness of his army, they turned themselves away from them. The Siege of the Temple 48 But the king’s camp went up against them in Jerusalem. And the king’s camp took up a position near Judea and Mount Zion. 49 And he made peace with those who were in Bethzur. And they went out of the city, because they had no provisions in their confinement, for it was the Sabbath of the land. 50 And the king captured Bethzur, and he stationed a garrison there to keep it. 51 And he turned his camp against the place of sanctification for many days. And he stationed there catapults and other machines: machines to cast fire, and windlasses to cast stones and darts, and small catapults to cast arrows and metal. 52 But they also made machines against their machines, and they fought for many days. 53 But there were no foods in the city, because it was the seventh year. And those who had remained in Judea were from the Gentiles, so they consumed all that they had left from what had been stored up. 54 And there remained in the holy places a few men, for the famine had prevailed over them. And they were scattered, each one to his own place. Syria Offers Terms 55 Then Lysias heard that Philip, whom king Antiochus had appointed, when he was still alive, to raise his son, Antiochus, and to reign, 56 had returned from Persia and Media, with the army that went with him, and that he sought to take upon himself the affairs of the kingdom. 57 He hurried to go and to say to the king and the commanders of the army: “We are weakened every day, and our food is limited, and the place that we besiege is strong, and it is incumbent upon us to put the kingdom in order. 58 And so now, let us bestow a pledge to these men, and make peace with them and with all their nation. 59 And let us establish for them that they may walk according to their own laws, just as before. For, because of their laws, which we despised, they have become angry and have done all these things.” 60 And the idea was pleasing in the sight of the king and the leaders. And he sent to them to make peace. And they accepted it. 61 And the king and the leaders swore to them. And they went out of the stronghold. 62 Then the king entered into Mount Zion, and saw the fortifications of the place, and so he abruptly broke the oath that he had sworn, and he commanded the surrounding wall to be destroyed. 63 And he departed in haste and returned to Antioch, where he found Philip ruling the city. And he fought against him and occupied the city. Demetrius Soter takes throne, kills Eupator 7:1 In the one hundred and fifty-first year, Demetrius, the son of Seleucus, departed from the city of Rome, and he went up with a few men to a maritime city, and he reigned there. 2 And it happened that, as he entered into the house of the kingdom of his fathers, the army captured Antiochus and Lysias, to bring them to him. 3 And the matter became known to him, and he said, “Do not show me their face.” 4 And so the army killed them. And Demetrius sat upon the throne of his kingdom. Expedition of Bacchides, wicked Alcimus made high priest 5 And there came to him iniquitous and impious men from Israel. And Alcimus was their leader, who wanted to be made a priest. 6 And they accused the people to the king, saying: “Judas and his brothers have destroyed all your friends, and he has scattered us from our land. 7 Now, therefore, send a man, whom you trust, and let him go and see all the destruction he has done to us and to the regions of the king. And let him punish all his friends and their helpers.” 8 And so the king chose, from among his friends, Bacchides, who ruled across the great river in the kingdom, and who was faithful to the king. And he sent him 9 to see the destruction that Judas had done. Moreover, he appointed the wicked Alcimus to the priesthood, and he commanded him to take revenge on the sons of Israel. 10 And they rose up and came forth with a great army into the land of Judah. And they sent messengers, who spoke to Judas and his brothers with words of peace, in deceitfulness. 11 But they did not heed their words, for they saw that they arrived with a great army. 12 Then there assembled to Alcimus and Bacchides, a congregation of scribes, to seek just terms. 13 And first, the Hasideans, who were among the sons of Israel, also sought peace from them. 14 For they said, “A man who is a priest from the offspring of Aaron has arrived; he will not deceive us.” 15 And he spoke to them peaceful words, and he swore to them, saying, “We will not carry out any evil against you or your friends.” 16 And they believed him. And he captured sixty of their men and killed them in one day, according to the word that is written: 17 The flesh of your saints, and their blood, they have poured out all around Jerusalem, and there was no one who would bury them. 18 Then fear and trembling hovered over all the people. For they said: “There is no truth or judgment among them. For they have transgressed the agreement and the oath that they swore.” 19 And Bacchides moved the camp from Jerusalem, and he took up a position at Bethzaith. And he sent and captured many of those who had fled from him, and some of the people he killed in sacrifice, and he threw them into a great pit. 20 Then he committed the country to Alcimus, and he left behind troops with him to assist him. And so Bacchides went away to the king. 21 And Alcimus did what he pleased by means of his leadership of the priesthood. 22 And all those who disturbed the people assembled before him, and they obtained the land of Judah, and they caused a great scourging in Israel. 23 And Judas saw all the evils that Alcimus, and those who were with him, did to the sons of Israel, even more than the Gentiles did. 24 And he went out into all the parts surrounding Judea, and he took vengeance on the men who had rebelled, and they ceased to go forth into the region any longer. 25 But Alcimus saw that Judas, and those who were with him, prevailed. And he knew that he was not able to withstand them. And so he returned to the king, and he accused them of many crimes. Nicanor in Judea, uses deceit to meet Judas, threatens temple 26 And the king sent Nicanor, one of his principal noblemen, who was a cultivator of hostility against Israel. And he commanded him to overthrow the people. 27 And Nicanor came to Jerusalem with a great army, and he sent to Judas and his brothers words of peace, with deceitfulness, 28 saying: “Let there be no fighting between me and you. I will come with a few men, to see your faces with peace.” 29 And he came to Judas, and they greeted one another in turns, peaceably. And the enemies were prepared to abduct Judas. 30 And the plan became known to Judas, that he came to him with deceit. And so he became very afraid of him, and he was no longer willing to see his face. 31 And Nicanor knew that his plan had been exposed, and he went out to meet Judas in battle near Capharsalama. 32 And there fell of the army of Nicanor nearly five thousand men, and they fled into the city of David. 33 And after these events, Nicanor ascended to mount Zion. And some of the priests of the people went out to greet him in peace, and to show him the holocausts that were offered for the king. 34 But he mocked and despised them, and he defiled them. And he spoke arrogantly, 35 and he swore with anger, saying, “Unless Judas and his army have been delivered into my hands, when I return in peace, I will burn this house.” And he went out with great anger. 36 And the priests went in and stood before the face of the altar and the temple. And weeping, they said: 37 “You, O Lord, have chosen this house so that your name may be invoked in it, so that it may be a house of prayer and supplication for your people. 38 Accomplish vindication with this man and his army, and let them fall by the sword. Remember their blasphemies, and do not allow them to continue.” The Death of Nicanor 39 Then Nicanor departed from Jerusalem, and he positioned his camp near Bethhoron, and an army of Syria met him there. 40 And Judas took a position in Adasa with three thousand men. And Judas prayed, and he said: 41 “O Lord, when those who were sent by king Sennacherib blasphemed against you, an angel went out and struck one hundred and eighty-five thousand of them. 42 Just so, crush this army in our sight today, and so let the others know that he has spoken evil against your sanctuary. And judge him according to his wickedness.” 43 And the armies were sent into battle together on the thirteenth day of the month of Adar. And the camp of Nicanor was crushed, and he himself was among the first slain in the battle. 44 So then, when his army saw that Nicanor had fallen, they threw away their weapons and fled. 45 And they pursued them for one day’s journey from Adasa, even until one comes into Gazara, and they sounded the trumpets after them with signals. 46 And they went forth from all of the towns all around Judea. And they herded them with the horns, and they turned back again to them, and they were all felled with the sword, and there was not so much as one of them left behind. 47 And they took their spoils like a prey, and they cut off the head of Nicanor, and his right hand, which he had extended arrogantly, and they brought it, and hung it up opposite Jerusalem. 48 And the people rejoiced exceedingly, and they spent that day in great joy. 49 And he established that this day should be kept every year, on the thirteenth day of the month of Adar. 50 And the land of Judah was quieted for a brief time.

*2 Macc. 8–15 - Leadership of Judas Maccabeus | Revolt of Judas Maccabeus - 8:1 In truth, Judas Maccabeus, and those who were with him, went secretly into the villages, and, calling together their relatives and friends, and accepting among them those who persevered in Judaism, they brought six thousand men together. 2 And they called upon the Lord: to look upon his people, who were downtrodden by all; and to take pity on the temple, which was defiled by the impious; 3 and even to take pity on the city by utter destruction, for it was willing to be immediately leveled to the ground; and to hear the voice of the blood that was crying out to him, 4 so that he would remember also the most iniquitous deaths of the innocent little ones, and the blasphemies brought upon his name; and to show his indignation over these things. 5 And so Maccabeus, having gathered together a multitude, could not be withstood by the Gentiles. For the wrath of the Lord had turned into mercy. 6 And so, overwhelming the towns and cities unexpectedly, he set them on fire. And, occupying strategic positions, he made no small slaughter of the enemies. 7 Moreover, especially in the nights, he carried out expeditions in this way. And the fame of his virtuous strength was spread abroad everywhere. 8 Then Philip, seeing that the man gained ground little by little, and that things frequently fell out in his favor, wrote to Ptolemy, governor of Coelesyria and Phoenicia, to send auxiliaries to carry out the work of the king. 9 And so, he quickly sent Nicanor, son of Patroclus, from his foremost friends, providing him with no less than twenty thousand armed men from throughout the Gentiles, to wipe out the entire race of the Jews, joining with him Gorgias, a military man with very great experience in the things of warfare. 10 Moreover, Nicanor decided to raise a tribute for the king of two thousand talents, which was to be given to the Romans, and which would be supplied by means of the captivity of the Jews. 11 And immediately he sent to the maritime cities, calling them to the auction of the Jewish slaves, promising them a parcel of ninety slaves for one talent, not reflecting on the vengeance which would befall him subsequently from the Almighty. Preparation for Battle 12 Then, when Judas learned that Nicanor was approaching, he revealed it to those Jews who were with him. 13 And certain ones among them, being afraid and not trusting in the justice of God, turned and fled away. 14 In truth, others sold all that was in excess, and together beseeched the Lord, that he would rescue them from the impious Nicanor, who had sold them before he even came near them, 15 and if not for their sakes, then for the sake of the covenant which was made with their fathers, and for the sake of the invocation of his holy and magnificent name over them. 16 But Maccabeus, calling together seven thousand who were with him, asked them not to be reconciled to the enemies, and not to fear the multitude of the enemies who came against them unjustly, but to struggle with fortitude, 17 holding before their eyes the contempt that had been brought upon the holy place by them, and likewise also the mockery which they held to the injury of the city, even to the extent of overthrowing the institutions of old. 18 For he said that these, indeed, trust in their weapons, as well as in their boldness; but we trust in the Almighty Lord, who is able to wipe out both those coming against us, and even the whole world, with one nod. 19 Moreover, he reminded them also of the assistance of God which their parents had received; and how, under Sennacherib, one hundred and eighty-five thousand had perished; 20 and of the battle by them, which was against the Galatians in Babylonia, how, when the event had arrived and the allies of the Macedonians hesitated, though they were only six thousand in all, yet they slew one hundred and twenty thousand, because of the help provided to them from heaven; and how, for the sake of these things, very many benefits followed. Judas Defeats Nicanor 21 By these words, they were brought to constancy and were prepared to die for the laws and their nation. 22 And so, he appointed his brothers as leaders over each division: Simon, and Joseph, and Jonathan, subjecting one thousand and five hundred men to each of them. 23 And at that point, the holy book having been read to them by Esdras, and having given them a sign of the assistance of God, with himself leading the first point, he joined battle with Nicanor. 24 And, with the Almighty as their helper, they slew over nine thousand men. Furthermore, having wounded and disabled the greater part of the army of Nicanor, they forced them to take flight. 25 In fact, they took away the money from those who came to buy them, and they pursued them everywhere. 26 But they turned back at the close of the hour, for it was before the Sabbath. For this reason, they did not continue the pursuit. 27 But, having gathered together their weapons and spoils, they kept the Sabbath, blessing the Lord who had delivered them in that day, showering the beginning of mercy on them. 28 In truth, after the Sabbath, they divided the spoils to the disabled, and the orphans, and the widows, and the remainder they kept for themselves and their own. 29 And so, when these things were done, and supplication was made by all in common, they asked the merciful Lord to be reconciled to his servants unto the end. Judas Defeats Timothy and Bacchides 30 And, among those who were fighting against them with Timothy and Bacchides, they slew more than twenty thousand, and they obtained the high fortresses, and they divided many spoils, making equal portions for the disabled, the fatherless, and the widows, and even the aged. 31 And when they had carefully collected their weapons, they stored them all in strategic places, and, in truth, the remainder of the spoils they carried to Jerusalem. 32 And they put to death Philarches, a wicked man, who was with Timothy, who had brought many afflictions upon the Jews. 33 And when they celebrated the song of victory at Jerusalem, they burned him who had set fire to the sacred doors, that is, Callisthenes, when he had taken refuge in a certain house, repaying him a worthy reward for his impieties. 34 But as for that most vicious Nicanor, who had led in a thousand merchants for the sale of the Jews, 35 he was brought low with the help of the Lord, and by those whom he considered to be worthless. Putting aside the glorious vestments, fleeing by an inland route, he arrived alone at Antioch, having been brought to the greatest unhappiness by the destruction of his army. 36 And he who had promised to pay a tribute to the Romans from the captives of Jerusalem, now professed that the Jews had God as their protector, and, for this reason, they were invulnerable, because they followed the laws established by him. Last Campaign of Antiochus Epiphanes 9:1 At the same time, Antiochus returned in dishonor from Persia. 2 For he had entered into the city called Persepolis, and attempted to rob the temple, and to oppress the city, but the multitude, rushing to arms, turned them to flight, and so it happened that Antiochus, after fleeing, returned in disgrace. 3 And when he had arrived near Ecbatana, he realized what had happened to Nicanor and Timothy. 4 And so, rising up in anger, he thought to turn back upon the Jews the injury done by those who had put him to flight. And, therefore, he ordered his chariot to be driven without stopping along the way, for the judgment of heaven was urging him on, because he had spoken so arrogantly about how he would come to Jerusalem and make it into a mass grave for the Jews. 5 But the Lord God of Israel, who oversees all things, struck him with an incurable and invisible plague. For, as soon as he had finished these words, a dire pain in his abdomen seized him, with bitter internal torments. 6 And, indeed, it sprung forth justly, since he had tormented the internal organs of others with many strange and new tortures, yet he in no way ceased from his malice. 7 But, beyond this, being filled with arrogance, breathing fire with his soul against the Jews, and instructing the task to be accelerated, it happened that, as he was rushing on forcefully, he fell from the chariot, and his limbs were afflicted with a serious bruising of the body. 8 And he, being filled with arrogance beyond human means, seemed to himself to command even the waves of the sea and to weigh even the heights of the mountains in a balance. But now, humbled to the ground, he was carried on a stretcher, calling himself as a witness to the manifest virtue of God. 9 So then, worms swarmed from his impious body, and, as he lived on in pain, his flesh fell away, and then his odorous stench oppressed the army. 10 And him who, a little before, thought that he could touch the stars of heaven, no one could endure to carry, because of the intolerable stench. 11 And so, from then on, being led away from his heavy arrogance by the admonishment of a divine plague, he began to come to an understanding of himself, with his pains increasing through every moment. 12 And, when he could not even bear his own stench, he spoke in this way: “It is just to be subject to God, and a mortal should not consider himself equal to God.” Antiochus Makes a Promise to God 13 Then this wicked one prayed to the Lord, from whom, subsequently, there might be no mercy. 14 And the city, to which he was going in haste to pull it down to the ground and to make it a mass grave, he now wanted to make free. 15 And the Jews, whom he had said he certainly did not consider worthy even to be buried, but would deliver them to be torn apart by birds and wild beasts, and would exterminate them with their little ones, he now promised to make equal with the Athenians. 16 And even the holy temple, which before he had plundered, he would adorn with the best gifts, and increase the holy vessels, and pay out from his revenues the charges pertaining to the sacrifices. 17 Beyond these things, he would even become a Jew himself, and would travel through every place on earth and declare the power of God. 18 But, when his pains did not cease, (for the just judgment of God had overwhelmed him,) in despair he wrote to the Jews, in the manner of a supplication, a letter composed in this way: Antiochus’ Letter and Death 19 “To the very good citizens of the Jews, Antiochus, king and ruler, wishes much health, and welfare, and happiness. 20 If you and your sons are faring well, and if everything is according to your will, we give very great thanks. 21 And so, fixed in infirmity, yet kindly remembering you, I am returning from the places of Persia, and, having been seized by a serious infirmity, I considered it necessary to have a concern for the common good, 22 not despairing in myself, but having a great hope to escape the infirmity. 23 Moreover, considering that my father also, during the time that he led an army into the upper regions, revealed who would take up the leadership after him, 24 so that, if anything contrary should occur, or any if difficulties should be reported, those who were in the regions, knowing to whom the whole matter had been bequeathed, would not be disturbed. 25 In addition to these things, considering that whichever are the nearest powers and neighbors lie in ambush for the right time and await the right event, I have designated my son, Antiochus, as king, whom I frequently commended to many of you while traveling in the upper provinces. And I have written to him what I have added below. 26 And so, I beg you and petition you, that remembering the public and private benefits, each one will continue to be faithful to me and to my son. 27 For I trust that he will behave with moderation and humanity, and that, following my intentions, he will be impartial to you.” 28 And so the murderer and blasphemer, having been struck very badly, just as he himself had treated others, passed from this life in a miserable death on a journey among the mountains. 29 But Philip, who was nurtured with him, carried away his body, and, fearing the son of Antiochus, went into Egypt to Ptolemy Philometor. Purification of the Temple 10:1 But Maccabeus and those who were with him, the Lord protecting them, even recovered the temple and the city. 2 Then he demolished the altars, which the foreigners had constructed in the streets, and likewise the shrines. 3 And, having purged the temple, they made another altar. And, taking glowing stones from the fire, they began to offer sacrifices again after two years, and they set out incense, and lamps, and the bread of the Presence. 4 Having done these things, they petitioned the Lord, lying prostrate on the ground, lest they should fall once more into such evils, but also, if they should at any time sin, that they might be chastised by him more mildly, and not be delivered over to barbarians and blasphemous men. 5 Then, on the day that the temple had been polluted by the foreigners, it happened on the same day that the purification was accomplished, on the twenty-fifth day of the month, which was Kislev. 6 And they celebrated for eight days with joy, in the manner of the Feast of Tabernacles, remembering that, a little time before, they had celebrated the solemn days of the Feast of Tabernacles in mountains and caves, in the manner of wild beasts. 7 Because of this, they now preferred to carry boughs and green branches and palms, for him who had prospered the cleansing of his place. 8 And they decreed a common precept and decree, that all the people of the Jews should keep those days every year. Accession of Antiochus V Eupator 9 Now certainly Antiochus, who was called illustrious, held himself to be so at the passing of his life. 10 But next we will describe what happened with Eupator, the son of the impious Antiochus, abridging the evils which happened in the wars. 11 For when he assumed the kingdom, he appointed, over the affairs of the kingdom, a certain Lysias, leader of the Phoenician and Syrian military. 12 For Ptolemy, who was called Macer, decided to be strict in justice toward the Jews, especially because of the iniquity that had been done to them, and to deal with them peacefully. 13 But, for this reason, he was accused before Eupator by his friends, and was frequently called a traitor. For he had deserted Cyprus, which Philometor had entrusted to him. And so, transferring to Antiochus the illustrious, he even withdrew from him. And he ended his life by poison. Campaign in Idumea 14 But Gorgias, when he was the leader of the places, taking to him new arrivals, frequently made war against the Jews. 15 In truth, the Jews, who held the strategic fortresses, took in those who were fleeing from Jerusalem, and they attempted to make war. 16 In fact, those who were with Maccabeus, petitioning the Lord through prayers to be their helper, made a forceful attack upon the fortresses of the Idumeans. 17 And, persevering with much force, they obtained the places, killing those they met, and cutting down in all no less than twenty thousand. 18 Yet certain ones, when they had fled into two well-fortified towers, gave all appearance of fighting back. 19 So Maccabeus left behind Simon and Joseph, and likewise Zachaeus, and those who were with them, to fight against them. And since those who were with them were sufficient in number, he turned back to those who attacked more forcefully. 20 In truth, those who were with Simon, being led by avarice, were persuaded by money from certain ones who were in the towers. And accepting seventy thousand didrachmas, they allowed certain ones to flee. 21 But when what was done had been reported to Maccabeus, gathering together the leaders of the people, he accused those who had sold their brothers for money, having sent away their adversaries. 22 Therefore, he executed these who had acted as traitors, and he quickly captured the two towers. 23 And so, having success in arms and in all things that he took in hand, he destroyed more than twenty thousand in the two fortresses. Judas Defeats Timothy 24 And Timothy, who had been overcome by the Jews before, calling together a multitude of foreign troops and gathering horsemen from Asia, arrived as if he would capture Judea with arms. 25 But Maccabeus, and those who were with him, as he was approaching, beseeched the Lord, sprinkling dirt on their heads and wrapping their waists with haircloth. 26 And lying prostrate at the pedestal of the altar, they beseeched him to be forgiving to them, but to be an enemy to their enemies, and an adversary to their adversaries, just as the law says. 27 And so, after prayer, taking up arms, they proceeded further from the city, and, reaching close proximity to the enemies, they settled in. 28 But, as soon as the sun rose, both sides joined battle: these ones having the guarantee of victory and success by the strength of the Lord, yet the others having courage as their leader in battle. 29 But, while they were fighting vehemently, to the adversaries there appeared from heaven five men on horses, which were adorned with bridles of gold, providing leadership to the Jews. 30 Two of them, having Maccabeus in the middle and surrounding him with their weapons, kept him safe. But, at the enemy, they cast darts and lightning, so that they fell down, being both confused with blindness and filled with disturbances. 31 Moreover, there were slain twenty thousand five hundred, along with six hundred horsemen. 32 In fact, Timothy fled away to Gazara, to a fortified stronghold, where Chaereas was in charge. 33 Then Maccabeus, and those who were with him, joyfully besieged the stronghold for four days. 34 But those who were inside, trusting to the strength of the place, spoke evil without limit and cast out nefarious words. 35 But when the fifth day began to dawn, twenty youths of those who were with Maccabeus, inflamed in soul because of the blasphemy, manfully approached to the wall, and, advancing with fierce courage, ascended it. 36 Moreover, others also getting up after them, went to set fire to the towers and the gates, and to burn the blasphemers alive. 37 Then, having continued throughout two days to lay waste to the fortress, they killed Timothy, who was found hiding himself in a certain place. And they also killed his brother Chaereas, and Apollophanes. 38 When this was done, they blessed the Lord with hymns and confessions, who had done great things in Israel and had given them the victory. Lysias Besieges Bethzur 11:1 But a short time afterwards, Lysias, the procurator of the king and a near relative, who also was in charge of the government, was heavily weighed upon by what had happened. 2 Gathering together eight thousand, along with all the horsemen, he came against the Jews, thinking that the city would certainly be captured, making it a dwelling place for the Gentiles, 3 in truth, also thinking to make a profit in money from the temple, just as from the other shrines of the Gentiles, and to put the priesthood up for sale every year. 4 Never recognizing the power of God, but inflated in mind, he trusted in the multitude of the foot soldiers, and in the thousands of horsemen, and in the eighty elephants. 5 And so, he entered Judea, and, approaching Bethzur, which was in a narrow place, at an interval of five stadia from Jerusalem, he laid siege to that stronghold. 6 But when Maccabeus and those who were with him realized that the strongholds were besieged, they and all the crowd together petitioned the Lord with weeping and tears, that he would send a good Angel to save Israel. 7 And so the leader Maccabeus, taking up arms, exhorted the others, to undergo the peril together with him, and to bring assistance to their brothers. 8 And when they together were going forth with a ready spirit, there appeared at Jerusalem a horseman, preceding them in radiant clothing and with weapons of gold, waving a spear. 9 Then they all together blessed the merciful Lord, and strengthened their souls, being prepared to break through not only men, but also the most ferocious beasts and walls of iron. 10 Thus, they went forth readily, having a helper from heaven, and with the Lord taking pity on them. 11 Then, rushing violently against the enemy, in the manner of lions, they struck down from among them: eleven thousand foot soldiers and one thousand six hundred horsemen. 12 And they turned all the rest to flight. But many of them, being wounded, escaped with nothing. And Lysias himself also escaped, fleeing in disgrace. 13 And because he was not irrational, thinking to himself about the loss that had happened against him, and understanding the Hebrews to be invincible because they depend upon the help of Almighty God, he sent to them, 14 and he promised that he would agree to all things that are just, and that he would persuade the king to be their friend. 15 Then Maccabeus assented to the request of Lysias, considering it useful in every way. And whatever Maccabeus wrote to Lysias, concerning the Jews, the king consented to it. Lysias Makes Peace with the Jews 16 For there were letters written to the Jews from Lysias, which, indeed, were composed in this way: “Lysias, to the people of the Jews: greetings. 17 John and Absalom, who had been sent from you to deliver your writings, requested that I would implement these things that were signified by them. 18 Therefore, whatever things could be brought before the king, I have presented them. And he has conceded to those things that are permitted. 19 If, therefore, you will keep yourselves faithful in these matters, then, from now on, I will endeavor to be a cause of your good. 20 But as for other particulars, I have given orders by word, both to these, and to those who have been sent by me, to confer with you. 21 Farewell. In the one hundred forty-eighth year, on the twenty-fourth day of the month of Dioscorus.” 22 But the letter of the king contained this: “King Antiochus to Lysias, his brother: greetings. 23 Since our father has been transferred among the gods, we are willing that those who are in our kingdom should act without tumult, and should attend diligently to their own concerns. 24 We have heard that the Jews would not consent to my father to convert to the rites of the Greeks, but that they chose to keep to their own institutions, and, because of this, that they ask of us to leave them to their own laws. 25 Therefore, wanting this nation, likewise, to be at rest, we have reached a judgment that the temple should be restored to them, so that they may act according to the custom of their ancestors. 26 You will do well, therefore, if you send to them and grant them a pledge, so that our will becomes known, and they may be of good courage, and may look after their own needs.” 27 Truly, the letter of the king to the Jews was such as this: “King Antiochus to the senate of the Jews, and to the rest of the Jews: greetings. 28 If you are well, such is what we desire. But we ourselves are also well. 29 Menelaus came to us, saying that you wished to come down to your own, who are among us. 30 Therefore, we grant a pledge of security to those who come and go, even until the thirtieth day of the month of Xanthicus, 31 so that the Jews may make use of their own foods and laws, just as also before, and so that none of them should endure any kind of trouble for things which have been done by ignorance. 32 And so, we have also sent Menelaus, who will talk with you. 33 Farewell. In the one hundred forty-eighth year, on the fifteenth day of the month of Xanthicus.” 34 But the Romans also now sent a letter, having this in it: “Quintus Memmius and Titus Manilius, ambassadors of the Romans, to the people of the Jews: greetings. 35 Concerning these things that Lysias, the relative of the king, has conceded to you, we also have conceded. 36 But about such things as he judged should be referred to the king, send someone, as soon as you have diligently conferred among yourselves, so that we may make a decree, just as it is agreeable to you. For we are going to Antioch. 37 And, therefore, make haste to write back, so that we may know whatever your will may be. 38 Farewell. In the one hundred forty-eighth year, on the fifteenth day of the month of Xanthicus.” Incidents at Joppa and Jamnia 12:1 After these pacts were made, Lysias proceeded on to the king, but the Jews undertook the work of agriculture. 2 However, those who had withdrawn: Timothy, and Apollonius, the son of Gennaeus, along with Hieronymus, and Demophon, and, in addition to these, Nicanor, the governor of Cyprus, would not permit them to live in peace and quiet. 3 Truly, those of Joppa were also perpetrators of very shameful acts. They asked the Jews, who lived among them, to go up into small boats, which they had prepared, with their wives and sons, as if no underlying hostility was between them. 4 And so, according to the common decree of the city, they acquiesced to them, having no suspicions and because there was peace. When they had proceeded out into deep water, they drowned no less than two hundred of them. 5 When Judas learned of the cruelty done to the men of his nation, he informed the men who were with him, and, having called upon God, the Just Judge, 6 he went against the executors of his brothers, and he even set the port on fire in the night; he burned the boats, but those who took refuge from the fire, he destroyed with the sword. 7 And when he had done these things in this way, he departed, as if he would return again to eradicate all those of Joppa. 8 But when he also realized those who were of Jamnia wanted to act in a similar way to the Jews living among them, 9 he went against those of Jamnia also by night, and he set the port on fire, along with the ships, so much so that the light of the fire was seen at Jerusalem, two hundred and forty stadia away. Campaign in Gilead 10 When they had now gone from there nine stadia, and were making their way toward Timothy, they met in battle with those of Arabia: five thousand men and five hundred horsemen. 11 And when a strong fight occurred, and, by the help of God, it ceased favorably, the remainder of the Arabians who were overcome petitioned Judas to give them a pledge, promising to give him pastures and to assist him in other things in the future. 12 Then Judas, thinking that they truly might be useful in many ways, promised peace. And after receiving the pledge of his right hand, they withdrew to their tents. 13 Then he also assaulted a certain strong city, surrounded with bridges and walls, which was inhabited by a crowd from many different nations, the name of which is Casphin. 14 In truth, those who were inside, trusting in the strength of the walls and in the preparations of rations, acted irresponsibly, and they challenged Judas with evil words and blaspheming, as well as by speaking what is not lawful. 15 But Maccabeus rushed fiercely to the walls, calling upon the great Leader of the world, who, without battering rams or machines of war, had thrown down the walls of Jericho in the time of Joshua. 16 And, having captured the city through the will of the Lord, he made a slaughter without number, so much so that an adjoining pool, two stadia in width, was seen to flow with the blood of the slain. Judas Defeats Timothy’s Army 17 From there, they withdrew seven hundred and fifty stadia, and they came to Charax, to those Jews who are called Tubianites. 18 And Timothy, indeed, they did not find in those places, for he withdrew before he completed any endeavor, having left behind a very strong garrison in a certain place. 19 But Dositheus and Sosipater, who were commanders with Maccabeus, destroyed those who were left behind by Timothy in the stronghold: ten thousand men. 20 And Maccabeus, having positioned six thousand men around him and having divided them into cohorts, went forth against Timothy, who had with him one hundred twenty thousand foot soldiers, and two thousand five hundred horsemen. 21 But when Timothy learned of the arrival of Judas, he sent ahead the women, and the children, and the remainder of the preparations, into a fortress, which is called Carnion. For it was impregnable and difficult to access because of the narrowness of the places. 22 And when the first cohort of Judas had appeared, the enemies were struck with fear by the presence of God, who beholds all things, and they were turned to flight, one over another, to such an extent that they were being knocked over by one another and were being wounded with the strokes of their own swords. 23 But Judas pursued them vehemently, punishing the profane and striking down thirty thousand of their men. 24 In truth, Timothy himself fell to the group under Dositheus and Sosipater. And with much begging, he pleaded with them to release him alive, because he held the parents and brothers of many of the Jews, who, at his death, might happen to be mistreated. 25 And when he had given his faith that he would restore them according to the agreement, they released him unharmed, for the sake of their brothers’ well-being. Judas Wins Other Victories 26 Then Judas departed to Carnion, where he slew twenty-five thousand. 27 After having put to flight or killed these, he moved his army to Ephron, a fortified city, in which there lived a multitude of diverse peoples. And hardy young men, standing upon the walls, put up a strong fight. Moreover, in this place, there were many machines of war, and equipment for casting darts. 28 But when they had called upon the Almighty, who with his power breaks the strength of enemies, they seized the city. And they struck down twenty-five thousand of those who were inside. 29 From there, they went to the city of Scythia, which was six hundred stadia away from Jerusalem. 30 But the Jews, those who were among the Scythians, testified that they were treated kindly by them, and that, even in the times of unhappiness, they had treated them mildly. 31 They gave thanks to them, exhorting them to be kind to their people, now and at other times. And they went to Jerusalem, as the solemn days of the seven weeks were underway. Judas Defeats Gorgias 32 And, after Pentecost, they marched against Gorgias, the foremost leader over Idumea. 33 And he went out with three thousand foot soldiers and four hundred horsemen. 34 And when they came together, it happened that a few of the Jews were overthrown. 35 In fact, a certain Dositheus, a horseman of Bacenor, a strong man, took hold of Gorgias. And when he would have captured him alive, a certain horseman of the Thracians rushed upon him and cut off his arm, and so, in this way, Gorgias escaped to Maresa. 36 But when those who were with Esdris had fought all day and were fatigued, Judas called upon the Lord to be their helper and leader in the battle. 37 Beginning in the language of the fathers, and loudly extolling hymns, he inspired the soldiers of Gorgias to take flight. Prayers for Those Killed in Battle 38 Then Judas, having collected his army, went into the city Adullam. And, when the seventh day came, they purified themselves according to the custom, and they kept the Sabbath in the same place. 39 And the following day, Judas came with his own, in order to take away the bodies of the fallen, and to place them in the sepulchers of their fathers with their ancestors. 40 But they found, under the tunics of the slain, some of the treasures of the idols that were near Jamnia, which were prohibited to Jews by the law. Therefore, it became manifest that it was for this reason that they had been overthrown. 41 And so, they all blessed the just judgment of the Lord, who had made hidden things manifest. 42 So then, turning themselves to prayers, they petitioned him that the offense which had been done would be delivered into oblivion. And truly, the very strong Judas exhorted the people to keep themselves without sin, since they had seen with their own eyes what had happened because of the sins of those who were struck down. 43 And, calling an assembly, he sent twelve thousand drachmas of silver to Jerusalem, to be offered for a sacrifice for the sins of the dead, thinking well and religiously about the resurrection, 44 (for if he had not hoped that those who had fallen would be resurrected, it would have seemed superfluous and vain to pray for the dead,) 45 and because he considered that those who had fallen asleep with piety had great grace stored up for them. 46 Therefore, it is a holy and beneficial thought to pray on behalf of those who have passed away, so that they may be released from sins. Menelaus Put to Death 13:1 In the one hundred and forty-ninth year, Judas realized that Antiochus Eupator was coming with a multitude against Judea. 2 And with him was Lysias, the procurator, who was in charge of the government, having with him one hundred and ten thousand foot soldiers, five thousand horsemen, and twenty-two elephants, and three hundred swift chariots with curved blades. 3 Menelaus also joined himself to them, and with many lies he pleaded with Antiochus, not for the welfare of his country, but hoping that he would be appointed as first ruler. 4 But the King of kings awakened the mind of Antiochus against the sinner. And when Lysias was suggesting this to be the cause of all the evils, he ordered (as is the custom with them) that he should be apprehended and killed in the same place. 5 Now there was, in the same place, a tower of fifty cubits, having a pile of ashes on every side. This had a lookout over a precipice. 6 From there, he ordered this sacrilegious one to be thrown down into the ashes, with all propelling him into the afterlife. 7 And by such a law, it turned out that the betrayer of the law, Menelaus, died, not having so much as a burial in the earth. 8 And indeed, this satisfied justice, for just as he had committed many offenses toward the altar of God, the fire and ashes of which are holy, so was he condemned to die in ashes. A Battle Near the City of Modein 9 But the king, with his mind being unbridled, came to reveal himself as more wicked to the Jews than his father was. 10 When Judas understood this, he instructed the people to call upon the Lord day and night, so that, just as always, now also he would help them. 11 Of course, they were afraid to be deprived of their law and their country, and of the holy temple, and also that he might allow the people, who had recently taken a breath for a little while, to be again subdued by blasphemous nations. 12 And so, having together done all these things, and having sought mercy from the Lord with weeping and fasting, lying prostrate on the ground continually for three days, Judas exhorted them to prepare themselves. 13 In truth, with the elders he decided that, before the king could move his army into Judea and obtain the city, they would go out and commit the outcome of the event to the judgment of the Lord. 14 And so, giving everything to God, the Creator of the world, and having exhorted his own to contend with fortitude and to stand up, even unto death, for the laws, the temple, the city, their country and the citizens: he positioned his army around Modin. 15 And having given his own a sign of the victory of God, he attacked the quarters of the king by night, with the strongest chosen young men, and he slew four thousand men in the camp, and the greatest of the elephants, along with those who would have been positioned on them. 16 And so, having filled the camp of their enemies with the greatest fear and disturbance, they went away with good success. 17 Now this was done at the first light of day, with the Lord assisting and protecting them. Antiochus Makes a Treaty With the Jews 18 But the king, having received a taste of the audacity of the Jews, attempted to take the difficult places by craftiness. 19 And so, he moved his camp to Bethzur, which was a fortified garrison of the Jews. But as he struck, he was put to flight and reduced in number. 20 Then Judas sent necessities to those who were inside. 21 But Rhodocus, a certain one from the Jewish army, reported the secrets to the enemies, so he was sought out, apprehended, and imprisoned. 22 Again, the king held talks with those who were in Bethzur. He gave his right hand as a pledge, and accepted theirs, and he went away. 23 He joined battle with Judas; he was overcome. But when he realized that Philip, who had been left out of these events, had rebelled at Antioch, he was in a consternation of mind, and, begging the Jews, and being submissive to them, he swore to all things that seemed just. And, being reconciled, he offered sacrifice, honored the temple, and left gifts. 24 He embraced Maccabeus, and he made him commander and leader from Ptolemais all the way to the Gerrenians. 25 But when he arrived at Ptolemais, the Ptolemaians considered the conditions of the alliance burdensome, being indignant lest perhaps they might break the pact. 26 Then Lysias went up to the tribunal, and explained the reasons, and calmed the people, and so he returned to Antioch. And this is the way things went concerning the journey and return of the king. Alcimus Speaks against Judas 14:1 But after a time of three years, Judas and those who were with him realized that Demetrius of Seleucus had gone up to strategic places with a very strong multitude and a navy at the port of Tripoli, 2 and had taken hold of the regions opposite Antiochus, and his commander, Lysias. 3 Now a certain Alcimus, who had been high priest, but who had willfully defiled himself in the time of the co-mingling, considering there to be no means for his safety, nor access to the altar, 4 went to king Demetrius in the one hundred and fiftieth year, offering to him a crown of gold, and a palm, and beyond these, some branches that seemed to belong to the temple. And, indeed, on that day, he was silent. 5 But, having met with an opportune time for his madness, he was called to a counsel by Demetrius and asked what things the Jews relied upon and what were their counsels. 6 He responded: “Those among the Jews who are called Hasideans, of whom Judas Maccabeus is foremost, nourish wars, and raise seditions, and will not permit the kingdom to be at peace. 7 For I also, being cheated out of the glory of my ancestors (but I speak of the high priesthood), have come here, 8 first, indeed, in faithful service to the king’s interests, but also as an advisor of the citizens. For our entire nation is no less afflicted by their depravity. 9 But I beg you, O king, knowing each of these things, look after both the region and our people, according to your humanity, which is publicly known to all. 10 For, as long as Judas survives, it is impossible for the matter to be at peace.” 11 Then, having spoken such things before them, the rest of the allies, who held themselves to be enemies against Judas, further inflamed Demetrius. 12 And immediately he sent Nicanor, the commander over the elephants, into the first position against Judea, 13 giving him orders to be certain to capture Judas himself, and, truly, to scatter all those who were with him, and to appoint Alcimus as the high priest of the great temple. 14 Then the Gentiles, who had fled from Judas away from Judea, mingled themselves in flocks with Nicanor, thinking that the miseries and calamities of the Jews would become the cause of their prosperity. Nicanor Makes Friends With Judas 15 And so, when the Jews heard of Nicanor’s arrival and that the nations were assembled, they, sprinkling dirt on their heads, petitioned him who established his people to preserve them in eternity, and who likewise protected his portion by clear signs. 16 Then, at the command of their leader, they moved promptly from there, and together assembled at the town of Dessau. 17 In truth, Simon, the brother of Judas, had joined battle with Nicanor, but he became frightened at the unexpected arrival of the adversaries. 18 Even so, Nicanor, hearing of the virtue of the companions of Judas, and the great courage with which they struggled on behalf of their country, was afraid to accomplish judgment by the sword. 19 For this reason, he sent ahead Posidonius, and Theodotus, and Matthias, so as to give and receive the pledge of right hands. 20 And when a council was held all day about this, and the commander had brought it before the multitude, they were all of one opinion to consent to an alliance. 21 And so, they appointed a day, on which they would act among themselves secretly, and seats were brought out and placed for each of them. 22 But Judas instructed armed men to be in strategic places, lest some kind of malice might unexpectedly spring up from the enemies. And they had an agreeable conference. 23 Then Nicanor stayed in Jerusalem, and he did no iniquity; he sent away the flocks of the crowds, which had been gathered together. 24 And Judas always held him dear to the heart, and was favorably inclined toward the man. 25 And he asked him to consider a wife, and to procreate sons. He got married; he lived quietly, and they all lived in common. Nicanor Turns against Judas 26 But Alcimus seeing the love that they had for one another, and the agreements, went to Demetrius, and he told him that Nicanor had assented to foreign interests, and that he had chosen Judas, a traitor to the kingdom, as his successor. 27 And so the king, being exasperated and provoked by this very wicked accusation, wrote to Nicanor, saying that he was certainly overburdened by the agreement of alliance, and he ordered him nevertheless to send Maccabeus quickly to Antioch in chains. 28 When this was known, Nicanor was in consternation, and he took it grievously that he would make void the things that were agreed, having received no injury from the man. 29 But, because he was not able to oppose the king, he watched for an opportunity to follow through with the orders. 30 But Maccabeus, seeing that Nicanor acted more formally with him, and that, when they met together as usual, he exhibited insolence, understood this austerity not to be from goodness. So, gathering together a few men, he hid himself from Nicanor. 31 But when he realized that he was effectively prevented by the man, he went to the greatest and holiest temple, and he ordered the priests, offering the usual sacrifices, to deliver the man to him. 32 When these spoke oaths to him that they did not know where he who was being sought was, he extended his hand toward the temple, 33 and he swore, saying: “Unless you deliver Judas to me in chains, I will reduce this shrine of God to the ground, and I will dig up the altar, and I will consecrate this temple to Liber the father.” 34 And having said this, he departed. But the priests, extending their hands toward heaven, called upon him who had always fought for his people, saying this: 35 “O Lord of the universe, who needs nothing, you willed that the temple of your dwelling should be with us. 36 And now, O Lord, Holy of all holies, preserve unpolluted, until eternity, this house, which was recently made clean.” Razias Dies for His Country 37 Then Razias, a certain one of the elders from Jerusalem, was brought before Nicanor; the man was of good reputation, and was one who loved the city. For his affection, he was called the father of the Jews. 38 This one, for a long time, held on to his purpose of continuing in Judaism, and he was content to hand over body and life, so that he might persevere in it. 39 Then Nicanor, being willing to manifest the hatred that he held for the Jews, sent five hundred soldiers to apprehend him. 40 For he thought, if he mistreated him, it would bring great disaster upon the Jews. 41 Now, as the group sought to rush into his house, and to break open the door, and wanting even to bring in fire, as he was about to be apprehended, he struck himself with the sword: 42 choosing to prefer to die nobly rather than to become subject to sinners, or to suffer unworthy injustices against his birth. 43 But, since he had, in haste, not obtained the certitude of a decisive wound, and the crowd was breaking in the doors, he, running boldly to the wall, manfully threw himself down upon the crowd. 44 But they quickly provided a place for his fall, so he landed at the middle of the neck. 45 And, since he was still breathing, and being inflamed in soul, he rose up, and as his blood flowed down in a great stream, being very gravely wounded, he ran through the crowd. 46 And standing upon a certain steep rock, and being now almost without blood, grasping his intestines with both hands, he threw himself over the crowd, calling upon the Ruler of life as well as spirit, to restore these to him again. And so he passed away from this life. Nicanor’s Arrogance 15:1 But when Nicanor discovered Judas to be in the places of Samaria, he decided to meet him in warfare with all violence, on the Sabbath day. 2 In truth, the Jews who followed him out of necessity were saying: “Do not act so fiercely and barbarously, but give honor to the day of sanctification and reverence to him who beholds all things.” 3 That unhappy man asked, “Is there a powerful One in heaven, who commanded the day of the Sabbath to be kept.” 4 And they responded to him, “There is the living Lord himself in heaven, the powerful One, who ordered the seventh day to be kept.” 5 And so he said: “I also am powerful upon the earth, so I command arms to be taken up and the king’s plans to be fulfilled.” Nevertheless, he did not succeed in accomplishing his plan. Judas Prepares the Jews for Battle 6 And Nicanor, being certainly lifted up with the greatest arrogance, had decided to establish a public monument of his victory over Judas. 7 But Maccabeus, as always, trusted with all hope that God would be present to help them. 8 And he exhorted his own not to fear the arrival of the nations, but to keep in mind the assistance they had received before from heaven, and now to hope for a future victory from the Almighty. 9 And speaking to them from the law and the prophets, reminding them even of the conflicts they had fought before, he made them more willing. 10 And so, having raised up their courage, at the same time he revealed the deceitful plan of the Gentiles and their betrayal of the oaths. 11 Then he armed every one of them, not with the weapons of shield and spear, but with the best speeches and exhortations; and he explained to them a dream, worthy to be believed, in which he rejoiced with them all. 12 Now the vision was in this manner: Onias, who had been high priest, a good and kind man, modest in appearance, gentle in manners, and noble in speech, and who from boyhood was trained in the virtues, extending his hands, prayed on behalf of all the people of the Jews. 13 After this, there appeared also another man, admirable in age and glory, and with a bearing of great dignity about him. 14 In truth, Onias responded by saying: “This one loves his brothers and the people of Israel. This is he who prays greatly for the people and for all the holy city: Jeremiah, the prophet of God.” 15 Then Jeremiah extended his right hand, and he gave to Judas a sword of gold, saying: 16 “Receive this holy sword as a gift from God, with it you shall cast down the adversaries of my people Israel.” 17 And so, having been exhorted by the very good words of Judas, by which the readiness and courage of the young men were able to be raised and strengthened, they resolved to strive and to contend with fortitude, so that virtue would judge the matter, because the holy city and the temple were in peril. 18 For their concern was less for their wives and sons, and likewise less for their brothers and relatives; in truth, their greatest and first fear was for the sanctity of the temple. 19 But those also who were in the city had no small concern for those who had gathered together. Defeat and Death of Nicanor 20 And, when all now hoped that judgment would soon occur, and when the enemies were near, and the army was set in order, with the beasts and the horsemen positioned in strategic places, 21 Maccabeus, considering the arrival of the multitude, and the various preparations of weapons, and the fierceness of the beasts, extending his hands to heaven, called upon the Lord, who works miracles, who gives victory to those who are worthy, not according to the power of the weapons, but just as it pleases him. 22 Then, calling out in this way, he said: “You, O Lord, who sent your Angel under Hezekiah, king of Judah, and who killed one hundred and eighty-five thousand from the camp of Sennacherib, 23 now also, O Ruler of the heavens, send your good Angel before us, who are in fear and trembling at the greatness of your arm, 24 so that those who approach against your holy people with blasphemy may be afraid.” And in this way, indeed, he concluded his prayer. 25 But Nicanor, and those who were with him, advanced with trumpets and songs. 26 In truth, Judas, and those who were with him, calling upon God through prayers, came together against them. 27 Indeed, fighting with their hands, but praying to the Lord with their hearts, they struck down no less than thirty-five thousand, being delighted by the presence of God. 28 And when they had ceased and were returning with gladness, they realized, by his armor, that Nicanor had been slain. 29 And so, making a loud noise and inciting a disturbance, they blessed the Almighty Lord in the language of the fathers. 30 But Judas, who was prepared throughout all his body and soul to die for his citizens, instructed that Nicanor’s head, and his hand with the arm, should be cut off and carried through to Jerusalem. 31 When it arrived, having called together his fellow tribesmen, and the priests to the altar, he summoned those also who were in the stronghold. 32 And he displayed the head of Nicanor, and his nefarious hand, which he had extended against the holy house of Almighty God with magnificent boasting. 33 He even ordered now that the tongue of the impious Nicanor should be cut up and given in pieces to the birds, but that the hand of this demented man should be suspended opposite the temple. 34 Therefore, they all blessed the Lord of heaven, saying, “Blessed is he who has kept his own place uncontaminated.” 35 Then he suspended Nicanor’s head at the top of the stronghold, so that it would be an evident and manifest sign of the assistance of God. 36 And so, they all decreed by common counsel in no way to let this day pass without celebration, Compiler’s Epilogue 37 but to hold a celebration on the thirteenth day of the month of Adar, which was called in the Syrian language: the day before Mardochias’ day. 38 Therefore, these things were accomplished concerning Nicanor, and from that time the city was possessed by the Hebrews. And so, I will bring an end to my narration here. 39 And, indeed, if I have done well, so as to have made an adequate history, this also is what I wanted. But if it is less than worthy, may it be permitted me. 40 For, just as it is adverse to drink always wine, or always water, so also it is pleasant to use sometimes the one, and sometimes the other. So, if the words were always exact, it would not be pleasing to the readers. Therefore, here it shall be completed.

*1 Macc. 8–16 - Judas hears good things of the Romans - 8:1 And Judas heard of the fame of the Romans, that they are powerful and strong, and that they willingly agree to all things that are asked of them; and that, whoever was agreeable to them, they established a friendship with them, and so they are powerful and resourceful. 2 And they heard of their battles, and the successful works that they had accomplished in Galatia, how they had subdued them and brought them under tribute, 3 and what great things they had accomplished in the region of Spain, and that they had driven under their power the mines of silver and gold which are there, and that they had obtained possession of the entire place by their counsel and patience, 4 and that they had overcome places that were very far from them, and kings, who came against them from the ends of the earth, and had crushed them and struck them with a great scourging, while the rest pay tribute to them every year, 5 and that they had defeated in battle Philip, and Perses the king of the Ceteans, and the others who had taken up arms against them, and had crushed them in warfare and subdued them, 6 and how Antiochus, the great king of Asia, who brought a fight against them, having one hundred and twenty elephants, with horsemen, and swift chariots, and a very great army, was crushed by them, 7 and how they had captured him alive and had decreed to him that both he and those who would reign after him would pay a great tribute, and that he should provide hostages bound to an agreement, 8 and that regions from the Indians, and from the Medes, and from the Lydians, from among their best regions, with those whom they had taken from them, they gave to king Eumenes. 9 And those who were in Greece wanted to go out and defeat them, but they became aware of this plan. 10 And so they sent one general to them, and he fought against them, and many of them fell, and they led into captivity their wives, and their sons, and they despoiled them and took possession of their land, and they destroyed their walls and drove them into servitude, even to this day. 11 And the remaining kingdoms and islands, which at any time had resisted them, they destroyed and drove under their power. 12 But with their friends, and with those who remained at peace with them, they maintained friendship and conquered kingdoms: those that were near, and those that were far off. For all those who heard of their name were afraid of them. 13 In fact, whomever they wanted to help become ruler, these reigned, but whomever they wanted, they deposed from the kingdom. And they were greatly exalted. 14 And of all these, none wore a diadem or was clothed in purple, to be magnified in this. 15 And also, they had made themselves a senate house, and they consulted daily with three hundred and twenty men, continually acting as a counsel for the multitude, so that they would do the things that were right. 16 And they commit their government to one man each year, to rule over their entire land, and they all obey this one, and there is no envy or jealousy among them. An Alliance with Rome 17 And so Judas chose Eupolemus, the son of John, the son of Jacob, and Jason, the son of Eleazar, and he sent them to Rome to make an agreement of friendship and an alliance with them, 18 and so that they would take away from them the yoke of the Grecians, for they saw that they oppressed the kingdom of Israel with servitude. 19 And they went to Rome, a very long journey, and they entered the senate house, and they said, 20 “Judas Maccabeus, and his brothers, and the people of the Jews, have sent us to you to establish with you an alliance and peace, and so that we may be registered among your associates and friends.” 21 And the word was pleasing in their sight. 22 And this is a copy of the writing, which they rewrote on tablets of brass and sent to Jerusalem, so that it would be with them in that place as a memorial of the peace and alliance: 23 “May all be well with the Romans and with the nation of the Jews, at sea and on land, forever, and may sword and enemy be far away from them. 24 But if a war is instituted against the Romans first, or against any of their allies in all their dominions, 25 the nation of the Jews will bring help to them, just as the situation shall direct, whole-heartedly. 26 And those who do battle, they need not provide with supplies of wheat, or arms, or money, or ships, just as it seems good to the Romans, and they shall obey their orders, while taking nothing from them. 27 But in like manner also, if war will have fallen upon the nation of the Jews first, the Romans shall help them willingly, just as the situation permits them. 28 And those who give assistance will not be provided with wheat, or arms, or money, or ships, just as it seems good to the Romans. And they shall obey their orders without deceit. 29 According to these words, the Romans have made an agreement with the people of the Jews. 30 And, if after these words, one or another would want to add anything to, or take anything from these, they may do as they propose. And whatever they add or take away, it shall be ratified. 31 Moreover, concerning the evils that king Demetrius did to them, we have written to him, saying, ‘Why have you made your yoke heavy upon our friends and allies, the Jews? 32 If, therefore, they come again to us against you, we will render judgment for them, and we will make war against you by sea and by land.’ ” Bacchides Returns to Judea 9:1 Meanwhile, when Demetrius heard that Nicanor and his army had fallen in battle, he again positioned Bacchides and Alcimus in Judea, and the right horn of his army with them. 2 And they traveled by the way that leads to Gilgal, and they set up camp in Mesaloth, which is in Arbela. And they occupied it, and they destroyed the lives of many men. 3 In the first month of the one hundred and fifty-second year, they positioned the army near Jerusalem. 4 And they rose up and went to Berea, with twenty thousand men and two thousand horsemen. 5 Now Judas had stationed his camp in Elasa, and three thousand chosen men were with him. 6 And they saw the multitude of the army, that they were many, and they became very afraid. And many withdrew themselves from the camp, and there remained of them no more than eight hundred men. 7 And Judas saw that his army had slipped away and that the battle pressed upon him, and his heart was shattered, because he did not have time to gather them together, and he was very discouraged. 8 And so, he said to those who were remaining, “Let us rise up and go against our enemies, perhaps we may be able to fight against them.” 9 But they dissuaded him, saying: “We will not be able, but let us try to save our lives and return to our brothers, and then we will fight against them. For we are but few.” 10 And Judas said: “Far be it from us, to do this thing, so as to flee away from them. But if our time has drawn near, let us die with virtue, on behalf of our brothers, and let us not inflict guilt upon our glory.” Judas killed in battle against Bacchides 11 And the army moved from the camp, and they stood to meet them. And the horsemen were divided into two parts, and the stone-slingers and archers went before the army, and the first ones were all powerful men, experienced in combat. 12 Moreover, Bacchides was with the right horn, and the legion drew near on both sides, and they sounded the trumpets. 13 But those also who were from the side of Judas, these also now cried out, and the earth shook at the noise of the armies. And the battle was joined from morning, even until evening. 14 And Judas saw that the stronger part of the army of Bacchides was on the right side, and all the steadfast in heart came together with him. 15 And the right part was crushed by them, and he pursued them even to Mount Azotus. 16 And those who were with the left horn saw that the right horn was crushed, and so they followed after Judas, and those who were with him, at their back. 17 And the battle was hard fought, and there fell many wounded from one side and the other. 18 And Judas fell, and the others fled away. 19 And Jonathan and Simon carried Judas, their brother, and they buried him in the sepulcher of their fathers, in the city of Modin. 20 And all the people of Israel wept for him with a great wailing, and they mourned him for many days. 21 And they said, “Such a powerful man has fallen, who accomplished the salvation of the people of Israel!” 22 But the rest of the words, about the wars of Judas, and the virtuous acts that he did, and his magnitude, have not been written. For they were very many. Leadership of Jonathan Apphus (161-143): 9:23-12:53 Jonathan Succeeds Judas 23 And it happened that, after the death of Judas, the iniquitous began to emerge in all the parts of Israel, and they began to encourage all those who worked iniquity. 24 In those days, there occurred a very great famine, and the entire region handed itself over to Bacchides. 25 And Bacchides chose impious men, and he appointed them as rulers of the region. 26 And they sought out and persecuted the friends of Judas, and they led them to Bacchides, and he took vengeance on them and abused them. 27 And there occurred a great tribulation in Israel, such as had never been, since the day that there was no prophet seen in Israel. 28 And all the friends of Judas gathered together, and they said to Jonathan: 29 “Since your brother Judas has fallen away, there is not a man like him to go forth against our enemies, against Bacchides and those who are the enemies of our nation. 30 And so now, we have chosen you in his place, on this day, to be our leader and commander in order to wage our wars.” 31 And so, at that time, Jonathan took upon himself the leadership, and he rose up in the place of Judas, his brother. The Campaigns of Jonathan 32 And Bacchides knew of it, and he sought to kill him. 33 And Jonathan and his brother Simon knew of this, and so did all who were with them. And they fled into the desert of Tekoa, and they settled by the water of lake Asphar. 34 And Bacchides knew of it, and on the day of the Sabbath, he himself arrived, with all his army, across the Jordan. 35 And Jonathan sent his brother, a commander of the people, to ask the Nabateans, his friends, to lend them their equipment, which was abundant. 36 And the sons of Jambri went forth from Medeba, and they captured John, and all that he had, and they went away in possession of these. 37 After these events, it was reported to Jonathan and his brother Simon that the sons of Jambri were having a great marriage celebration, and that they would be leading the bride, a daughter of one of the great leaders of Canaan, out of Medeba with great fanfare. 38 And they remembered the blood of John, their brother. And they went up and hid themselves under the cover of the mountain. 39 And they lifted up their eyes and saw. And behold, a tumult and a well-prepared multitude. And the bridegroom proceeded, with his friends and his brothers, to meet them with timbrels, and musical instruments, and many weapons. 40 And they rose up against them out of ambush, and they killed them, and there fell many wounded, and the remainder fled into the mountains, and they took all their spoils. 41 And the marriage celebration was turned into mourning, and the voice of their musical instruments into lamentation. 42 And they took revenge for the blood of their brother, and they returned to the bank of the Jordan. 43 And Bacchides heard about this, and he came on the day of the Sabbath all the way to the coast of the Jordan, with a great force. 44 And Jonathan said to his own: “Let us rise up and fight against our enemies. For it is not today, as it was yesterday, or the day before. 45 For behold, the war is before us, and truly, with the water of the Jordan here and there, and the banks, and the marshes, and the woods: there is no place for us to turn aside. 46 Therefore, cry out now to heaven so that you may be freed from the hand of your enemies.” And they joined together in warfare. 47 And Jonathan extended his hand to strike Bacchides, but he turned away from him in retreat. 48 And Jonathan, and those who were with him, leaped forward into the Jordan, and they swam across the Jordan to them. 49 And there fell from the side of Bacchides on that day one thousand men. And they returned to Jerusalem. Bacchides Builds Fortifications, Alcimus dies 50 And they built fortified cities in Judea: the fortification that was in Jericho, and in Emmaus, and in Bethhoron, and in Bethel, and Timnath, and Pharathon, and Tephon, with high walls, and gates, and bars. 51 And he stationed garrisons in them, so that those in Israel became trained in warfare. 52 And he fortified the city of Bethzur, and of Gazara, and the stronghold, and he stationed auxiliaries in them, with supplies of rations. 53 And he took the sons of the leaders of the region for hostages, and put them in the stronghold in Jerusalem under guard. 54 Now in the second month of the one hundred and fifty-third year, Alcimus instructed that the walls of the inner court of the sanctuary be destroyed, and that the works of the prophets be destroyed. And he began to destroy them. 55 At that time, Alcimus was struck, and his works were hindered, and his mouth was closed shut, and he was weakened with paralysis, so that he was no longer able speak a word, nor to give orders concerning his house. 56 And Alcimus died at that time, in great torment. 57 And Bacchides saw that Alcimus was dead. And he returned to the king. And the land was quiet for two years. The End of the War 58 And all the iniquitous considered together, saying, “Behold, Jonathan, and those who are with him, live in quietude and confidence. Now, therefore, let us bring forth Bacchides, and he will capture them all, in one night.” 59 So they went and gave counsel to him. 60 And he rose up, so as to advance with a great army. And he secretly sent letters to his associates who were in Judea, to seize Jonathan and those who were with him. But they were not able, for their plan became known to them. 61 And he apprehended, from the men of the region, those who were the leaders of this malice, fifty men. And he killed them. 62 And Jonathan, and Simon, and those who were with him, withdrew into Bethbasi, which is in the desert. And he repaired its breaches, and they fortified it. 63 And Bacchides knew about it, and he gathered together all his multitude. And he reported it to those who were from Judea. 64 And he came and made camp above Bethbasi, and he fought against it for many days, and he made machines of war. 65 But Jonathan left behind his brother Simon in the city, and he went out into the country, and he approached with a number of men, 66 and he struck Odomera and his brothers, and the sons of Phasiron, in their tents. And he began to slaughter and to increase in forces. 67 In truth, Simon, and those who were with him, went forth from the city and burned the machines of war, 68 and they fought against Bacchides, and he was crushed by them. And they afflicted him greatly, because his counsel and his meetings were in vain. 69 And he was angry with the men of iniquity who had given him counsel to come into their region, and he killed many of them. But he decided to depart with the remainder into their country. 70 And Jonathan knew of it, and he sent ambassadors to him to arrange a peace with him, and to restore the captives to him. 71 And he accepted it willingly, and he acted according to his words, and he swore that he would do him no evil all the days of his life. 72 And he restored to him the captives which he previously had been given from the land of Judah. And he turned back and went away into his own land, and he no longer drew near, in order to enter into their borders. 73 And so the sword ceased from Israel. And Jonathan lived in Michmash, and, in that place, Jonathan began to judge the people, and he destroyed the impious out of Israel. Demetrius gives Jonathan power to prevent Alexander Balas from gaining power 10:1 And in the one hundred and sixtieth year, Alexander, the son of Antiochus, who was surnamed the illustrious, came up and occupied Ptolemais, and they received him, and he reigned there. 2 And king Demetrius heard of it, and he gathered together an exceedingly great army, and he went forth to meet him in battle. 3 And Demetrius sent a letter to Jonathan, with peaceful words, to magnify him. 4 For he said, “Let us first make a peace with him, before he makes one with Alexander against us. 5 For he will remember all the evils that we have done to him, and to his brother, and to his nation.” 6 And he gave him the authority to gather together an army, and to fabricate weapons, so that he would be his associate. And the hostages who were in the stronghold, he ordered to be handed over to him. 7 And Jonathan came to Jerusalem, and he read the letters in the hearing of all the people and of those who were in the stronghold. 8 And they were struck with a great fear, because they heard that the king gave him the authority to gather together an army. 9 And the hostages were handed over to Jonathan, and he restored them to their parents. Jonathan rebuilds Jerusalem 10 And Jonathan lived in Jerusalem, and he began to rebuild and repair the city. 11 And he told those doing the work to build up the walls, and mount Zion, all around, with square stones, as a fortification. And they did so. 12 Then the foreigners, who were in the fortifications that Bacchides had built, fled away. 13 And each one abandoned his place and departed into his own land. 14 Only in Bethzur did there remain some others of these, who had forsaken the law and the precepts of God. For this was a refuge for them. 15 And king Alexander heard of the promises that Demetrius promised to Jonathan. And they described the battles to him, and the virtuous deeds that he and his brothers had done, and the hardships that they had endured. 16 And he said: “Would we ever find another such man? And so now, let us make him our friend and our associate.” 17 And so, he wrote a letter, and he sent it to him, according to these words, saying: Jonathan Becomes High Priest 18 “King Alexander to his brother, Jonathan: greetings. 19 We have heard of you, that you are a man of power and strength, and that you are fit to be our friend. 20 And so now, on this day, we appoint that you be high priest of your people, and that you be called the king’s friend, (and he sent him a purple robe, and a crown of gold,) and that you be of one mind with us in our affairs, and that you keep friendship with us.” 21 Then Jonathan clothed himself with the holy vestment, in the seventh month, in the one hundred and sixtieth year, on the solemn day of the Feast of Tabernacles. And he gathered together an army, and he made an abundance of weapons. 22 And Demetrius heard these words, and he was exceedingly sorrowful, and he said: 23 “What have we done in this, that Alexander has gone before us to obtain the friendship of the Jews to strengthen himself? 24 I also will write to them words of petition, and offer positions of rank and gifts, so that they may act in assistance to me.” A Letter from Demetrius to Jonathan 25 And he wrote to them in these words: “King Demetrius to the nation of the Jews: greetings. 26 Since you have kept the peace with us, and have remained in our friendship, and have not made agreements with our enemies, we have heard of this, and we are glad. 27 And so now, persevere still to remain faithful to us, and we will reward you with good things for what you have done for us. 28 And we will repay you for your many expenses, and we will give you gifts. 29 And now, I release you, and all the Jews, from tributes, and I grant to you the payments of salt, and I send back the crowns and the thirds of the seed. 30 And the one half portion of the fruit from the trees, which is my share, I relinquish to you from this day and hereafter, so that it shall not be taken from the land of Judah, nor from the three cities that have been added to it from Samaria and Galilee, from this day and for all time. 31 And let Jerusalem be holy and free within its borders, and let the tenths and tributes be for itself. 32 And I even return authority over the stronghold, which is in Jerusalem, and I give it to the high priest, in order to appoint in it any such men as he will choose, who will guard it. 33 And every soul of the Jews who were taken captive from the land of Judah in all my kingdom, I set at liberty without charge, so that they are all released from tributes, even of their cattle. 34 And all the days of solemnities, and the Sabbaths, and the new moons, and the decreed days, and the three days before the solemn day, and three days after the solemn day, shall all be days of immunity and remission for all the Jews who are in my kingdom. 35 And no one will have the authority to do anything, or to incite any plots, against any of them, in all cases. 36 And let there be enrolled from the Jews, into the army of the king, up to thirty thousand men. And allowances shall be given to them, just as is due to all the king’s army. And some of them shall be appointed to be in the fortresses of the great king. 37 And some of them shall be set over the affairs of the kingdom, those who act with faith, and let the leaders be from them, and let them walk by their own laws, just as the king has commanded in the land of Judah. 38 And the three cities that have been added to Judea from the region of Samaria, let them be counted with Judea, so that they may be united as one, and so that they may obey no other authority, except the high priest. 39 Ptolemais and its confines, I give as a free gift to the holy places that are in Jerusalem, for the necessary expenses of the holy things. 40 And I give, every year, fifteen thousand shekels of silver from the allotment of the king, from what belongs to me. 41 And all that has been left over, which those who were set over the affairs in prior years have not paid: from this time, they will give it to the works of the house. 42 And beyond this, they shall receive five thousand shekels of silver from the allotment of the holy places each year, and this will belong to the priests who perform the ministry. 43 And whoever will flee into the temple that is in Jerusalem, or in any of its parts, being liable before the king in any matter, let them be released, and all that is theirs in my kingdom, let them have it freely. 44 And as to the works of rebuilding and repairing the holy places, the expenses shall be given from the king’s revenues. 45 And as to the raising of the walls of Jerusalem and the fortifications all around it, the expenses shall be given from the king’s revenues, as also for the building of the walls in Judea.” Death of Demetrius 46 So when Jonathan and the people heard these words, they did not believe or accept them, because they remembered the great malice that he had done in Israel, for he had troubled them greatly. 47 And so they were pleased with Alexander, because he had been to them a leader with words of peace, and they were of assistance to him every day. 48 And so king Alexander gathered together a great army, and he moved his camp against Demetrius. 49 And the two kings joined together in battle, and the army of Demetrius fled away, and Alexander followed after him, and he closed in on them. 50 And the battle was hard fought, until the sun went down. And Demetrius was slain on that day. Ptolemy VI Philometor and Alexander I Balas alliance, Jonathan treated like royalty 51 And Alexander sent ambassadors to Ptolemy, the king of Egypt, according to these words, saying: 52 “Know that I have returned to my kingdom, and I am seated upon the throne of my fathers, and I have obtained the leadership, and I have crushed Demetrius, and I have taken possession of our country, 53 and I have joined battle with him, and both he and his camp have been crushed by us, and we are seated on the throne of his kingdom. 54 And now, let us establish a friendship with one with another. And give me your daughter as a wife, and I will be your son-in-law, and I will give gifts that are worthy of you, to both you and her.” 55 And king Ptolemy responded by saying: “Happy is the day on which you were returned to the land of your fathers, and you sat on the throne of their kingdom. 56 And now, I will do for you as you have written. But meet with me at Ptolemais, so that we may see one another, and so that I may espouse her to you, just as you have said.” 57 And so Ptolemy departed from Egypt, both he and his daughter Cleopatra, and he arrived at Ptolemais in the one hundred and sixty-second year. 58 And king Alexander met him, and he gave him Cleopatra, his daughter. And he celebrated her marriage at Ptolemais with great glory, just as befits kings. 59 And king Alexander wrote to Jonathan, that he should come to meet him. 60 And he went forth with glory to Ptolemais, and he met the two kings there, and he gave them much silver, and gold, and gifts. And he found favor in their sight. 61 And some of the pestilent men of Israel, men of iniquity, came together against him, interrupting with objections against him. And the king did not attend to them. 62 And he ordered that Jonathan’s garments be taken away from him, and that he be clothed in purple. And they did so. And the king arranged for him to sit with him. 63 And he said to his princes, “Go out with him into the midst of the city, and make a proclamation, so that no one may raise objections against him in any matter, and so that no one may bother him for any reason.” 64 And so it happened that, when his accusers saw his glory being proclaimed, and him clothed in purple, they all fled away. 65 And the king magnified him, and he enrolled him among his foremost friends, and he gave him a position as governor and as a participant in his dominion. 66 And Jonathan returned to Jerusalem with peace and joy. Apollonius, general of Demetrius II Nicator, is Defeated by Jonathan 67 In the one hundred and sixty-fifth year, Demetrius, the son of Demetrius, came from Crete into the land of his fathers. 68 And king Alexander heard of it, and he was very sorrowful, and he returned to Antioch. 69 And king Demetrius appointed Apollonius as his general, who was in charge of Coelesyria. And he gathered together a great army, and he drew near to Jamnia. And he sent to Jonathan, the high priest, 70 saying: “You alone resist us, and so I have been brought to derision and disgrace, because you exercise your power against us in the mountains. 71 Now, therefore, if you trust in your forces, descend to us in the plains, and there let us contest one another. For the power of war is with me. 72 Inquire, and learn who I am, and the others, who are auxiliaries to me, who also say that your feet cannot stand before our face, for your fathers have twice been put to flight in their own land. 73 And now, how will you be able to withstand the horsemen, and so great an army in the plains, where there is no stone, or rock, or place to flee?” 74 But when Jonathan heard the words of Apollonius, he was moved in his soul. And he chose ten thousand men, and he departed from Jerusalem, and Simon, his brother, met him to help him. 75 And they positioned their tents near Joppa, but they excluded him from the city, because a garrison from Apollonius was in Joppa. And so, he attacked it. 76 And those who were in the city, being terrified, opened to him. And so Jonathan obtained Joppa. 77 And Apollonius heard of it, and he moved three thousand horsemen, and a great army. 78 And he went toward Azotus, like one making a journey, but he suddenly departed into the plains, because he had a great number of horsemen, and he trusted in them. And Jonathan followed after him to Azotus, and they joined together in battle. 79 And Apollonius secretly left behind them in the camp a thousand horsemen. 80 And Jonathan realized that there was an ambush behind him, and they surrounded his camp, and they cast darts at the people from morning until evening. 81 But the people stood firm, just as Jonathan had instructed them, and their horses suffered hardships. 82 Then Simon drew forth his army, and he sent them against the legion. For the horsemen were wearied. And they were crushed by him, and they fled. 83 And those who were scattered throughout the plains fled to Azotus, and they entered into Bethdagon, so that, by their idol in that place, they might save themselves. 84 But Jonathan set fire to Azotus and to the cities that were all around it, and he captured their spoils and the temple of Dagon. And he burned with fire all those who had fled into it. 85 And so it was that those who fell by the sword, with those who were burned, were nearly eight thousand men. 86 And Jonathan, removed his encampment from there, and he took up a position against Askalon. And they went out of the city to meet him with great glory. 87 And Jonathan returned to Jerusalem with his own, having many spoils. 88 And it happened that, when king Alexander heard these words, he added still more glory to Jonathan. 89 And he sent him a clasp of gold, as is customary to be given to those who are of royal lineage. And he gave him Ekron, and all its borders, as a possession. Ptolemy VI Philometor Invades Syria, makes alliance with Demetrius II Nicator; Ptolemy and Alexander die 11:1 And the king of Egypt gathered together an army, like the sand that is along the shore of the sea, and many ships. And he sought to obtain the kingdom of Alexander by deceit, and to add it to his own kingdom. 2 And he departed into Syria with words of peace, and they opened the cities to him, and they were meeting with him. For king Alexander had commanded them to go out to meet him, because he was his father-in-law. 3 But when Ptolemy entered a city, he placed garrisons of soldiers in each of the cities. 4 And when he drew near to Azotus, they revealed to him that the temple of Dagon had been burned with fire, and Azotus and its suburbs had been demolished, and bodies had been abandoned, and that, for those who had been cut to pieces in the war, they had made a tomb along the way. 5 And they told the king that Jonathan had done these things, so as to make him hated. But the king remained silent. 6 And Jonathan went to meet the king at Joppa with glory, and they greeted one another, and they stayed there. 7 And Jonathan went with the king as far as the river, which is called Eleutherus. And he returned to Jerusalem. 8 But king Ptolemy obtained the dominion of the coastal cities, as far as Seleucia, and he devised evil plans against Alexander. 9 And he sent ambassadors to Demetrius, saying: “Come, let us compose a pact between us, and I will give you my daughter, whom Alexander had, and you will reign in the kingdom of your father. 10 For I regret that I have given him my daughter. For he has sought to kill me.” 11 And he slandered him, because he coveted his kingdom. 12 And he took away his daughter, and he gave her to Demetrius, and he alienated himself from Alexander, and his hostilities were made manifest. 13 And Ptolemy entered Antioch, and he placed two diadems upon his head, that of Egypt, and that of Asia. 14 Now king Alexander was in Cilicia at that time, because the people of those places were rebelling. 15 And when Alexander heard of it, he came against him in warfare. And king Ptolemy led forth his army, and he met him with a strong hand, and he put him to flight. 16 And Alexander fled into Arabia, so as to be protected there. And king Ptolemy was exalted. 17 And Zabdiel the Arab took off the head of Alexander, and he sent it to Ptolemy. 18 And king Ptolemy died on the third day, and those who were in the strongholds were destroyed by those who were in the camp. 19 And Demetrius reigned in the one hundred and sixty-seventh year. Jonathan’s Diplomacy 20 In those days, Jonathan gathered together those who were in Judea, in order to fight against the stronghold that was in Jerusalem. And they made many machines of war against it. 21 And so, certain men of iniquity, who hated their own people, went forth to king Demetrius, and they reported to him that Jonathan was besieging the stronghold. 22 And when he heard it, he became angry. And immediately he came to Ptolemais, and he wrote to Jonathan that he should not besiege the stronghold, but that he should meet with him promptly, for a discussion. 23 But when Jonathan heard this, he ordered them to besiege it. And he chose some from the elders of Israel and from the priests, and he put himself in danger. 24 And he took gold, and silver, and vestments, and many other presents, and he went to the king at Ptolemais, and he found favor in his sight. 25 And some of the iniquitous from his nation came forward with objections against him. 26 And the king treated him just as those who were before him had treated him. And he exalted him in the sight of all his friends. 27 And he confirmed him in the high priesthood and in all the other honors that he held before, and he made him the leader of his friends. 28 And Jonathan requested of the king that he would make Judea free from tribute, along with the three districts, and Samaria, and its confines. And he promised him three hundred talents. 29 And the king consented. And he wrote letters to Jonathan about all these things, continuing in this way: 30 “King Demetrius to his brother Jonathan, and to the nation of the Jews: greetings. 31 We are sending you a copy of the letter that we wrote to Lasthenes, our parent, about you, so that you will know. 32 ‘King Demetrius to Lasthenes, his parent: greetings. 33 We have determined to do good to the people of the Jews, who are our friends and who keep to what is just with us, because of their good will, which they hold toward us. 34 Therefore, we have assigned to them all the parts of Judea, and the three cities, Lydda and Ramatha, which were added to Judea from Samaria, and all their confines, to be set apart for all those sacrificing in Jerusalem, in place of that which the king previously received from them each year, and in place of the fruits of the land and of the fruit trees. 35 And, as for the rest of that which pertains to us from tithes and tributes, from this time forward, we release them from these, as well as from the drying areas of salt and the crowns that were presented to us. 36 All these, we concede to them, and nothing of these shall be revoked, from this time forward and for all time. 37 Now, therefore, take care to make a copy of these things, and let it be given to Jonathan and set upon the holy mountain, in an honorable place.’ ” Jews save Demetrius II Nicator from Diodotus Tryphon 38 And king Demetrius, seeing that the land was quieted in his sight and that nothing resisted him, sent all his forces away, each one to his own place, except the foreign army, which he had drawn together from the islands of the nations. And so all the troops of his fathers were hostile to him. 39 But there was a certain one, Trypho, who was previously on Alexander’s side. And he saw that all the army murmured against Demetrius, and so he went to Imalkue the Arab, who raised Antiochus, the son of Alexander. 40 And he persuaded him to deliver him to him, so that he would reign in his father’s place. And he reported to him what Demetrius had done, and that his army was hostile to him. And he remained there for many days. 41 And Jonathan sent to king Demetrius, so that he would cast out those who were in the stronghold in Jerusalem and those who were with the garrisons, because they fought against Israel. 42 And Demetrius sent to Jonathan, saying: “I will not only do this for you and your people, but I will elevate your glory and your nation, when opportunity shall serve. 43 Now, therefore, you will do well if you send men as auxiliaries to me. For all my army has withdrawn from me.” 44 And Jonathan sent three thousand strong men to him at Antioch. And they came to the king, and the king was delighted at their arrival. 45 And those who were of the city gathered together, one hundred and twenty thousand men, and they wanted to execute the king. 46 And the king fled into the royal court. And those who were of the city, occupied the passageways of the city, and they began to fight. 47 And the king called the Jews to his assistance. And they came together before him at the same time, and then they all dispersed themselves throughout the city. 48 And they killed, in that day, one hundred thousand men, and they set fire to the city, and they seized many spoils in that day, and they freed the king. 49 And those who were of the city saw that the Jews had taken the city, just as they wanted, and they were weakened in their resolve, and they cried out to the king with supplication, saying, 50 “Grant us a pledge, and let the Jews cease from assailing us and the city.” 51 And they threw down their arms, and they made peace. And the Jews were glorified in the sight of the king and in the sight of all who were in his realm. And they became renowned in the kingdom, and they returned to Jerusalem, holding many spoils. 52 And so king Demetrius sat on the throne of his kingdom. And the land was quieted in his sight. 53 And he falsified everything whatsoever that he had said. And he alienated himself from Jonathan, and he did not repay him according to the benefits that he had received in tribute from him. And he vexed him greatly. Diodotus Tryphon Seizes Power 54 But after this, Trypho returned, and with him was Antiochus, the adolescent boy, and he reigned, and he put a diadem on himself. 55 And there assembled before him all the troops, which Demetrius had dispersed, and they fought against him. And he turned his back and fled. 56 And Trypho took the elephants, and he obtained Antioch. 57 And young Antiochus wrote to Jonathan, saying: “I confirm you in the priesthood, and I appoint you over the four cities, so as to be among the king’s friends.” 58 And he sent him vessels of gold for his ministry, and he gave him the authority to drink from gold, and to be clothed in purple, and to have a golden clasp. 59 And he appointed his brother Simon as governor, from the borders of Tyre, all the way to the borders of Egypt. Campaigns of Jonathan and Simon 60 Then Jonathan went out, and he passed through the cities across the river. And all the armies of Syria were gathered together in assistance to him, and he came to Askalon, and those from the city met him honorably. 61 And he went from there to Gaza. And those who were in Gaza closed themselves in. And so he besieged it, and he burned all that was around the city, and he plundered it. 62 And those of Gaza petitioned Jonathan, and he pledged to them with his right hand, and he accepted their sons as hostages and sent them to Jerusalem. And he traveled through the country, as far as Damascus. 63 And Jonathan heard that the leaders of Demetrius were acting treacherously at Kadesh, which is in Galilee, with a great army, intending to remove him from the affairs of the kingdom. 64 And he went to meet them. But he left his brother Simon behind in the countryside. 65 And Simon took a position against Bethzur, and he assailed it for many days, and he closed them in. 66 And they asked him to accept a pledge, and he granted this to them. And he cast them out of there, and he seized the city, and he placed a garrison in it. 67 And Jonathan and his camp took a position by the water of Gennesaret, and, before first light, they were standing watch in the plains of Hazor. 68 And behold, an army of foreigners met him in the plains. And they set up an ambush against him in the mountains. But he met them from the opposite direction. 69 Yet those lying in ambush then rose up from their places and joined them in combat. 70 And all those who were from Jonathan’s side fled, and not one of them was left, except Mattathias, the son of Absalom, and Judas, the son of Chalphi, the leader of military training. 71 And so Jonathan tore his garments, and he placed dirt on his head, and he prayed. 72 And Jonathan turned back toward them in battle, and he put them to flight, and they fought. 73 And when those from his side, who had fled, saw this, they returned to him, and with him they all pursued them, even to Kadesh, to their camp, and they even passed beyond there. 74 And there fell from the foreigners on that day three thousand men. And Jonathan returned to Jerusalem. Alliances with Rome and Sparta 12:1 And Jonathan saw that time was on his side, and he chose men, and he sent them to Rome, to confirm and renew the peace agreement with them. 2 And he sent letters to the Spartans, and to other places, according to the same form. 3 And they went to Rome and entered into the senate house, and they said, “Jonathan, the high priest, and the nation of the Jews, have sent us to renew the peace and alliance, as it was before.” 4 And they gave letters to them, to those in each place, so that they would lead them into the land of Judah with peace. 5 And this is a copy of the letters that Jonathan wrote to the Spartans: 6 “Jonathan, the high priest, and the elders of the people, and the priests, and the rest of the people of the Jews, to the Spartans, their brothers: greetings. 7 Now, some time ago, letters were sent to Onias, the high priest from Arius, who reigned then among you, so that you would be our brothers, just as the copy that is written below states. 8 And Onias received the man whom you had sent with honor. And he received the letters, in which was conveyed the alliance and peace treaty. 9 We, though, have no need of these things, having for our solace the sacred books, which are in our hands. 10 We prefer to send to you, so as to renew the brotherhood and friendship, lest we should, in effect, become a stranger to you, for much time has passed since you sent to us. 11 Therefore, we will remember you, at all times without ceasing, in our solemnities and other days, when it is fitting, in the sacrifices that we offer, and in our observances, just as it is fitting and right to remember brothers. 12 And so, we rejoice at your glory. 13 But many tribulations and many wars have surrounded us, and the kings who are around us have fought against us. 14 But we are not willing to trouble you, nor the rest of our allies and friends, about these battles. 15 For we have assistance from heaven, and we have been delivered, and our enemies have been humbled. 16 And so, we have chosen Numenius, the son of Antiochus, and Antipater, the son of Jason, and we have sent them to the Romans, to renew the former peace treaty and alliance with them. 17 And so, we have commanded them to also come to you, and to greet you, and to deliver our letters to you, about the renewal of our brotherhood. 18 And now, you would do well to respond to us about these things.” 19 And this is a copy of the letters that he sent to Onias: 20 “Arius, king of the Spartans, to Onias, the great priest: greetings. 21 It is found in scripture, about the Spartans and the Jews, that they are brothers, and that they are of the family of Abraham. 22 And since we know these things, you would do well to write to us about your peace. 23 But we also have written back to you that our cattle and our possessions are yours, and yours are ours. And so, we have commanded that these things should be announced to you.” Further Campaigns of Jonathan and Simon; rebuild Jerusalem 24 And Jonathan heard that the leaders from Demetrius had returned again with a greater army than before, so as to fight against him. 25 And so, he departed from Jerusalem, and he met them in the region of Hamath. For he did not give them time to enter into his own region. 26 And he sent spies into their camp, and, returning, they reported that they planned to come upon them in the night. 27 And when the sun had set, Jonathan instructed his men to stand watch, and to be in arms, ready to fight, all night long, and he stationed guards around the camp. 28 And the adversaries heard that Jonathan was prepared, with his own, for warfare. And they were struck with fear and dread in their heart. And they kindled fires in their camp. 29 But Jonathan, and those who were with him, did not know about it until morning. For they saw the lights burning. 30 And Jonathan pursued them, but did not overtake them. For they had crossed the river Eleutherus. 31 And Jonathan diverted toward the Arabians, who are called Zabadeans. And he struck them and took their spoils. 32 And he regrouped and came to Damascus, and he passed through all that region. 33 But Simon went forth and came as far as Askalon, and the nearby fortresses, but he turned aside to Joppa and occupied it, 34 (for he had heard that they intended to hand over the fortress that was on the side of Demetrius) and he stationed a guard there to keep it. 35 And Jonathan returned, and he called together the elders of the people, and he decided with them to build fortresses in Judea, 36 and to build up the walls in Jerusalem, and to raise a great height between the stronghold and the city, in order to separate it from the city, so that it would stand alone and would have neither buying, nor selling there. 37 And they came together to build up the city. And the wall that was over the brook, toward the rising of the sun, was fallen. And he repaired that which is called Chaphenatha. 38 And Simon rebuilt Adida in Shephelah, and he fortified it, and he set up gates and bars. Trypho Captures Jonathan 39 And so, when Trypho had decided to reign over Asia, and to assume the diadem, and to extend his hand against king Antiochus, 40 he was afraid, lest Jonathan might not permit him, but might fight against him. So he sought to seize him and to kill him. And he rose up and went to Bethshan. 41 And Jonathan went out to meet him with forty thousand men chosen for battle, and he came to Bethshan. 42 And when Trypho saw that Jonathan came with a great army to extend his hand against him, he was afraid. 43 And so he received him with honor, and he commended him to all his friends, and he gave him gifts. And he instructed his troops to obey him, just as himself. 44 And he said to Jonathan: “Why have you troubled all the people, when there is no war between us? 45 And now, send them back to their houses, but choose for yourself a few men, who may remain with you, and come with me to Ptolemais, and I will deliver it to you, and the rest of the fortresses, and the army, and all who are in charge of governing, and I will turn and go away. For this is the reason that I came.” 46 And Jonathan believed him, and he did as he said. And he sent away his army, and they departed into the land of Judah. 47 But he retained with him three thousand men, of whom he sent two thousand into Galilee, and one thousand came with him. 48 But when Jonathan entered into Ptolemais, those of Ptolemais closed the gates of the city, and they captured him. And all those who entered with him, they executed with the sword. 49 And Trypho sent an army and horsemen into Galilee, and into the great plain, to destroy all the associates of Jonathan. 50 But, when they had thought that Jonathan had been captured and slain, along with all who were with him, they encouraged one another, and they went out prepared for battle. 51 Then those who had pursued them, seeing that they stood for their lives, were turned back. 52 And so, they all came into the land of Judah with peace. And they bewailed Jonathan, and those who had been with him, exceedingly. And Israel mourned with great lamentation. 53 Then all the nations that were all around them sought to crush them. For they said: 54 “They have no leader or helper. Now therefore, let us fight against them and take away the memory of them from among men.” Leadership of Simon Thassi Simon Takes Command 13:1 And Simon heard that Trypho had gathered together an immense army to come to the land of Judah and to lay waste to it. 2 Seeing that the people were fearful and trembling, he went up to Jerusalem, and he gathered together the people. 3 And exhorting them, he said: “You know what great battles I, and my brothers, and the house of my father, have fought for the laws and for the holy places, and the anguish that we have seen. 4 As a result of these things, all my brothers have perished for the sake of Israel, and I have been left alone. 5 And now, it is not necessary for me to spare my life in any time of tribulation. For I am not better than my brothers. 6 And so, I will vindicate my people and the sanctuary, and likewise our children and wives. For all the Gentiles have gathered together to crush us, solely out of malice.” 7 And the spirit of the people was immediately enkindled, when they heard these words. 8 And they responded with a loud voice, saying: “You are our leader in place of Judas and of Jonathan, your brother. 9 Fight our battles, and we will do whatever you tell us to do.” 10 And so, gathering together all the men of war, he accelerated the completion of all the walls of Jerusalem, and he fortified it all around. 11 And he sent Jonathan, the son of Absalom, and with him a new army, into Joppa, and he cast out those who were in it, and he himself remained there. Deceit of Trypho who kills Jonathan and sons 12 And Trypho moved from Ptolemais, with a great army, to come into the land of Judah, and Jonathan was with him in custody. 13 But Simon took up a position at Addus, opposite the face of the plains. 14 And when Trypho realized that Simon rose up in the place of his brother, Jonathan, and that he would be joining in battle with him, he sent messengers to him, 15 saying: “We have detained your brother, Jonathan, because of the money that he owed to the king’s account, because of the matters for which he was responsible. 16 And now, send a hundred talents of silver, and two of his sons for hostages, so that when he is dismissed, he may not flee from us. And then we will release him.” 17 And Simon knew that he was speaking deceitfully to him. Yet he ordered the money and the boys to be given, lest he should bring upon himself a great hostility from the people of Israel, who might have said, 18 “It is because he did not send the money and the boys that he perished.” 19 So he sent the boys and one hundred talents. And Trypho was lying and did not dismiss Jonathan. 20 And after this, Trypho came into the country, to crush it. And they circled around by the way that leads to Adora. And Simon and his camp marched into every place, wherever they went. 21 But those who were in the stronghold sent messengers to Trypho, so that he would hurry to come through the desert, and to send them provisions. 22 And Trypho prepared all his horsemen to arrive on that night. But there was a very great snowfall, and he did not come into Gilead. 23 And when he approached toward Baskama, he killed Jonathan and his sons there. 24 And Trypho turned back and went into his own land. 25 And Simon sent and took the bones of Jonathan, his brother, and he buried them in Modin, the city of his fathers. 26 And all Israel bewailed him with great lamentation. And they mourned him for many days. 27 And Simon built, over the sepulcher of his father and of his brothers, a building, lofty to see, of polished stone, front and back. 28 And he set up seven pyramids, one against another, for his father, and his mother, and his four brothers. 29 And around these he placed great columns; and upon the columns, weapons, as a continual memorial; and beside the weapons, carvings of ships, which might be seen by all those who sail the sea. 30 This is the sepulcher that he made in Modin, even to this day. Trypho reigns, Judea Gains Independence 31 But Trypho, when he was on a journey with the young king, Antiochus, killed him by deceit. 32 And he reigned in his place, and he put on the diadem of Asia, and he caused great scourges upon the land. 33 And Simon built up the strongholds of Judea, fortifying them with high towers, and great walls, and gates and bars. And he placed provisions in the fortresses. 34 And Simon chose men, and he sent to king Demetrius, so that he would grant a remission to the region, for all that Trypho did was to carry out plundering. 35 And king Demetrius responded to this word, and he wrote a letter in this manner: 36 “King Demetrius to Simon, the high priest and friend of kings, and to the elders, and to the people of the Jews: greetings. 37 The golden crown and the bahem that you sent, we have received. And we are prepared to make a great peace with you, and to write to the officers of the king to remit to you the things that we have released. 38 For whatever we have established remains in force for you. The strongholds that you have built, let them be yours. 39 Likewise, any oversight or fault, even to this day, we forgive it, along with the crown that you owed. And if anything else was taxed in Jerusalem, now let it not be taxed. 40 And if any of you is fit to be enrolled among our own, let them be enrolled. And let there be peace between us.” 41 In the one hundred and seventieth year, the yoke of the Gentiles was taken away from Israel. 42 And the people of Israel began to write in the tablets and the public records, in the first year under Simon: high priest, great commander, and leader of the Jews. Simon regains Gaza and the Citadel at Jerusalem 43 In those days, Simon took up a position at Gaza, and he encamped around it, and he made machines of war, and he applied them to the city, and he struck one tower and captured it. 44 And those who were within the machine broke forth into the city. And a great commotion occurred in the city. 45 And those who were in the city ascended upon the wall, with their wives and children, having torn their tunics. And they cried out with a loud voice, asking Simon to grant them a pledge. 46 And they said, “Do not repay us according to our malice, but according to your mercy.” 47 And weeping, Simon did not destroy them. Yet he cast them out of the city, and he cleansed the buildings, in which there had been idols. And then he entered into it with hymns, blessing the Lord. 48 And, having cast out of it all uncleanness, he placed in it men who would observe the law. And he fortified it and made it his dwelling place. 49 But those who were in the stronghold of Jerusalem were prohibited from going out and entering the region, and from buying and selling. And they were very hungry, and many of them perished through famine. 50 And they cried out to Simon, that they might receive a pledge, and he granted it to them. And he cast them out of there, and he cleansed the stronghold from contaminations. 51 And they entered into it on the twenty-third day of the second month, in the one hundred and seventy-first year, with thanksgiving, and palm branches, and lyres, and cymbals, and psalteries, and hymns, and canticles, because a great enemy had been crushed out of Israel. 52 And he established that these days should be kept every year with rejoicing. 53 And he fortified the mountain of the temple, which was near the stronghold, and he lived there himself, along with those who were with him. 54 And Simon saw that John, his son, was a valiant man in battle. And so he appointed him as commander of all the forces. And he lived in Gazara. Capture of Demetrius II Nicator 14:1 In the one hundred and seventy-second year, king Demetrius gathered together his army, and he went into Media to obtain auxiliaries to fight against Trypho. 2 And Arsaces, the king of Persia and Media, heard that Demetrius entered his confines, and so he sent one of his princes to capture him alive and to bring him to him. 3 And he went out and struck the camp of Demetrius. And captured him and brought him to Arsaces, and he placed him under guard. Simon rules in righteousness, renews relations with Rome and Sparta 4 And the entire land of Judah was quiet during all the days of Simon, and he sought what was good for his people. And his power and his glory pleased them through all his days. 5 And, with all his glory, he accepted Joppa as a port, and he made it an entrance to the islands of the sea. 6 And he enlarged the boundaries of his nation, and he controlled the countryside. 7 And he gathered together many captives, and he was the ruler of Gazara and Bethzur, and the stronghold. And he took uncleanness away from it, and there was no one who could withstand him. 8 And each one cultivated his land in peace, and the land of Judah produced its fruits, and the trees of the fields their fruit. 9 All the elders sat in the streets, and they discussed what was good for the country, and the youths clothed themselves in glory and in the robes of war. 10 And he gave tributes of provisions to the cities, and he decreed that they would have equipment for fortification, so that the fame of his glory was renowned, even to the ends of the earth. 11 He caused there to be peace over the land, and Israel was rejoicing with great joy. 12 And each one sat under his vine and under his fig tree. And there was no one who would terrify them. 13 There was nothing left of those who might fight against them in the land; kings had been crushed in those days. 14 And he confirmed all the humble of his people, and he sought the law, and he took away every iniquity and evil. 15 He glorified the sanctuary, and he multiplied the vessels of the holy places. 16 And it was heard at Rome, and even in Sparta, that Jonathan had passed away. And they were very sorrowful. 17 But when they heard that Simon, his brother, had been made high priest in his place, and that he obtained the entire country and the cities in it, 18 they wrote to him on tablets of brass, so as to renew the friendship and alliance, which they had made with Judas and with Jonathan, his brothers. 19 And they were read in the sight of the assembly at Jerusalem. And this is a copy of the letters that the Spartans sent: 20 “The leaders and the cities of the Spartans, to Simon, the great priest, and to the elders, and the priests, and the rest of the people of the Jews, their brothers: greetings. 21 The ambassadors who were sent to our people have reported to us of your glory, and honor, and rejoicing. And we were glad at their arrival. 22 And we wrote down what was said by them in the councils of the people, as follows: ‘Numenius, the son of Antiochus, and Antipater, the son of Jason, ambassadors of the Jews, came to us to renew the former friendship with us. 23 And it pleased the people to receive the men gloriously, and to place a copy of their words in a section of the public books, so as to be a memorial for the people of the Spartans. Furthermore, we have written a copy of them to Simon, the great priest.’ ” 24 But after this, Simon sent Numenius to Rome, in possession of a great shield of gold, weighing over a thousand pounds, to confirm the association with them. Official Honors for Simon 25 But when the people of Rome had heard these words, they said: “With what deeds of thanksgiving shall we repay Simon and his sons? 26 For he has vindicated his brothers, and he has fought off the enemies of Israel from them.” And so, they decreed him free, and they registered it on tablets of brass and placed it in an inscription on mount Zion. 27 And this is a copy of the writing: “On the eighteenth day of the month Elul, in the one hundred and seventy-second year, the third year under Simon, the great priest at Asaramel, 28 in a great convocation of the priests, and the people, and the leaders of the nation, and the elders of the country, these things were noted: ‘Now there have often been battles in our country. 29 And Simon, the son of Mattathias, of the sons of Jarib, and his brothers, have put themselves in danger, and have withstood the enemies of their nation, so as to establish their holy places and the law. And they have glorified their people with great glory. 30 And Jonathan gathered together his nation, and he was made their great priest, and he was laid to rest among his people. 31 And their enemies wanted to trample and lay waste to their country, and to extend their hands against their holy places. 32 Then Simon resisted, and he fought for his nation, and he requested much money, and he armed the valiant men of his nation and gave them wages. 33 And he fortified the cities of Judea and Bethzur, which are along the borders of Judea, where the weaponry of the enemies was before. And he placed a garrison of Jewish men there. 34 And he fortified Joppa, which is by the sea, and Gazara, which is on the border of Azotus, where the enemies stayed before, and he placed Jews there. And he positioned with them whatever was fitting for their preparations. 35 And the people saw the acts of Simon, and the glory that he intended to bring to his nation, and they made him their commander and first priest, because he had done all these things, and because of the justice and faith that he maintained for his nation, and because he sought to exalt his people by all means. 36 And in his days, there was prosperity by his hands, so that the Gentiles were taken away from their country, and also those who were in the city of David, in Jerusalem, in the stronghold, from which they went out and contaminated all the places that were around the sanctuary, and from which they brought a great scourging against chastity. 37 And he placed in it Jewish men, as a means of protection for the region and the city, and he raised the walls of Jerusalem. 38 And king Demetrius confirmed him in the high priesthood. 39 According to these things, he made him his friend, and he glorified him with great glory. 40 For he heard that the Romans had called the Jews their friends, and associates, and brothers, and that they received the ambassadors of Simon with glory, 41 and that the Jews and their priests had consented that he should be their governor and high priest unceasingly, until there should arise a faithful prophet, 42 and that he should be the commander over them, and that he should take care of the sanctuary, and that he should appoint foremen over their works, and over the country, and over the weapons, and over the strongholds, 43 and that he should take care of the holy places, and that he should be obeyed by all, and that all the records in the country should be recorded in his name, and that he should be clothed in purple and gold, 44 and that it should not be lawful for any of the people or the priests to make void any of these things, nor to contradict things that are said by him, nor to call together an assembly in the country without him, nor to be clothed in purple, nor to use a clasp of gold. 45 And whoever will do otherwise, or who will make void any of these things, shall be guilty. 46 And it pleased all the people to appoint Simon, and to act according to these words. 47 And Simon accepted it, and he was pleased to perform the office of the high priesthood, and to be the commander and leader of the people of the Jews, and of the priests, and to be foremost over them all. 48 And they asked that this writing be placed on tablets of brass, and be placed within the precinct of the sanctuary in a celebrated place, 49 and that a copy of these be placed in the treasury, so that Simon and his sons may have it.’ “ Letter of Antiochus VII Sidetes to Simon 15:1 And king Antiochus, the son of Demetrius, sent letters from the islands of the sea to Simon, the priest and leader of the nation of the Jews, and to all the people. 2 And these continued in this way: “King Antiochus to Simon, the great priest, and to the people of the Jews: greetings. 3 Since certain pestilent persons have obtained the kingdom of our fathers, it is my will, then, to vindicate the kingdom and to restore it, just as it was before. And so, I have chosen a great army, and I have built ships of war. 4 Furthermore, I intend to pass through the region, so that I may take revenge on those who have corrupted our country and who have desolated many cities in my kingdom. 5 Now, therefore, I confirm to you all the oblations that all the kings before me have remitted to you, and whatever other gifts they remitted to you. 6 And I permit you to make a striking of your own coins for your country. 7 Moreover, let Jerusalem be holy and free. And all the weapons that have been made, and the fortresses that you have constructed, or that you hold, let them remain with you. 8 And all that is owed to the king, and what should belong to the king in the future, from this time and for all time, is remitted to you. 9 Yet, when we have obtained our kingdom, we will glorify you, and your nation, and the temple with great glory, so much so that your glory shall be made manifest in all the earth.” 10 In the one hundred and seventy-fourth year, Antiochus went into the land of his fathers, and all the armies came over to him, so that few were left with Trypho. 11 And king Antiochus followed him as he fled along the sea coast and came to Dora. 12 For he knew that evils had gathered together upon him, and that his troops had forsaken him. 13 And Antiochus took up a position above Dora, with one hundred and twenty thousand men of warfare and eight thousand horsemen. 14 And he encircled the city, and the ships drew near by sea. And they assailed the city by land and by sea, and they permitted no one to go in or out. Rome Supports the Jews 15 But Numenius, and those who had been with him, came from the city of Rome, having letters written to the kings and the regions, in which was contained these things: 16 “Lucius, consul of the Romans, to king Ptolemy: greetings. 17 The ambassadors of the Jews, our friends, came to us, to renew the former friendship and alliance, having been sent from Simon, the leader of the priests and the people of the Jews. 18 And they also brought a shield of gold of over a thousand pounds. 19 And so, it was pleasing to us to write to the kings and the regions, that they should do no harm to them, nor fight against them, and their cities, and their regions, and that they should bear no assistance to those fighting against them. 20 And it seemed good to us to receive the shield from them. 21 If, therefore, those who are pestilent have taken refuge with you from their region, hand them over to Simon, the leader of the priests, so that he may give a verdict to them according to their law.” 22 These same things were written to king Demetrius, and to Attalus, and to Ariarathes, and to Arsaces, 23 and to all the regions, and to Lampsacus and to the Spartans, and to Delos, and Myndos, and Sicyon, and Caria, and Samos, and Pamphylia, and Lycia, and Halicarnassus, and Cos, and Side, and Aradus, and Rhodes, and Phaselis, and Gortyna, and Gnidus, and Cyprus, and Cyrene. 24 Moreover, they wrote a copy of these things to Simon, the leader of the priests and the people of the Jews. Antiochus VII Sidetes Threatens Simon 25 But king Antiochus positioned his camp near Dora a second time, moving his hand against it continually, and making machines of war. And he enclosed Trypho, lest he escape. 26 And Simon sent two thousand chosen men to him as auxiliaries, and silver, and gold, and an abundance of equipment. 27 And he was not willing to receive them, but he broke all of the pact that he made with him before, and he alienated himself from him. 28 And he sent to him Athenobius, one of his friends, to deal with him, saying: “You hold Joppa and Gazara, and the stronghold that is in Jerusalem, which are cities of my kingdom. 29 You have desolated their parts, and you have caused a great scourging in the land, and you have become ruler throughout many places in my kingdom. 30 Now, therefore, hand over the cities that you occupy, and the tributes of the places where you have become ruler beyond the borders of Judea. 31 But if not, give me for them five hundred talents of silver, and for the destruction that you have caused, and for the tributes of the cities, another five hundred talents. But if not, we will come and fight against you.” 32 So Athenobius, the friend of the king, came to Jerusalem and saw the glory of Simon, and his splendor in gold and silver, and his abundance of equipment, and he was astonished. And he repeated the words of the king to him. 33 And Simon responded to him, and he said to him: “We have not taken foreign land, nor do we hold anything foreign, but we hold the inheritance of our fathers, which was for some time unjustly possessed by our enemies. 34 In truth, since we have the opportunity, we claim the inheritance of our fathers. 35 And as to Joppa and Gazara, which you demand, they brought a great scourging on the people and our country. For these, we will give one hundred talents.” And Athenobius did not respond a word to him. 36 But, returning with anger to the king, he reported to him these words, and the glory of Simon, and all that he had seen. And the king became angry with a great anger. Victory over Cendebeus by Simon and his two sons 37 But Trypho fled by ship to Orthosia. 38 And the king appointed Cendebeus as commander of the seacoast, and he gave him an army of foot soldiers and horsemen. 39 And he commanded him to move with his camp against the face of Judea. And he commanded him to build up Kedron, and to barricade the gates of the city, and to make war against the people. But the king pursued Trypho. 40 And Cendebeus passed through to Jamnia, and he began to provoke the populace, and to trample Judea, and to take the people captive, and to execute, and to build up Kedron. 41 And he stationed horsemen and an army there, so that they could go out and travel through the ways of Judea, as the king appointed him to do. 16:1 And so, John came up from Gazara, and he reported to Simon, his father, what Cendebeus had done against their people. 2 And Simon called his two eldest sons, Judas and John, and he said to them: “I and my brothers, and my father’s house, have fought against the enemies of Israel from our youth, even to this day. And this work has prospered in our hands, so that we have delivered Israel several times. 3 And now that I am old, you must act in place of me and my brothers, and go out to fight for our nation. Truly, may the help of heaven be with you.” 4 Then he chose from the region twenty thousand men of warfare, and horsemen; and they started out toward Cendebeus. And they rested in Modin. 5 And they rose up in the morning and went out into the plains. And behold, an abundant army of foot soldiers and horsemen was there to meet them, and there was a river flowing between them. 6 And he and his people moved their camp opposite their face, and he saw the trepidation of the people to cross over the river, and so he crossed over first. And seeing him, the men also crossed after him. 7 And he divided the people and the horsemen into the midst of the foot soldiers. But the horsemen of the adversary were exceedingly numerous. 8 And they sounded the holy trumpets. And Cendebeus and his army were turned back. And many of them fell wounded. But the rest fled into the fortress. 9 Then Judas, the brother of John, was wounded. But John pursued them, until he came to Kedron, which he had built. 10 And they fled all the way to the towers that were in the fields of Azotus, and he burnt them with fire. And there fell of them two thousand men, and he returned to Judea in peace. Murder of Simon and His Sons by Simon’s son-in-law Ptolemy 11 Now Ptolemy, the son of Abubus, was appointed commander over the plain of Jericho, and he held much silver and gold. 12 For he was the son-in-law of the high priest. 13 And his heart was exalted, and he wanted to obtain the region, and he devised treachery against Simon and his sons, so as to destroy them. 14 Now when Simon was traveling through the cities that were in the region of Judea, and acting with concern for them, he went down to Jericho, he and Mattathias and Judas, his sons, in the one hundred and seventy-seventh year, in the eleventh month; this is the month of Shevat. 15 And the son of Abubus received them, with deceitfulness, into a little fortress, which is called Dok, that he had built. And he made them a great feast, and he hid men there. 16 And when Simon and his sons became inebriated, Ptolemy and his men rose up, and took their weapons, and entered into the gathering. And they killed him, and his two sons, and some of his servants. 17 And he committed a great treachery in Israel, and he repaid good with evil. 18 And Ptolemy wrote about these things, and he sent to the king, so that he would send him an army to assist him, and he could deliver to him the region, and their cities and tributes. 19 And he sent others to Gazara to destroy John. And he sent letters to the tribunes to come to him, and he would give them silver, and gold, and gifts. 20 And he sent others to occupy Jerusalem and the mountain of the temple. John Hyrcanus I Succeeds Simon Thassi 21 Now a certain one, running ahead, reported to John in Gazara, that his father and his brothers perished, and that “he sent to kill you also.” 22 But when he heard it, he was very afraid, and he apprehended the men who came to destroy him, and he killed them. For he knew that they sought to destroy him. 23 And the rest of the stories about John, and his wars, and the virtuous deeds that he performed with fortitude, and the building of the walls that he raised, and the things that he did, 24 behold, these have been written in the book of the days of his priesthood, from the time that he became high priest, after his father.

≈ 270 BC

Record Keeper: Ameleki

King of Nephites: Mosiah I

King of Mulekites: Zarahemla

Zeniff, Noah, Limhi, Abinadi, Alma

Zeniff, Noah, & Limhi Rule – Abinadi Converts Alma

Omni 1:12–22; 27–30 - 12 Behold, I am Amaleki, the son of Abinadom. Behold, I will speak unto you somewhat concerning Mosiah, who was made king over the land of Zarahemla; for behold, he being warned of the Lord that he should flee out of the land of Nephi, and as many as would hearken unto the voice of the Lord should also depart out of the land with him, into the wilderness—13 And it came to pass that he did according as the Lord had commanded him. And they departed out of the land into the wilderness, as many as would hearken unto the voice of the Lord; and they were led by many preachings and prophesyings. And they were admonished continually by the word of God; and they were led by the power of his arm, through the wilderness until they came down into the land which is called the land of Zarahemla. 14 And they discovered a people, who were called the people of Zarahemla. Now, there was great rejoicing among the people of Zarahemla; and also Zarahemla did rejoice exceedingly, because the Lord had sent the people of Mosiah with the plates of brass which contained the record of the Jews. 15 Behold, it came to pass that Mosiah discovered that the people of Zarahemla came out from Jerusalem at the time that Zedekiah, king of Judah, was carried away captive into Babylon. 16 And they journeyed in the wilderness, and were brought by the hand of the Lord across the great waters, into the land where Mosiah discovered them; and they had dwelt there from that time forth. 17 And at the time that Mosiah discovered them, they had become exceedingly numerous. Nevertheless, they had had many wars and serious contentions, and had fallen by the sword from time to time; and their language had become corrupted; and they had brought no records with them; and they denied the being of their Creator; and Mosiah, nor the people of Mosiah, could understand them. 18 But it came to pass that Mosiah caused that they should be taught in his language. And it came to pass that after they were taught in the language of Mosiah, Zarahemla gave a genealogy of his fathers, according to his memory; and they are written, but not in these plates. 19 And it came to pass that the people of Zarahemla, and of Mosiah, did unite together; and Mosiah was appointed to be their king. 20 And it came to pass in the days of Mosiah, there was a large stone brought unto him with engravings on it; and he did interpret the engravings by the gift and power of God. 21 And they gave an account of one Coriantumr, and the slain of his people. And Coriantumr was discovered by the people of Zarahemla; and he dwelt with them for the space of nine moons. 22 It also spake a few words concerning his fathers. And his first parents came out from the tower, at the time the Lord confounded the language of the people; and the severity of the Lord fell upon them according to his judgments, which are just; and their bones lay scattered in the land northward. 27 And now I would speak somewhat concerning a certain number who went up into the wilderness to return to the land of Nephi; for there was a large number who were desirous to possess the land of their inheritance. 28 Wherefore, they went up into the wilderness. And their leader being a strong and mighty man, and a stiffnecked man, wherefore he caused a contention among them; and they were all slain, save fifty, in the wilderness, and they returned again to the land of Zarahemla. 29 And it came to pass that they also took others to a considerable number, and took their journey again into the wilderness. 30 And I, Amaleki, had a brother, who also went with them; and I have not since known concerning them. And I am about to lie down in my grave; and these plates are full. And I make an end of my speaking.

≈ 200 BC

King of Nephites: Zeniff

King of Lamanites: Laman II

Mosiah 9–10 - 1 I, Zeniff, having been taught in all the language of the Nephites, and having had a knowledge of the land of Nephi, or of the land of our fathers’ first inheritance, and having been sent as a spy among the Lamanites that I might spy out their forces, that our army might come upon them and destroy them—but when I saw that which was good among them I was desirous that they should not be destroyed. 2 Therefore, I contended with my brethren in the wilderness, for I would that our ruler should make a treaty with them; but he being an austere and a blood-thirsty man commanded that I should be slain; but I was rescued by the shedding of much blood; for father fought against father, and brother against brother, until the greater number of our army was destroyed in the wilderness; and we returned, those of us that were spared, to the land of Zarahemla, to relate that tale to their wives and their children. 3 And yet, I being over-zealous to inherit the land of our fathers, collected as many as were desirous to go up to possess the land, and started again on our journey into the wilderness to go up to the land; but we were smitten with famine and sore afflictions; for we were slow to remember the Lord our God. 4 Nevertheless, after many days’ wandering in the wilderness we pitched our tents in the place where our brethren were slain, which was near to the land of our fathers. 5 And it came to pass that I went again with four of my men into the city, in unto the king, that I might know of the disposition of the king, and that I might know if I might go in with my people and possess the land in peace. 6 And I went in unto the king, and he covenanted with me that I might possess the land of Lehi-Nephi, and the land of Shilom. 7 And he also commanded that his people should depart out of the land, and I and my people went into the land that we might possess it. 8 And we began to build buildings, and to repair the walls of the city, yea, even the walls of the city of Lehi-Nephi, and the city of Shilom. 9 And we began to till the ground, yea, even with all manner of seeds, with seeds of corn, and of wheat, and of barley, and with neas, and with sheum, and with seeds of all manner of fruits; and we did begin to multiply and prosper in the land. 10 Now it was the cunning and the craftiness of king Laman, to bring my people into bondage, that he yielded up the land that we might possess it. 11 Therefore it came to pass, that after we had dwelt in the land for the space of twelve years that king Laman began to grow uneasy, lest by any means my people should wax strong in the land, and that they could not overpower them and bring them into bondage. 12 Now they were a lazy and an idolatrous people; therefore they were desirous to bring us into bondage, that they might glut themselves with the labors of our hands; yea, that they might feast themselves upon the flocks of our fields. 13 Therefore it came to pass that king Laman began to stir up his people that they should contend with my people; therefore there began to be wars and contentions in the land. 14 For, in the thirteenth year of my reign in the land of Nephi, away on the south of the land of Shilom, when my people were watering and feeding their flocks, and tilling their lands, a numerous host of Lamanites came upon them and began to slay them, and to take off their flocks, and the corn of their fields. 15 Yea, and it came to pass that they fled, all that were not overtaken, even into the city of Nephi, and did call upon me for protection. 16 And it came to pass that I did arm them with bows, and with arrows, with swords, and with cimeters, and with clubs, and with slings, and with all manner of weapons which we could invent, and I and my people did go forth against the Lamanites to battle. 17 Yea, in the strength of the Lord did we go forth to battle against the Lamanites; for I and my people did cry mightily to the Lord that he would deliver us out of the hands of our enemies, for we were awakened to a remembrance of the deliverance of our fathers. 18 And God did hear our cries and did answer our prayers; and we did go forth in his might; yea, we did go forth against the Lamanites, and in one day and a night we did slay three thousand and forty-three; we did slay them even until we had driven them out of our land. 19 And I, myself, with mine own hands, did help to bury their dead. And behold, to our great sorrow and lamentation, two hundred and seventy-nine of our brethren were slain. 10:1 And it came to pass that we again began to establish the kingdom and we again began to possess the land in peace. And I caused that there should be weapons of war made of every kind, that thereby I might have weapons for my people against the time the Lamanites should come up again to war against my people. 2 And I set guards round about the land, that the Lamanites might not come upon us again unawares and destroy us; and thus I did guard my people and my flocks, and keep them from falling into the hands of our enemies. 3 And it came to pass that we did inherit the land of our fathers for many years, yea, for the space of twenty and two years. 4 And I did cause that the men should till the ground, and raise all manner of grain and all manner of fruit of every kind. 5 And I did cause that the women should spin, and toil, and work, and work all manner of fine linen, yea, and cloth of every kind, that we might clothe our nakedness; and thus we did prosper in the land—thus we did have continual peace in the land for the space of twenty and two years. 6 And it came to pass that king Laman died, and his son began to reign in his stead. And he began to stir his people up in rebellion against my people; therefore they began to prepare for war, and to come up to battle against my people. 7 But I had sent my spies out round about the land of Shemlon, that I might discover their preparations, that I might guard against them, that they might not come upon my people and destroy them. 8 And it came to pass that they came up upon the north of the land of Shilom, with their numerous hosts, men armed with bows, and with arrows, and with swords, and with cimeters, and with stones, and with slings; and they had their heads shaved that they were naked; and they were girded with a leathern girdle about their loins. 9 And it came to pass that I caused that the women and children of my people should be hid in the wilderness; and I also caused that all my old men that could bear arms, and also all my young men that were able to bear arms, should gather themselves together to go to battle against the Lamanites; and I did place them in their ranks, every man according to his age. 10 And it came to pass that we did go up to battle against the Lamanites; and I, even I, in my old age, did go up to battle against the Lamanites. And it came to pass that we did go up in the strength of the Lord to battle. 11 Now, the Lamanites knew nothing concerning the Lord, nor the strength of the Lord, therefore they depended upon their own strength. Yet they were a strong people, as to the strength of men. 12 They were a wild, and ferocious, and a blood-thirsty people, believing in the tradition of their fathers, which is this—Believing that they were driven out of the land of Jerusalem because of the iniquities of their fathers, and that they were wronged in the wilderness by their brethren, and they were also wronged while crossing the sea; 13 And again, that they were wronged while in the land of their first inheritance, after they had crossed the sea, and all this because that Nephi was more faithful in keeping the commandments of the Lord—therefore he was favored of the Lord, for the Lord heard his prayers and answered them, and he took the lead of their journey in the wilderness. 14 And his brethren were wroth with him because they understood not the dealings of the Lord; they were also wroth with him upon the waters because they hardened their hearts against the Lord. 15 And again, they were wroth with him when they had arrived in the promised land, because they said that he had taken the ruling of the people out of their hands; and they sought to kill him. 16 And again, they were wroth with him because he departed into the wilderness as the Lord had commanded him, and took the records which were engraven on the plates of brass, for they said that he robbed them. 17 And thus they have taught their children that they should hate them, and that they should murder them, and that they should rob and plunder them, and do all they could to destroy them; therefore they have an eternal hatred towards the children of Nephi. 18 For this very cause has king Laman, by his cunning, and lying craftiness, and his fair promises, deceived me, that I have brought this my people up into this land, that they may destroy them; yea, and we have suffered these many years in the land. 19 And now I, Zeniff, after having told all these things unto my people concerning the Lamanites, I did stimulate them to go to battle with their might, putting their trust in the Lord; therefore, we did contend with them, face to face. 20 And it came to pass that we did drive them again out of our land; and we slew them with a great slaughter, even so many that we did not number them. 21 And it came to pass that we returned again to our own land, and my people again began to tend their flocks, and to till their ground. 22 And now I, being old, did confer the kingdom upon one of my sons; therefore, I say no more. And may the Lord bless my people. Amen.

≈ 155 BC

King of Nephites: Noah II

≈ 148 BC

Prophet: Abinadi

Mosiah 11–17 - 1 And now it came to pass that Zeniff conferred the kingdom upon Noah, one of his sons; therefore Noah began to reign in his stead; and he did not walk in the ways of his father. 2 For behold, he did not keep the commandments of God, but he did walk after the desires of his own heart. And he had many wives and concubines. And he did cause his people to commit sin, and do that which was abominable in the sight of the Lord. Yea, and they did commit whoredoms and all manner of wickedness. 3 And he laid a tax of one fifth part of all they possessed, a fifth part of their gold and of their silver, and a fifth part of their ziff, and of their copper, and of their brass and their iron; and a fifth part of their fatlings; and also a fifth part of all their grain. 4 And all this did he take to support himself, and his wives and his concubines; and also his priests, and their wives and their concubines; thus he had changed the affairs of the kingdom.

≈ 145 BC

Prophet: Alma the Elder

King of Nephites: Limhi

Nephite Leader: Gideon II

≈ 140 BC

King & Prophet: Benjamin II

Mosiah 18; 23:1–15; 19 - 1 And now, it came to pass that Alma, who had fled from the servants of king Noah, repented of his sins and iniquities, and went about privately among the people, and began to teach the words of Abinadi—2 Yea, concerning that which was to come, and also concerning the resurrection of the dead, and the redemption of the people, which was to be brought to pass through the power, and sufferings, and death of Christ, and his resurrection and ascension into heaven. 3 And as many as would hear his word he did teach. And he taught them privately, that it might not come to the knowledge of the king. And many did believe his words. 4 And it came to pass that as many as did believe him did go forth to a place which was called Mormon, having received its name from the king, being in the borders of the land having been infested, by times or at seasons, by wild beasts. 5 Now, there was in Mormon a fountain of pure water, and Alma resorted thither, there being near the water a thicket of small trees, where he did hide himself in the daytime from the searches of the king. 6 And it came to pass that as many as believed him went thither to hear his words. 7 And it came to pass after many days there were a goodly number gathered together at the place of Mormon, to hear the words of Alma. Yea, all were gathered together that believed on his word, to hear him. And he did teach them, and did preach unto them repentance, and redemption, and faith on the Lord. 8 And it came to pass that he said unto them: Behold, here are the waters of Mormon (for thus were they called) and now, as ye are desirous to come into the fold of God, and to be called his people, and are willing to bear one another’s burdens, that they may be light; 9 Yea, and are willing to mourn with those that mourn; yea, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort, and to stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places that ye may be in, even until death, that ye may be redeemed of God, and be numbered with those of the first resurrection, that ye may have eternal life—10 Now I say unto you, if this be the desire of your hearts, what have you against being baptized in the name of the Lord, as a witness before him that ye have entered into a covenant with him, that ye will serve him and keep his commandments, that he may pour out his Spirit more abundantly upon you? 11 And now when the people had heard these words, they clapped their hands for joy, and exclaimed: This is the desire of our hearts. 12 And now it came to pass that Alma took Helam, he being one of the first, and went and stood forth in the water, and cried, saying: O Lord, pour out thy Spirit upon thy servant, that he may do this work with holiness of heart. 13 And when he had said these words, the Spirit of the Lord was upon him, and he said: Helam, I baptize thee, having authority from the Almighty God, as a testimony that ye have entered into a covenant to serve him until you are dead as to the mortal body; and may the Spirit of the Lord be poured out upon you; and may he grant unto you eternal life, through the redemption of Christ, whom he has prepared from the foundation of the world. 14 And after Alma had said these words, both Alma and Helam were buried in the water; and they arose and came forth out of the water rejoicing, being filled with the Spirit. 15 And again, Alma took another, and went forth a second time into the water, and baptized him according to the first, only he did not bury himself again in the water. 16 And after this manner he did baptize every one that went forth to the place of Mormon; and they were in number about two hundred and four souls; yea, and they were baptized in the waters of Mormon, and were filled with the grace of God. 17 And they were called the church of God, or the church of Christ, from that time forward. And it came to pass that whosoever was baptized by the power and authority of God was added to his church. 18 And it came to pass that Alma, having authority from God, ordained priests; even one priest to every fifty of their number did he ordain to preach unto them, and to teach them concerning the things pertaining to the kingdom of God. 19 And he commanded them that they should teach nothing save it were the things which he had taught, and which had been spoken by the mouth of the holy prophets. 20 Yea, even he commanded them that they should preach nothing save it were repentance and faith on the Lord, who had redeemed his people. 21 And he commanded them that there should be no contention one with another, but that they should look forward with one eye, having one faith and one baptism, having their hearts knit together in unity and in love one towards another. 22 And thus he commanded them to preach. And thus they became the children of God. 23 And he commanded them that they should observe the sabbath day, and keep it holy, and also every day they should give thanks to the Lord their God. 24 And he also commanded them that the priests whom he had ordained should labor with their own hands for their support. 25 And there was one day in every week that was set apart that they should gather themselves together to teach the people, and to worship the Lord their God, and also, as often as it was in their power, to assemble themselves together. 26 And the priests were not to depend upon the people for their support; but for their labor they were to receive the grace of God, that they might wax strong in the Spirit, having the knowledge of God, that they might teach with power and authority from God. 27 And again Alma commanded that the people of the church should impart of their substance, every one according to that which he had; if he have more abundantly he should impart more abundantly; and of him that had but little, but little should be required; and to him that had not should be given. 28 And thus they should impart of their substance of their own free will and good desires towards God, and to those priests that stood in need, yea, and to every needy, naked soul. 29 And this he said unto them, having been commanded of God; and they did walk uprightly before God, imparting to one another both temporally and spiritually according to their needs and their wants. 30 And now it came to pass that all this was done in Mormon, yea, by the waters of Mormon, in the forest that was near the waters of Mormon; yea, the place of Mormon, the waters of Mormon, the forest of Mormon, how beautiful are they to the eyes of them who there came to the knowledge of their Redeemer; yea, and how blessed are they, for they shall sing to his praise forever. 31 And these things were done in the borders of the land, that they might not come to the knowledge of the king. 32 But behold, it came to pass that the king, having discovered a movement among the people, sent his servants to watch them. Therefore on the day that they were assembling themselves together to hear the word of the Lord they were discovered unto the king. 33 And now the king said that Alma was stirring up the people to rebellion against him; therefore he sent his army to destroy them. 34 And it came to pass that Alma and the people of the Lord were apprised of the coming of the king’s army; therefore they took their tents and their families and departed into the wilderness. 35 And they were in number about four hundred and fifty souls. 23:1 Now Alma, having been warned of the Lord that the armies of king Noah would come upon them, and having made it known to his people, therefore they gathered together their flocks, and took of their grain, and departed into the wilderness before the armies of king Noah. 2 And the Lord did strengthen them, that the people of king Noah could not overtake them to destroy them. 3 And they fled eight days’ journey into the wilderness. 4 And they came to a land, yea, even a very beautiful and pleasant land, a land of pure water. 5 And they pitched their tents, and began to till the ground, and began to build buildings; yea, they were industrious, and did labor exceedingly. 6 And the people were desirous that Alma should be their king, for he was beloved by his people. 7 But he said unto them: Behold, it is not expedient that we should have a king; for thus saith the Lord: Ye shall not esteem one flesh above another, or one man shall not think himself above another; therefore I say unto you it is not expedient that ye should have a king. 8 Nevertheless, if it were possible that ye could always have just men to be your kings it would be well for you to have a king. 9 But remember the iniquity of king Noah and his priests; and I myself was caught in a snare, and did many things which were abominable in the sight of the Lord, which caused me sore repentance; 10 Nevertheless, after much tribulation, the Lord did hear my cries, and did answer my prayers, and has made me an instrument in his hands in bringing so many of you to a knowledge of his truth. 11 Nevertheless, in this I do not glory, for I am unworthy to glory of myself. 12 And now I say unto you, ye have been oppressed by king Noah, and have been in bondage to him and his priests, and have been brought into iniquity by them; therefore ye were bound with the bands of iniquity. 13 And now as ye have been delivered by the power of God out of these bonds; yea, even out of the hands of king Noah and his people, and also from the bonds of iniquity, even so I desire that ye should stand fast in this liberty wherewith ye have been made free, and that ye trust no man to be a king over you. 14 And also trust no one to be your teacher nor your minister, except he be a man of God, walking in his ways and keeping his commandments. 15 Thus did Alma teach his people, that every man should love his neighbor as himself, that there should be no contention among them. 19:1 And it came to pass that the army of the king returned, having searched in vain for the people of the Lord. 2 And now behold, the forces of the king were small, having been reduced, and there began to be a division among the remainder of the people. 3 And the lesser part began to breathe out threatenings against the king, and there began to be a great contention among them. 4 And now there was a man among them whose name was Gideon, and he being a strong man and an enemy to the king, therefore he drew his sword, and swore in his wrath that he would slay the king. 5 And it came to pass that he fought with the king; and when the king saw that he was about to overpower him, he fled and ran and got upon the tower which was near the temple. 6 And Gideon pursued after him and was about to get upon the tower to slay the king, and the king cast his eyes round about towards the land of Shemlon, and behold, the army of the Lamanites were within the borders of the land. 7 And now the king cried out in the anguish of his soul, saying: Gideon, spare me, for the Lamanites are upon us, and they will destroy us; yea, they will destroy my people. 8 And now the king was not so much concerned about his people as he was about his own life; nevertheless, Gideon did spare his life. 9 And the king commanded the people that they should flee before the Lamanites, and he himself did go before them, and they did flee into the wilderness, with their women and their children. 10 And it came to pass that the Lamanites did pursue them, and did overtake them, and began to slay them. 11 Now it came to pass that the king commanded them that all the men should leave their wives and their children, and flee before the Lamanites. 12 Now there were many that would not leave them, but had rather stay and perish with them. And the rest left their wives and their children and fled. 13 And it came to pass that those who tarried with their wives and their children caused that their fair daughters should stand forth and plead with the Lamanites that they would not slay them. 14 And it came to pass that the Lamanites had compassion on them, for they were charmed with the beauty of their women. 15 Therefore the Lamanites did spare their lives, and took them captives and carried them back to the land of Nephi, and granted unto them that they might possess the land, under the conditions that they would deliver up king Noah into the hands of the Lamanites, and deliver up their property, even one half of all they possessed, one half of their gold, and their silver, and all their precious things, and thus they should pay tribute to the king of the Lamanites from year to year. 16 And now there was one of the sons of the king among those that were taken captive, whose name was Limhi. 17 And now Limhi was desirous that his father should not be destroyed; nevertheless, Limhi was not ignorant of the iniquities of his father, he himself being a just man. 18 And it came to pass that Gideon sent men into the wilderness secretly, to search for the king and those that were with him. And it came to pass that they met the people in the wilderness, all save the king and his priests. 19 Now they had sworn in their hearts that they would return to the land of Nephi, and if their wives and their children were slain, and also those that had tarried with them, that they would seek revenge, and also perish with them. 20 And the king commanded them that they should not return; and they were angry with the king, and caused that he should suffer, even unto death by fire. 21 And they were about to take the priests also and put them to death, and they fled before them. 22 And it came to pass that they were about to return to the land of Nephi, and they met the men of Gideon. And the men of Gideon told them of all that had happened to their wives and their children; and that the Lamanites had granted unto them that they might possess the land by paying a tribute to the Lamanites of one half of all they possessed. 23 And the people told the men of Gideon that they had slain the king, and his priests had fled from them farther into the wilderness. 24 And it came to pass that after they had ended the ceremony, that they returned to the land of Nephi, rejoicing, because their wives and their children were not slain; and they told Gideon what they had done to the king. 25 And it came to pass that the king of the Lamanites made an oath unto them, that his people should not slay them. 26 And also Limhi, being the son of the king, having the kingdom conferred upon him by the people, made oath unto the king of the Lamanites that his people should pay tribute unto him, even one half of all they possessed. 27 And it came to pass that Limhi began to establish the kingdom and to establish peace among his people. 28 And the king of the Lamanites set guards round about the land, that he might keep the people of Limhi in the land, that they might not depart into the wilderness; and he did support his guards out of the tribute which he did receive from the Nephites. 29 And now king Limhi did have continual peace in his kingdom for the space of two years, that the Lamanites did not molest them nor seek to destroy them.

King Benjamin & Mosiah II
Omni / Words of Mormon / Mosiah

King Benjamin & Mosiah II

Omni 1:23–26 - 23 Behold, I, Amaleki, was born in the days of Mosiah; and I have lived to see his death; and Benjamin, his son, reigneth in his stead. 24 And behold, I have seen, in the days of king Benjamin, a serious war and much bloodshed between the Nephites and the Lamanites. But behold, the Nephites did obtain much advantage over them; yea, insomuch that king Benjamin did drive them out of the land of Zarahemla. 25 And it came to pass that I began to be old; and, having no seed, and knowing king Benjamin to be a just man before the Lord, wherefore, I shall deliver up these plates unto him, exhorting all men to come unto God, the Holy One of Israel, and believe in prophesying, and in revelations, and in the ministering of angels, and in the gift of speaking with tongues, and in the gift of interpreting languages, and in all things which are good; for there is nothing which is good save it comes from the Lord: and that which is evil cometh from the devil. 26 And now, my beloved brethren, I would that ye should come unto Christ, who is the Holy One of Israel, and partake of his salvation, and the power of his redemption. Yea, come unto him, and offer your whole souls as an offering unto him, and continue in fasting and praying, and endure to the end; and as the Lord liveth ye will be saved.

≈ 350 AD

Prophet: Mormon

W of M 1 - 1 And now I, Mormon, being about to deliver up the record which I have been making into the hands of my son Moroni, behold I have witnessed almost all the destruction of my people, the Nephites. 2 And it is many hundred years after the coming of Christ that I deliver these records into the hands of my son; and it supposeth me that he will witness the entire destruction of my people. But may God grant that he may survive them, that he may write somewhat concerning them, and somewhat concerning Christ, that perhaps some day it may profit them. 3 And now, I speak somewhat concerning that which I have written; for after I had made an abridgment from the plates of Nephi, down to the reign of this king Benjamin, of whom Amaleki spake, I searched among the records which had been delivered into my hands, and I found these plates, which contained this small account of the prophets, from Jacob down to the reign of this king Benjamin, and also many of the words of Nephi. 4 And the things which are upon these plates pleasing me, because of the prophecies of the coming of Christ; and my fathers knowing that many of them have been fulfilled; yea, and I also know that as many things as have been prophesied concerning us down to this day have been fulfilled, and as many as go beyond this day must surely come to pass—5 Wherefore, I chose these things, to finish my record upon them, which remainder of my record I shall take from the plates of Nephi; and I cannot write the hundredth part of the things of my people. 6 But behold, I shall take these plates, which contain these prophesyings and revelations, and put them with the remainder of my record, for they are choice unto me; and I know they will be choice unto my brethren. 7 And I do this for a wise purpose; for thus it whispereth me, according to the workings of the Spirit of the Lord which is in me. And now, I do not know all things; but the Lord knoweth all things which are to come; wherefore, he worketh in me to do according to his will. 8 And my prayer to God is concerning my brethren, that they may once again come to the knowledge of God, yea, the redemption of Christ; that they may once again be a delightsome people. 9 And now I, Mormon, proceed to finish out my record, which I take from the plates of Nephi; and I make it according to the knowledge and the understanding which God has given me. 10 Wherefore, it came to pass that after Amaleki had delivered up these plates into the hands of king Benjamin, he took them and put them with the other plates, which contained records which had been handed down by the kings, from generation to generation until the days of king Benjamin. 11 And they were handed down from king Benjamin, from generation to generation until they have fallen into my hands. And I, Mormon, pray to God that they may be preserved from this time henceforth. And I know that they will be preserved; for there are great things written upon them, out of which my people and their brethren shall be judged at the great and last day, according to the word of God which is written. 12 And now, concerning this king Benjamin—he had somewhat of contentions among his own people. 13 And it came to pass also that the armies of the Lamanites came down out of the land of Nephi, to battle against his people. But behold, king Benjamin gathered together his armies, and he did stand against them; and he did fight with the strength of his own arm, with the sword of Laban. 14 And in the strength of the Lord they did contend against their enemies, until they had slain many thousands of the Lamanites. And it came to pass that they did contend against the Lamanites until they had driven them out of all the lands of their inheritance. 15 And it came to pass that after there had been false Christs, and their mouths had been shut, and they punished according to their crimes; 16 And after there had been false prophets, and false preachers and teachers among the people, and all these having been punished according to their crimes; and after there having been much contention and many dissensions away unto the Lamanites, behold, it came to pass that king Benjamin, with the assistance of the holy prophets who were among his people—17 For behold, king Benjamin was a holy man, and he did reign over his people in righteousness; and there were many holy men in the land, and they did speak the word of God with power and with authority; and they did use much sharpness because of the stiffneckedness of the people—18 Wherefore, with the help of these, king Benjamin, by laboring with all the might of his body and the faculty of his whole soul, and also the prophets, did once more establish peace in the land.

≈ 124 BC

King & Prophet: Mosiah II

Mosiah 1–6 - 1 And now there was no more contention in all the land of Zarahemla, among all the people who belonged to king Benjamin, so that king Benjamin had continual peace all the remainder of his days. 2 And it came to pass that he had three sons; and he called their names Mosiah, and Helorum, and Helaman. And he caused that they should be taught in all the language of his fathers, that thereby they might become men of understanding; and that they might know concerning the prophecies which had been spoken by the mouths of their fathers, which were delivered them by the hand of the Lord. 3 And he also taught them concerning the records which were engraven on the plates of brass, saying: My sons, I would that ye should remember that were it not for these plates, which contain these records and these commandments, we must have suffered in ignorance, even at this present time, not knowing the mysteries of God.

Mosiah 20:1–21:1 - 1 Now there was a place in Shemlon where the daughters of the Lamanites did gather themselves together to sing, and to dance, and to make themselves merry. 2 And it came to pass that there was one day a small number of them gathered together to sing and to dance. 3 And now the priests of king Noah, being ashamed to return to the city of Nephi, yea, and also fearing that the people would slay them, therefore they durst not return to their wives and their children. 4 And having tarried in the wilderness, and having discovered the daughters of the Lamanites, they laid and watched them; 5 And when there were but few of them gathered together to dance, they came forth out of their secret places and took them and carried them into the wilderness; yea, twenty and four of the daughters of the Lamanites they carried into the wilderness. 6 And it came to pass that when the Lamanites found that their daughters had been missing, they were angry with the people of Limhi, for they thought it was the people of Limhi. 7 Therefore they sent their armies forth; yea, even the king himself went before his people; and they went up to the land of Nephi to destroy the people of Limhi. 8 And now Limhi had discovered them from the tower, even all their preparations for war did he discover; therefore he gathered his people together, and laid wait for them in the fields and in the forests. 9 And it came to pass that when the Lamanites had come up, that the people of Limhi began to fall upon them from their waiting places, and began to slay them. 10 And it came to pass that the battle became exceedingly sore, for they fought like lions for their prey. 11 And it came to pass that the people of Limhi began to drive the Lamanites before them; yet they were not half so numerous as the Lamanites. But they fought for their lives, and for their wives, and for their children; therefore they exerted themselves and like dragons did they fight. 12 And it came to pass that they found the king of the Lamanites among the number of their dead; yet he was not dead, having been wounded and left upon the ground, so speedy was the flight of his people. 13 And they took him and bound up his wounds, and brought him before Limhi, and said: Behold, here is the king of the Lamanites; he having received a wound has fallen among their dead, and they have left him; and behold, we have brought him before you; and now let us slay him. 14 But Limhi said unto them: Ye shall not slay him, but bring him hither that I may see him. And they brought him. And Limhi said unto him: What cause have ye to come up to war against my people? Behold, my people have not broken the oath that I made unto you; therefore, why should ye break the oath which ye made unto my people? 15 And now the king said: I have broken the oath because thy people did carry away the daughters of my people; therefore, in my anger I did cause my people to come up to war against thy people. 16 And now Limhi had heard nothing concerning this matter; therefore he said: I will search among my people and whosoever has done this thing shall perish. Therefore he caused a search to be made among his people. 17 Now when Gideon had heard these things, he being the king’s captain, he went forth and said unto the king: I pray thee forbear, and do not search this people, and lay not this thing to their charge. 18 For do ye not remember the priests of thy father, whom this people sought to destroy? And are they not in the wilderness? And are not they the ones who have stolen the daughters of the Lamanites? 19 And now, behold, and tell the king of these things, that he may tell his people that they may be pacified towards us; for behold they are already preparing to come against us; and behold also there are but few of us. 20 And behold, they come with their numerous hosts; and except the king doth pacify them towards us we must perish. 21 For are not the words of Abinadi fulfilled, which he prophesied against us—and all this because we would not hearken unto the words of the Lord, and turn from our iniquities? 22 And now let us pacify the king, and we fulfil the oath which we have made unto him; for it is better that we should be in bondage than that we should lose our lives; therefore, let us put a stop to the shedding of so much blood. 23 And now Limhi told the king all the things concerning his father, and the priests that had fled into the wilderness, and attributed the carrying away of their daughters to them. 24 And it came to pass that the king was pacified towards his people; and he said unto them: Let us go forth to meet my people, without arms; and I swear unto you with an oath that my people shall not slay thy people. 25 And it came to pass that they followed the king, and went forth without arms to meet the Lamanites. And it came to pass that they did meet the Lamanites; and the king of the Lamanites did bow himself down before them, and did plead in behalf of the people of Limhi. 26 And when the Lamanites saw the people of Limhi, that they were without arms, they had compassion on them and were pacified towards them, and returned with their king in peace to their own land. 21:1 And it came to pass that Limhi and his people returned to the city of Nephi, and began to dwell in the land again in peace.

Mosiah 7–8; 21:2–22:16 - 21:2 And it came to pass that after many days the Lamanites began again to be stirred up in anger against the Nephites, and they began to come into the borders of the land round about. 3 Now they durst not slay them, because of the oath which their king had made unto Limhi; but they would smite them on their cheeks, and exercise authority over them; and began to put heavy burdens upon their backs, and drive them as they would a dumb ass—4 Yea, all this was done that the word of the Lord might be fulfilled. 5 And now the afflictions of the Nephites were great, and there was no way that they could deliver themselves out of their hands, for the Lamanites had surrounded them on every side. 6 And it came to pass that the people began to murmur with the king because of their afflictions; and they began to be desirous to go against them to battle. And they did afflict the king sorely with their complaints; therefore he granted unto them that they should do according to their desires. 7 And they gathered themselves together again, and put on their armor, and went forth against the Lamanites to drive them out of their land. 8 And it came to pass that the Lamanites did beat them, and drove them back, and slew many of them. 9 And now there was a great mourning and lamentation among the people of Limhi, the widow mourning for her husband, the son and the daughter mourning for their father, and the brothers for their brethren. 10 Now there were a great many widows in the land, and they did cry mightily from day to day, for a great fear of the Lamanites had come upon them. 11 And it came to pass that their continual cries did stir up the remainder of the people of Limhi to anger against the Lamanites; and they went again to battle, but they were driven back again, suffering much loss. 12 Yea, they went again even the third time, and suffered in the like manner; and those that were not slain returned again to the city of Nephi. 13 And they did humble themselves even to the dust, subjecting themselves to the yoke of bondage, submitting themselves to be smitten, and to be driven to and fro, and burdened, according to the desires of their enemies. 14 And they did humble themselves even in the depths of humility; and they did cry mightily to God; yea, even all the day long did they cry unto their God that he would deliver them out of their afflictions. 15 And now the Lord was slow to hear their cry because of their iniquities; nevertheless the Lord did hear their cries, and began to soften the hearts of the Lamanites that they began to ease their burdens; yet the Lord did not see fit to deliver them out of bondage. 16 And it came to pass that they began to prosper by degrees in the land, and began to raise grain more abundantly, and flocks, and herds, that they did not suffer with hunger. 17 Now there was a great number of women, more than there was of men; therefore king Limhi commanded that every man should impart to the support of the widows and their children, that they might not perish with hunger; and this they did because of the greatness of their number that had been slain. 18 Now the people of Limhi kept together in a body as much as it was possible, and secured their grain and their flocks; 19 And the king himself did not trust his person without the walls of the city, unless he took his guards with him, fearing that he might by some means fall into the hands of the Lamanites. 20 And he caused that his people should watch the land round about, that by some means they might take those priests that fled into the wilderness, who had stolen the daughters of the Lamanites, and that had caused such a great destruction to come upon them. 21 For they were desirous to take them that they might punish them; for they had come into the land of Nephi by night, and carried off their grain and many of their precious things; therefore they laid wait for them. 22 And it came to pass that there was no more disturbance between the Lamanites and the people of Limhi, even until the time that Ammon and his brethren came into the land. 7:1 And now, it came to pass that after king Mosiah had had continual peace for the space of three years, he was desirous to know concerning the people who went up to dwell in the land of Lehi-Nephi, or in the city of Lehi-Nephi; for his people had heard nothing from them from the time they left the land of Zarahemla; therefore, they wearied him with their teasings. 2 And it came to pass that king Mosiah granted that sixteen of their strong men might go up to the land of Lehi-Nephi, to inquire concerning their brethren. 3 And it came to pass that on the morrow they started to go up, having with them one Ammon, he being a strong and mighty man, and a descendant of Zarahemla; and he was also their leader. 4 And now, they knew not the course they should travel in the wilderness to go up to the land of Lehi-Nephi; therefore they wandered many days in the wilderness, even forty days did they wander. 5 And when they had wandered forty days they came to a hill, which is north of the land of Shilom, and there they pitched their tents. 6 And Ammon took three of his brethren, and their names were Amaleki, Helem, and Hem, and they went down into the land of Nephi. 7 And behold, they met the king of the people who were in the land of Nephi, and in the land of Shilom; and they were surrounded by the king’s guard, and were taken, and were bound, and were committed to prison. 21:23 And the king having been without the gates of the city with his guard, discovered Ammon and his brethren; and supposing them to be priests of Noah therefore he caused that they should be taken, and bound, and cast into prison. And had they been the priests of Noah he would have caused that they should be put to death. 7:8 And it came to pass when they had been in prison two days they were again brought before the king, and their bands were loosed; and they stood before the king, and were permitted, or rather commanded, that they should answer the questions which he should ask them. 9 And he said unto them: Behold, I am Limhi, the son of Noah, who was the son of Zeniff, who came up out of the land of Zarahemla to inherit this land, which was the land of their fathers, who was made a king by the voice of the people. 10 And now, I desire to know the cause whereby ye were so bold as to come near the walls of the city, when I, myself, was with my guards without the gate? 11 And now, for this cause have I suffered that ye should be preserved, that I might inquire of you, or else I should have caused that my guards should have put you to death. Ye are permitted to speak. 12 And now, when Ammon saw that he was permitted to speak, he went forth and bowed himself before the king; and rising again he said: O king, I am very thankful before God this day that I am yet alive, and am permitted to speak; and I will endeavor to speak with boldness; 13 For I am assured that if ye had known me ye would not have suffered that I should have worn these bands. For I am Ammon, and am a descendant of Zarahemla, and have come up out of the land of Zarahemla to inquire concerning our brethren, whom Zeniff brought up out of that land. 21:24 But when he found that they were not, but that they were his brethren, and had come from the land of Zarahemla, he was filled with exceedingly great joy. 7:14 And now, it came to pass that after Limhi had heard the words of Ammon, he was exceedingly glad, and said: Now, I know of a surety that my brethren who were in the land of Zarahemla are yet alive. And now, I will rejoice; and on the morrow I will cause that my people shall rejoice also. 15 For behold, we are in bondage to the Lamanites, and are taxed with a tax which is grievous to be borne. And now, behold, our brethren will deliver us out of our bondage, or out of the hands of the Lamanites, and we will be their slaves; for it is better that we be slaves to the Nephites than to pay tribute to the king of the Lamanites. 16 And now, king Limhi commanded his guards that they should no more bind Ammon nor his brethren, but caused that they should go to the hill which was north of Shilom, and bring their brethren into the city, that thereby they might eat, and drink, and rest themselves from the labors of their journey; for they had suffered many things; they had suffered hunger, thirst, and fatigue. 17 And now, it came to pass on the morrow that king Limhi sent a proclamation among all his people, that thereby they might gather themselves together to the temple, to hear the words which he should speak unto them. 18 And it came to pass that when they had gathered themselves together that he spake unto them in this wise, saying: O ye, my people, lift up your heads and be comforted; for behold, the time is at hand, or is not far distant, when we shall no longer be in subjection to our enemies, notwithstanding our many strugglings, which have been in vain; yet I trust there remaineth an effectual struggle to be made. 19 Therefore, lift up your heads, and rejoice, and put your trust in God, in that God who was the God of Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob; and also, that God who brought the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt, and caused that they should walk through the Red Sea on dry ground, and fed them with manna that they might not perish in the wilderness; and many more things did he do for them. 20 And again, that same God has brought our fathers out of the land of Jerusalem, and has kept and preserved his people even until now; and behold, it is because of our iniquities and abominations that he has brought us into bondage. 21 And ye all are witnesses this day, that Zeniff, who was made king over this people, he being over-zealous to inherit the land of his fathers, therefore being deceived by the cunning and craftiness of king Laman, who having entered into a treaty with king Zeniff, and having yielded up into his hands the possessions of a part of the land, or even the city of Lehi-Nephi, and the city of Shilom; and the land round about—22 And all this he did, for the sole purpose of bringing this people into subjection or into bondage. And behold, we at this time do pay tribute to the king of the Lamanites, to the amount of one half of our corn, and our barley, and even all our grain of every kind, and one half of the increase of our flocks and our herds; and even one half of all we have or possess the king of the Lamanites doth exact of us, or our lives. 23 And now, is not this grievous to be borne? And is not this, our affliction, great? Now behold, how great reason we have to mourn. 24 Yea, I say unto you, great are the reasons which we have to mourn; for behold how many of our brethren have been slain, and their blood has been spilt in vain, and all because of iniquity. 25 For if this people had not fallen into transgression the Lord would not have suffered that this great evil should come upon them. But behold, they would not hearken unto his words; but there arose contentions among them, even so much that they did shed blood among themselves. 26 And a prophet of the Lord have they slain; yea, a chosen man of God, who told them of their wickedness and abominations, and prophesied of many things which are to come, yea, even the coming of Christ. 27 And because he said unto them that Christ was the God, the Father of all things, and said that he should take upon him the image of man, and it should be the image after which man was created in the beginning; or in other words, he said that man was created after the image of God, and that God should come down among the children of men, and take upon him flesh and blood, and go forth upon the face of the earth—28 And now, because he said this, they did put him to death; and many more things did they do which brought down the wrath of God upon them. Therefore, who wondereth that they are in bondage, and that they are smitten with sore afflictions? 29 For behold, the Lord hath said: I will not succor my people in the day of their transgression; but I will hedge up their ways that they prosper not; and their doings shall be as a stumbling block before them. 30 And again, he saith: If my people shall sow filthiness they shall reap the chaff thereof in the whirlwind; and the effect thereof is poison. 31 And again he saith: If my people shall sow filthiness they shall reap the east wind, which bringeth immediate destruction. 32 And now, behold, the promise of the Lord is fulfilled, and ye are smitten and afflicted. 33 But if ye will turn to the Lord with full purpose of heart, and put your trust in him, and serve him with all diligence of mind, if ye do this, he will, according to his own will and pleasure, deliver you out of bondage. 8:1 And it came to pass that after king Limhi had made an end of speaking to his people, for he spake many things unto them and only a few of them have I written in this book, he told his people all the things concerning their brethren who were in the land of Zarahemla. 2 And he caused that Ammon should stand up before the multitude, and rehearse unto them all that had happened unto their brethren from the time that Zeniff went up out of the land even until the time that he himself came up out of the land. 3 And he also rehearsed unto them the last words which king Benjamin had taught them, and explained them to the people of king Limhi, so that they might understand all the words which he spake. 4 And it came to pass that after he had done all this, that king Limhi dismissed the multitude, and caused that they should return every one unto his own house. 5 And it came to pass that he caused that the plates which contained the record of his people from the time that they left the land of Zarahemla, should be brought before Ammon, that he might read them. 6 Now, as soon as Ammon had read the record, the king inquired of him to know if he could interpret languages, and Ammon told him that he could not. 21:25 Now king Limhi had sent, previous to the coming of Ammon, a small number of men to search for the land of Zarahemla; but they could not find it, and they were lost in the wilderness. 26 Nevertheless, they did find a land which had been peopled; yea, a land which was covered with dry bones; yea, a land which had been peopled and which had been destroyed; and they, having supposed it to be the land of Zarahemla, returned to the land of Nephi, having arrived in the borders of the land not many days before the coming of Ammon. 27 And they brought a record with them, even a record of the people whose bones they had found; and it was engraven on plates of ore. 8:7 And the king said unto him: Being grieved for the afflictions of my people, I caused that forty and three of my people should take a journey into the wilderness, that thereby they might find the land of Zarahemla, that we might appeal unto our brethren to deliver us out of bondage. 8 And they were lost in the wilderness for the space of many days, yet they were diligent, and found not the land of Zarahemla but returned to this land, having traveled in a land among many waters, having discovered a land which was covered with bones of men, and of beasts, and was also covered with ruins of buildings of every kind, having discovered a land which had been peopled with a people who were as numerous as the hosts of Israel. 9 And for a testimony that the things that they had said are true they have brought twenty-four plates which are filled with engravings, and they are of pure gold. 10 And behold, also, they have brought breastplates, which are large, and they are of brass and of copper, and are perfectly sound. 11 And again, they have brought swords, the hilts thereof have perished, and the blades thereof were cankered with rust; and there is no one in the land that is able to interpret the language or the engravings that are on the plates. Therefore I said unto thee: Canst thou translate? 12 And I say unto thee again: Knowest thou of any one that can translate? For I am desirous that these records should be translated into our language; for, perhaps, they will give us a knowledge of a remnant of the people who have been destroyed, from whence these records came; or, perhaps, they will give us a knowledge of this very people who have been destroyed; and I am desirous to know the cause of their destruction. 13 Now Ammon said unto him: I can assuredly tell thee, O king, of a man that can translate the records; for he has wherewith that he can look, and translate all records that are of ancient date; and it is a gift from God. And the things are called interpreters, and no man can look in them except he be commanded, lest he should look for that he ought not and he should perish. And whosoever is commanded to look in them, the same is called seer. 14 And behold, the king of the people who are in the land of Zarahemla is the man that is commanded to do these things, and who has this high gift from God. 15 And the king said that a seer is greater than a prophet. 16 And Ammon said that a seer is a revelator and a prophet also; and a gift which is greater can no man have, except he should possess the power of God, which no man can; yet a man may have great power given him from God. 17 But a seer can know of things which are past, and also of things which are to come, and by them shall all things be revealed, or, rather, shall secret things be made manifest, and hidden things shall come to light, and things which are not known shall be made known by them, and also things shall be made known by them which otherwise could not be known. 18 Thus God has provided a means that man, through faith, might work mighty miracles; therefore he becometh a great benefit to his fellow beings. 19 And now, when Ammon had made an end of speaking these words the king rejoiced exceedingly, and gave thanks to God, saying: Doubtless a great mystery is contained within these plates, and these interpreters were doubtless prepared for the purpose of unfolding all such mysteries to the children of men. 20 O how marvelous are the works of the Lord, and how long doth he suffer with his people; yea, and how blind and impenetrable are the understandings of the children of men; for they will not seek wisdom, neither do they desire that she should rule over them! 21 Yea, they are as a wild flock which fleeth from the shepherd, and scattereth, and are driven, and are devoured by the beasts of the forest. 21:28 And now Limhi was again filled with joy on learning from the mouth of Ammon that king Mosiah had a gift from God, whereby he could interpret such engravings; yea, and Ammon also did rejoice. 29 Yet Ammon and his brethren were filled with sorrow because so many of their brethren had been slain; 30 And also that king Noah and his priests had caused the people to commit so many sins and iniquities against God; and they also did mourn for the death of Abinadi; and also for the departure of Alma and the people that went with him, who had formed a church of God through the strength and power of God, and faith on the words which had been spoken by Abinadi. 31 Yea, they did mourn for their departure, for they knew not whither they had fled. Now they would have gladly joined with them, for they themselves had entered into a covenant with God to serve him and keep his commandments. 32 And now since the coming of Ammon, king Limhi had also entered into a covenant with God, and also many of his people, to serve him and keep his commandments. 33 And it came to pass that king Limhi and many of his people were desirous to be baptized; but there was none in the land that had authority from God. And Ammon declined doing this thing, considering himself an unworthy servant. 34 Therefore they did not at that time form themselves into a church, waiting upon the Spirit of the Lord. Now they were desirous to become even as Alma and his brethren, who had fled into the wilderness. 35 They were desirous to be baptized as a witness and a testimony that they were willing to serve God with all their hearts; nevertheless they did prolong the time; and an account of their baptism shall be given hereafter. 36 And now all the study of Ammon and his people, and king Limhi and his people, was to deliver themselves out of the hands of the Lamanites and from bondage. 22:1 And now it came to pass that Ammon and king Limhi began to consult with the people how they should deliver themselves out of bondage; and even they did cause that all the people should gather themselves together; and this they did that they might have the voice of the people concerning the matter. 2 And it came to pass that they could find no way to deliver themselves out of bondage, except it were to take their women and children, and their flocks, and their herds, and their tents, and depart into the wilderness; for the Lamanites being so numerous, it was impossible for the people of Limhi to contend with them, thinking to deliver themselves out of bondage by the sword. 3 Now it came to pass that Gideon went forth and stood before the king, and said unto him: Now O king, thou hast hitherto hearkened unto my words many times when we have been contending with our brethren, the Lamanites. 4 And now O king, if thou hast not found me to be an unprofitable servant, or if thou hast hitherto listened to my words in any degree, and they have been of service to thee, even so I desire that thou wouldst listen to my words at this time, and I will be thy servant and deliver this people out of bondage. 5 And the king granted unto him that he might speak. And Gideon said unto him: 6 Behold the back pass, through the back wall, on the back side of the city. The Lamanites, or the guards of the Lamanites, by night are drunken; therefore let us send a proclamation among all this people that they gather together their flocks and herds, that they may drive them into the wilderness by night. 7 And I will go according to thy command and pay the last tribute of wine to the Lamanites, and they will be drunken; and we will pass through the secret pass on the left of their camp when they are drunken and asleep. 8 Thus we will depart with our women and our children, our flocks, and our herds into the wilderness; and we will travel around the land of Shilom. 9 And it came to pass that the king hearkened unto the words of Gideon. 10 And king Limhi caused that his people should gather their flocks together; and he sent the tribute of wine to the Lamanites; and he also sent more wine, as a present unto them; and they did drink freely of the wine which king Limhi did send unto them. 11 And it came to pass that the people of king Limhi did depart by night into the wilderness with their flocks and their herds, and they went round about the land of Shilom in the wilderness, and bent their course towards the land of Zarahemla, being led by Ammon and his brethren. 12 And they had taken all their gold, and silver, and their precious things, which they could carry, and also their provisions with them, into the wilderness; and they pursued their journey. 13 And after being many days in the wilderness they arrived in the land of Zarahemla, and joined Mosiah’s people, and became his subjects. 14 And it came to pass that Mosiah received them with joy; and he also received their records, and also the records which had been found by the people of Limhi. 15 And now it came to pass when the Lamanites had found that the people of Limhi had departed out of the land by night, that they sent an army into the wilderness to pursue them; 16 And after they had pursued them two days, they could no longer follow their tracks; therefore they were lost in the wilderness.

≈ 121 BC

High Priest: Alma I

Priest of Noah: Amulon

Mosiah 23:16–24:25 - 16 And now, Alma was their high priest, he being the founder of their church. 17 And it came to pass that none received authority to preach or to teach except it were by him from God. Therefore he consecrated all their priests and all their teachers; and none were consecrated except they were just men. 18 Therefore they did watch over their people, and did nourish them with things pertaining to righteousness. 19 And it came to pass that they began to prosper exceedingly in the land; and they called the land Helam. 20 And it came to pass that they did multiply and prosper exceedingly in the land of Helam; and they built a city, which they called the city of Helam. 21 Nevertheless the Lord seeth fit to chasten his people; yea, he trieth their patience and their faith. 22 Nevertheless—whosoever putteth his trust in him the same shall be lifted up at the last day. Yea, and thus it was with this people. 23 For behold, I will show unto you that they were brought into bondage, and none could deliver them but the Lord their God, yea, even the God of Abraham and Isaac and of Jacob. 24 And it came to pass that he did deliver them, and he did show forth his mighty power unto them, and great were their rejoicings. 25 For behold, it came to pass that while they were in the land of Helam, yea, in the city of Helam, while tilling the land round about, behold an army of the Lamanites was in the borders of the land. 26 Now it came to pass that the brethren of Alma fled from their fields, and gathered themselves together in the city of Helam; and they were much frightened because of the appearance of the Lamanites. 27 But Alma went forth and stood among them, and exhorted them that they should not be frightened, but that they should remember the Lord their God and he would deliver them. 28 Therefore they hushed their fears, and began to cry unto the Lord that he would soften the hearts of the Lamanites, that they would spare them, and their wives, and their children. 29 And it came to pass that the Lord did soften the hearts of the Lamanites. And Alma and his brethren went forth and delivered themselves up into their hands; and the Lamanites took possession of the land of Helam. 30 Now the armies of the Lamanites, which had followed after the people of king Limhi, had been lost in the wilderness for many days. 31 And behold, they had found those priests of king Noah, in a place which they called Amulon; and they had begun to possess the land of Amulon and had begun to till the ground. 32 Now the name of the leader of those priests was Amulon. 33 And it came to pass that Amulon did plead with the Lamanites; and he also sent forth their wives, who were the daughters of the Lamanites, to plead with their brethren, that they should not destroy their husbands. 34 And the Lamanites had compassion on Amulon and his brethren, and did not destroy them, because of their wives. 35 And Amulon and his brethren did join the Lamanites, and they were traveling in the wilderness in search of the land of Nephi when they discovered the land of Helam, which was possessed by Alma and his brethren. 36 And it came to pass that the Lamanites promised unto Alma and his brethren, that if they would show them the way which led to the land of Nephi that they would grant unto them their lives and their liberty. 37 But after Alma had shown them the way that led to the land of Nephi the Lamanites would not keep their promise; but they set guards round about the land of Helam, over Alma and his brethren. 38 And the remainder of them went to the land of Nephi; and a part of them returned to the land of Helam, and also brought with them the wives and the children of the guards who had been left in the land. 39 And the king of the Lamanites had granted unto Amulon that he should be a king and a ruler over his people, who were in the land of Helam; nevertheless he should have no power to do anything contrary to the will of the king of the Lamanites. 24:1 And it came to pass that Amulon did gain favor in the eyes of the king of the Lamanites; therefore, the king of the Lamanites granted unto him and his brethren that they should be appointed teachers over his people, yea, even over the people who were in the land of Shemlon, and in the land of Shilom, and in the land of Amulon. 2 For the Lamanites had taken possession of all these lands; therefore, the king of the Lamanites had appointed kings over all these lands. 3 And now the name of the king of the Lamanites was Laman, being called after the name of his father; and therefore he was called king Laman. And he was king over a numerous people. 4 And he appointed teachers of the brethren of Amulon in every land which was possessed by his people; and thus the language of Nephi began to be taught among all the people of the Lamanites. 5 And they were a people friendly one with another; nevertheless they knew not God; neither did the brethren of Amulon teach them anything concerning the Lord their God, neither the law of Moses; nor did they teach them the words of Abinadi; 6 But they taught them that they should keep their record, and that they might write one to another. 7 And thus the Lamanites began to increase in riches, and began to trade one with another and wax great, and began to be a cunning and a wise people, as to the wisdom of the world, yea, a very cunning people, delighting in all manner of wickedness and plunder, except it were among their own brethren. 8 And now it came to pass that Amulon began to exercise authority over Alma and his brethren, and began to persecute him, and cause that his children should persecute their children. 9 For Amulon knew Alma, that he had been one of the king’s priests, and that it was he that believed the words of Abinadi and was driven out before the king, and therefore he was wroth with him; for he was subject to king Laman, yet he exercised authority over them, and put tasks upon them, and put task-masters over them. 10 And it came to pass that so great were their afflictions that they began to cry mightily to God. 11 And Amulon commanded them that they should stop their cries; and he put guards over them to watch them, that whosoever should be found calling upon God should be put to death. 12 And Alma and his people did not raise their voices to the Lord their God, but did pour out their hearts to him; and he did know the thoughts of their hearts. 13 And it came to pass that the voice of the Lord came to them in their afflictions, saying: Lift up your heads and be of good comfort, for I know of the covenant which ye have made unto me; and I will covenant with my people and deliver them out of bondage. 14 And I will also ease the burdens which are put upon your shoulders, that even you cannot feel them upon your backs, even while you are in bondage; and this will I do that ye may stand as witnesses for me hereafter, and that ye may know of a surety that I, the Lord God, do visit my people in their afflictions. 15 And now it came to pass that the burdens which were laid upon Alma and his brethren were made light; yea, the Lord did strengthen them that they could bear up their burdens with ease, and they did submit cheerfully and with patience to all the will of the Lord. 16 And it came to pass that so great was their faith and their patience that the voice of the Lord came unto them again, saying: Be of good comfort, for on the morrow I will deliver you out of bondage. 17 And he said unto Alma: Thou shalt go before this people, and I will go with thee and deliver this people out of bondage. 18 Now it came to pass that Alma and his people in the night-time gathered their flocks together, and also of their grain; yea, even all the night-time were they gathering their flocks together. 19 And in the morning the Lord caused a deep sleep to come upon the Lamanites, yea, and all their task-masters were in a profound sleep. 20 And Alma and his people departed into the wilderness; and when they had traveled all day they pitched their tents in a valley, and they called the valley Alma, because he led their way in the wilderness. 21 Yea, and in the valley of Alma they poured out their thanks to God because he had been merciful unto them, and eased their burdens, and had delivered them out of bondage; for they were in bondage, and none could deliver them except it were the Lord their God. 22 And they gave thanks to God, yea, all their men and all their women and all their children that could speak lifted their voices in the praises of their God. 23 And now the Lord said unto Alma: Haste thee and get thou and this people out of this land, for the Lamanites have awakened and do pursue thee; therefore get thee out of this land, and I will stop the Lamanites in this valley that they come no further in pursuit of this people. 24 And it came to pass that they departed out of the valley, and took their journey into the wilderness. 25 And after they had been in the wilderness twelve days they arrived in the land of Zarahemla; and king Mosiah did also receive them with joy.

Mosiah 25:1–27:7 - 1 And now king Mosiah caused that all the people should be gathered together. 2 Now there were not so many of the children of Nephi, or so many of those who were descendants of Nephi, as there were of the people of Zarahemla, who was a descendant of Mulek, and those who came with him into the wilderness. 3 And there were not so many of the people of Nephi and of the people of Zarahemla as there were of the Lamanites; yea, they were not half so numerous. 4 And now all the people of Nephi were assembled together, and also all the people of Zarahemla, and they were gathered together in two bodies. 5 And it came to pass that Mosiah did read, and caused to be read, the records of Zeniff to his people; yea, he read the records of the people of Zeniff, from the time they left the land of Zarahemla until they returned again. 6 And he also read the account of Alma and his brethren, and all their afflictions, from the time they left the land of Zarahemla until the time they returned again. 7 And now, when Mosiah had made an end of reading the records, his people who tarried in the land were struck with wonder and amazement. 8 For they knew not what to think; for when they beheld those that had been delivered out of bondage they were filled with exceedingly great joy. 9 And again, when they thought of their brethren who had been slain by the Lamanites they were filled with sorrow, and even shed many tears of sorrow. 10 And again, when they thought of the immediate goodness of God, and his power in delivering Alma and his brethren out of the hands of the Lamanites and of bondage, they did raise their voices and give thanks to God. 11 And again, when they thought upon the Lamanites, who were their brethren, of their sinful and polluted state, they were filled with pain and anguish for the welfare of their souls. 12 And it came to pass that those who were the children of Amulon and his brethren, who had taken to wife the daughters of the Lamanites, were displeased with the conduct of their fathers, and they would no longer be called by the names of their fathers, therefore they took upon themselves the name of Nephi, that they might be called the children of Nephi and be numbered among those who were called Nephites. 13 And now all the people of Zarahemla were numbered with the Nephites, and this because the kingdom had been conferred upon none but those who were descendants of Nephi. 14 And now it came to pass that when Mosiah had made an end of speaking and reading to the people, he desired that Alma should also speak to the people. 15 And Alma did speak unto them, when they were assembled together in large bodies, and he went from one body to another, preaching unto the people repentance and faith on the Lord. 16 And he did exhort the people of Limhi and his brethren, all those that had been delivered out of bondage, that they should remember that it was the Lord that did deliver them. 17 And it came to pass that after Alma had taught the people many things, and had made an end of speaking to them, that king Limhi was desirous that he might be baptized; and all his people were desirous that they might be baptized also. 18 Therefore, Alma did go forth into the water and did baptize them; yea, he did baptize them after the manner he did his brethren in the waters of Mormon; yea, and as many as he did baptize did belong to the church of God; and this because of their belief on the words of Alma. 19 And it came to pass that king Mosiah granted unto Alma that he might establish churches throughout all the land of Zarahemla; and gave him power to ordain priests and teachers over every church. 20 Now this was done because there were so many people that they could not all be governed by one teacher; neither could they all hear the word of God in one assembly; 21 Therefore they did assemble themselves together in different bodies, being called churches; every church having their priests and their teachers, and every priest preaching the word according as it was delivered to him by the mouth of Alma. 22 And thus, notwithstanding there being many churches they were all one church, yea, even the church of God; for there was nothing preached in all the churches except it were repentance and faith in God. 23 And now there were seven churches in the land of Zarahemla. And it came to pass that whosoever were desirous to take upon them the name of Christ, or of God, they did join the churches of God; 24 And they were called the people of God. And the Lord did pour out his Spirit upon them, and they were blessed, and prospered in the land. 26:1 Now it came to pass that there were many of the rising generation that could not understand the words of king Benjamin, being little children at the time he spake unto his people; and they did not believe the tradition of their fathers. 2 They did not believe what had been said concerning the resurrection of the dead, neither did they believe concerning the coming of Christ. 3 And now because of their unbelief they could not understand the word of God; and their hearts were hardened. 4 And they would not be baptized; neither would they join the church. And they were a separate people as to their faith, and remained so ever after, even in their carnal and sinful state; for they would not call upon the Lord their God. 5 And now in the reign of Mosiah they were not half so numerous as the people of God; but because of the dissensions among the brethren they became more numerous. 6 For it came to pass that they did deceive many with their flattering words, who were in the church, and did cause them to commit many sins; therefore it became expedient that those who committed sin, that were in the church, should be admonished by the church. 7 And it came to pass that they were brought before the priests, and delivered up unto the priests by the teachers; and the priests brought them before Alma, who was the high priest. 8 Now king Mosiah had given Alma the authority over the church. 9 And it came to pass that Alma did not know concerning them; but there were many witnesses against them; yea, the people stood and testified of their iniquity in abundance. 10 Now there had not any such thing happened before in the church; therefore Alma was troubled in his spirit, and he caused that they should be brought before the king. 11 And he said unto the king: Behold, here are many whom we have brought before thee, who are accused of their brethren; yea, and they have been taken in divers iniquities. And they do not repent of their iniquities; therefore we have brought them before thee, that thou mayest judge them according to their crimes. 12 But king Mosiah said unto Alma: Behold, I judge them not; therefore I deliver them into thy hands to be judged. 13 And now the spirit of Alma was again troubled; and he went and inquired of the Lord what he should do concerning this matter, for he feared that he should do wrong in the sight of God. 14 And it came to pass that after he had poured out his whole soul to God, the voice of the Lord came to him, saying: 15 Blessed art thou, Alma, and blessed are they who were baptized in the waters of Mormon. Thou art blessed because of thy exceeding faith in the words alone of my servant Abinadi. 16 And blessed are they because of their exceeding faith in the words alone which thou hast spoken unto them. 17 And blessed art thou because thou hast established a church among this people; and they shall be established, and they shall be my people. 18 Yea, blessed is this people who are willing to bear my name; for in my name shall they be called; and they are mine. 19 And because thou hast inquired of me concerning the transgressor, thou art blessed. 20 Thou art my servant; and I covenant with thee that thou shalt have eternal life; and thou shalt serve me and go forth in my name, and shalt gather together my sheep. 21 And he that will hear my voice shall be my sheep; and him shall ye receive into the church, and him will I also receive. 22 For behold, this is my church; whosoever is baptized shall be baptized unto repentance. And whomsoever ye receive shall believe in my name; and him will I freely forgive. 23 For it is I that taketh upon me the sins of the world; for it is I that hath created them; and it is I that granteth unto him that believeth unto the end a place at my right hand. 24 For behold, in my name are they called; and if they know me they shall come forth, and shall have a place eternally at my right hand. 25 And it shall come to pass that when the second trump shall sound then shall they that never knew me come forth and shall stand before me. 26 And then shall they know that I am the Lord their God, that I am their Redeemer; but they would not be redeemed. 27 And then I will confess unto them that I never knew them; and they shall depart into everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 28 Therefore I say unto you, that he that will not hear my voice, the same shall ye not receive into my church, for him I will not receive at the last day. 29 Therefore I say unto you, Go; and whosoever transgresseth against me, him shall ye judge according to the sins which he has committed; and if he confess his sins before thee and me, and repenteth in the sincerity of his heart, him shall ye forgive, and I will forgive him also. 30 Yea, and as often as my people repent will I forgive them their trespasses against me. 31 And ye shall also forgive one another your trespasses; for verily I say unto you, he that forgiveth not his neighbor’s trespasses when he says that he repents, the same hath brought himself under condemnation. 32 Now I say unto you, Go; and whosoever will not repent of his sins the same shall not be numbered among my people; and this shall be observed from this time forward. 33 And it came to pass when Alma had heard these words he wrote them down that he might have them, and that he might judge the people of that church according to the commandments of God. 34 And it came to pass that Alma went and judged those that had been taken in iniquity, according to the word of the Lord. 35 And whosoever repented of their sins and did confess them, them he did number among the people of the church; 36 And those that would not confess their sins and repent of their iniquity, the same were not numbered among the people of the church, and their names were blotted out. 37 And it came to pass that Alma did regulate all the affairs of the church; and they began again to have peace and to prosper exceedingly in the affairs of the church, walking circumspectly before God, receiving many, and baptizing many. 38 And now all these things did Alma and his fellow laborers do who were over the church, walking in all diligence, teaching the word of God in all things, suffering all manner of afflictions, being persecuted by all those who did not belong to the church of God. 39 And they did admonish their brethren; and they were also admonished, every one by the word of God, according to his sins, or to the sins which he had committed, being commanded of God to pray without ceasing, and to give thanks in all things. 27:1 And now it came to pass that the persecutions which were inflicted on the church by the unbelievers became so great that the church began to murmur, and complain to their leaders concerning the matter; and they did complain to Alma. And Alma laid the case before their king, Mosiah. And Mosiah consulted with his priests. 2 And it came to pass that king Mosiah sent a proclamation throughout the land round about that there should not any unbeliever persecute any of those who belonged to the church of God. 3 And there was a strict command throughout all the churches that there should be no persecutions among them, that there should be an equality among all men; 4 That they should let no pride nor haughtiness disturb their peace; that every man should esteem his neighbor as himself, laboring with their own hands for their support. 5 Yea, and all their priests and teachers should labor with their own hands for their support, in all cases save it were in sickness, or in much want; and doing these things, they did abound in the grace of God. 6 And there began to be much peace again in the land; and the people began to be very numerous, and began to scatter abroad upon the face of the earth, yea, on the north and on the south, on the east and on the west, building large cities and villages in all quarters of the land. 7 And the Lord did visit them and prosper them, and they became a large and wealthy people.

≈ 92 BC

Prophet & Chief Judge: Alma II

Princes of Nephites: Aaron, Ammon, Omner, Himni

Alma the Younger & Sons of Mosiah

Alma the Younger & Sons of Mosiah
Mosiah / Alma

Mosiah 27:8–Alma1:33 - 8 Now the sons of Mosiah were numbered among the unbelievers; and also one of the sons of Alma was numbered among them, he being called Alma, after his father; nevertheless, he became a very wicked and an idolatrous man. And he was a man of many words, and did speak much flattery to the people; therefore he led many of the people to do after the manner of his iniquities. 9 And he became a great hinderment to the prosperity of the church of God; stealing away the hearts of the people; causing much dissension among the people; giving a chance for the enemy of God to exercise his power over them. 10 And now it came to pass that while he was going about to destroy the church of God, for he did go about secretly with the sons of Mosiah seeking to destroy the church, and to lead astray the people of the Lord, contrary to the commandments of God, or even the king—11 And as I said unto you, as they were going about rebelling against God, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto them; and he descended as it were in a cloud; and he spake as it were with a voice of thunder, which caused the earth to shake upon which they stood; 12 And so great was their astonishment, that they fell to the earth, and understood not the words which he spake unto them. 13 Nevertheless he cried again, saying: Alma, arise and stand forth, for why persecutest thou the church of God? For the Lord hath said: This is my church, and I will establish it; and nothing shall overthrow it, save it is the transgression of my people. 14 And again, the angel said: Behold, the Lord hath heard the prayers of his people, and also the prayers of his servant, Alma, who is thy father; for he has prayed with much faith concerning thee that thou mightest be brought to the knowledge of the truth; therefore, for this purpose have I come to convince thee of the power and authority of God, that the prayers of his servants might be answered according to their faith. 15 And now behold, can ye dispute the power of God? For behold, doth not my voice shake the earth? And can ye not also behold me before you? And I am sent from God. 16 Now I say unto thee: Go, and remember the captivity of thy fathers in the land of Helam, and in the land of Nephi; and remember how great things he has done for them; for they were in bondage, and he has delivered them. And now I say unto thee, Alma, go thy way, and seek to destroy the church no more, that their prayers may be answered, and this even if thou wilt of thyself be cast off. 17 And now it came to pass that these were the last words which the angel spake unto Alma, and he departed. 18 And now Alma and those that were with him fell again to the earth, for great was their astonishment; for with their own eyes they had beheld an angel of the Lord; and his voice was as thunder, which shook the earth; and they knew that there was nothing save the power of God that could shake the earth and cause it to tremble as though it would part asunder. 19 And now the astonishment of Alma was so great that he became dumb, that he could not open his mouth; yea, and he became weak, even that he could not move his hands; therefore he was taken by those that were with him, and carried helpless, even until he was laid before his father. 20 And they rehearsed unto his father all that had happened unto them; and his father rejoiced, for he knew that it was the power of God. 21 And he caused that a multitude should be gathered together that they might witness what the Lord had done for his son, and also for those that were with him. 22 And he caused that the priests should assemble themselves together; and they began to fast, and to pray to the Lord their God that he would open the mouth of Alma, that he might speak, and also that his limbs might receive their strength—that the eyes of the people might be opened to see and know of the goodness and glory of God. 23 And it came to pass after they had fasted and prayed for the space of two days and two nights, the limbs of Alma received their strength, and he stood up and began to speak unto them, bidding them to be of good comfort: 24 For, said he, I have repented of my sins, and have been redeemed of the Lord; behold I am born of the Spirit. 25 And the Lord said unto me: Marvel not that all mankind, yea, men and women, all nations, kindreds, tongues and people, must be born again; yea, born of God, changed from their carnal and fallen state, to a state of righteousness, being redeemed of God, becoming his sons and daughters; 26 And thus they become new creatures; and unless they do this, they can in nowise inherit the kingdom of God. 27 I say unto you, unless this be the case, they must be cast off; and this I know, because I was like to be cast off. 28 Nevertheless, after wading through much tribulation, repenting nigh unto death, the Lord in mercy hath seen fit to snatch me out of an everlasting burning, and I am born of God. 29 My soul hath been redeemed from the gall of bitterness and bonds of iniquity. I was in the darkest abyss; but now I behold the marvelous light of God. My soul was racked with eternal torment; but I am snatched, and my soul is pained no more. 30 I rejected my Redeemer, and denied that which had been spoken of by our fathers; but now that they may foresee that he will come, and that he remembereth every creature of his creating, he will make himself manifest unto all. 31 Yea, every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess before him. Yea, even at the last day, when all men shall stand to be judged of him, then shall they confess that he is God; then shall they confess, who live without God in the world, that the judgment of an everlasting punishment is just upon them; and they shall quake, and tremble, and shrink beneath the glance of his all-searching eye. 32 And now it came to pass that Alma began from this time forward to teach the people, and those who were with Alma at the time the angel appeared unto them, traveling round about through all the land, publishing to all the people the things which they had heard and seen, and preaching the word of God in much tribulation, being greatly persecuted by those who were unbelievers, being smitten by many of them. 33 But notwithstanding all this, they did impart much consolation to the church, confirming their faith, and exhorting them with long-suffering and much travail to keep the commandments of God. 34 And four of them were the sons of Mosiah; and their names were Ammon, and Aaron, and Omner, and Himni; these were the names of the sons of Mosiah. 35 And they traveled throughout all the land of Zarahemla, and among all the people who were under the reign of king Mosiah, zealously striving to repair all the injuries which they had done to the church, confessing all their sins, and publishing all the things which they had seen, and explaining the prophecies and the scriptures to all who desired to hear them. 36 And thus they were instruments in the hands of God in bringing many to the knowledge of the truth, yea, to the knowledge of their Redeemer. 37 And how blessed are they! For they did publish peace; they did publish good tidings of good; and they did declare unto the people that the Lord reigneth. 28:1 Now it came to pass that after the sons of Mosiah had done all these things, they took a small number with them and returned to their father, the king, and desired of him that he would grant unto them that they might, with these whom they had selected, go up to the land of Nephi that they might preach the things which they had heard, and that they might impart the word of God to their brethren, the Lamanites—2 That perhaps they might bring them to the knowledge of the Lord their God, and convince them of the iniquity of their fathers; and that perhaps they might cure them of their hatred towards the Nephites, that they might also be brought to rejoice in the Lord their God, that they might become friendly to one another, and that there should be no more contentions in all the land which the Lord their God had given them. 3 Now they were desirous that salvation should be declared to every creature, for they could not bear that any human soul should perish; yea, even the very thoughts that any soul should endure endless torment did cause them to quake and tremble. 4 And thus did the Spirit of the Lord work upon them, for they were the very vilest of sinners. And the Lord saw fit in his infinite mercy to spare them; nevertheless they suffered much anguish of soul because of their iniquities, suffering much and fearing that they should be cast off forever. 5 And it came to pass that they did plead with their father many days that they might go up to the land of Nephi. 6 And king Mosiah went and inquired of the Lord if he should let his sons go up among the Lamanites to preach the word. 7 And the Lord said unto Mosiah: Let them go up, for many shall believe on their words, and they shall have eternal life; and I will deliver thy sons out of the hands of the Lamanites. 8 And it came to pass that Mosiah granted that they might go and do according to their request. 9 And they took their journey into the wilderness to go up to preach the word among the Lamanites; and I shall give an account of their proceedings hereafter. 10 Now king Mosiah had no one to confer the kingdom upon, for there was not any of his sons who would accept of the kingdom. 11 Therefore he took the records which were engraven on the plates of brass, and also the plates of Nephi, and all the things which he had kept and preserved according to the commandments of God, after having translated and caused to be written the records which were on the plates of gold which had been found by the people of Limhi, which were delivered to him by the hand of Limhi; 12 And this he did because of the great anxiety of his people; for they were desirous beyond measure to know concerning those people who had been destroyed. 13 And now he translated them by the means of those two stones which were fastened into the two rims of a bow. 14 Now these things were prepared from the beginning, and were handed down from generation to generation, for the purpose of interpreting languages; 15 And they have been kept and preserved by the hand of the Lord, that he should discover to every creature who should possess the land the iniquities and abominations of his people; 16 And whosoever has these things is called seer, after the manner of old times. 17 Now after Mosiah had finished translating these records, behold, it gave an account of the people who were destroyed, from the time that they were destroyed back to the building of the great tower, at the time the Lord confounded the language of the people and they were scattered abroad upon the face of all the earth, yea, and even from that time back until the creation of Adam. 18 Now this account did cause the people of Mosiah to mourn exceedingly, yea, they were filled with sorrow; nevertheless it gave them much knowledge, in the which they did rejoice. 19 And this account shall be written hereafter; for behold, it is expedient that all people should know the things which are written in this account. 20 And now, as I said unto you, that after king Mosiah had done these things, he took the plates of brass, and all the things which he had kept, and conferred them upon Alma, who was the son of Alma; yea, all the records, and also the interpreters, and conferred them upon him, and commanded him that he should keep and preserve them, and also keep a record of the people, handing them down from one generation to another, even as they had been handed down from the time that Lehi left Jerusalem. 29:1 Now when Mosiah had done this he sent out throughout all the land, among all the people, desiring to know their will concerning who should be their king. 2 And it came to pass that the voice of the people came, saying: We are desirous that Aaron thy son should be our king and our ruler. 3 Now Aaron had gone up to the land of Nephi, therefore the king could not confer the kingdom upon him; neither would Aaron take upon him the kingdom; neither were any of the sons of Mosiah willing to take upon them the kingdom. 4 Therefore king Mosiah sent again among the people; yea, even a written word sent he among the people. And these were the words that were written, saying: 5 Behold, O ye my people, or my brethren, for I esteem you as such, I desire that ye should consider the cause which ye are called to consider—for ye are desirous to have a king. 6 Now I declare unto you that he to whom the kingdom doth rightly belong has declined, and will not take upon him the kingdom. 7 And now if there should be another appointed in his stead, behold I fear there would rise contentions among you. And who knoweth but what my son, to whom the kingdom doth belong, should turn to be angry and draw away a part of this people after him, which would cause wars and contentions among you, which would be the cause of shedding much blood and perverting the way of the Lord, yea, and destroy the souls of many people. 8 Now I say unto you let us be wise and consider these things, for we have no right to destroy my son, neither should we have any right to destroy another if he should be appointed in his stead. 9 And if my son should turn again to his pride and vain things he would recall the things which he had said, and claim his right to the kingdom, which would cause him and also this people to commit much sin. 10 And now let us be wise and look forward to these things, and do that which will make for the peace of this people. 11 Therefore I will be your king the remainder of my days; nevertheless, let us appoint judges, to judge this people according to our law; and we will newly arrange the affairs of this people, for we will appoint wise men to be judges, that will judge this people according to the commandments of God. 12 Now it is better that a man should be judged of God than of man, for the judgments of God are always just, but the judgments of man are not always just. 13 Therefore, if it were possible that you could have just men to be your kings, who would establish the laws of God, and judge this people according to his commandments, yea, if ye could have men for your kings who would do even as my father Benjamin did for this people—I say unto you, if this could always be the case then it would be expedient that ye should always have kings to rule over you. 14 And even I myself have labored with all the power and faculties which I have possessed, to teach you the commandments of God, and to establish peace throughout the land, that there should be no wars nor contentions, no stealing, nor plundering, nor murdering, nor any manner of iniquity; 15 And whosoever has committed iniquity, him have I punished according to the crime which he has committed, according to the law which has been given to us by our fathers. 16 Now I say unto you, that because all men are not just it is not expedient that ye should have a king or kings to rule over you. 17 For behold, how much iniquity doth one wicked king cause to be committed, yea, and what great destruction! 18 Yea, remember king Noah, his wickedness and his abominations, and also the wickedness and abominations of his people. Behold what great destruction did come upon them; and also because of their iniquities they were brought into bondage. 19 And were it not for the interposition of their all-wise Creator, and this because of their sincere repentance, they must unavoidably remain in bondage until now. 20 But behold, he did deliver them because they did humble themselves before him; and because they cried mightily unto him he did deliver them out of bondage; and thus doth the Lord work with his power in all cases among the children of men, extending the arm of mercy towards them that put their trust in him. 21 And behold, now I say unto you, ye cannot dethrone an iniquitous king save it be through much contention, and the shedding of much blood. 22 For behold, he has his friends in iniquity, and he keepeth his guards about him; and he teareth up the laws of those who have reigned in righteousness before him; and he trampleth under his feet the commandments of God; 23 And he enacteth laws, and sendeth them forth among his people, yea, laws after the manner of his own wickedness; and whosoever doth not obey his laws he causeth to be destroyed; and whosoever doth rebel against him he will send his armies against them to war, and if he can he will destroy them; and thus an unrighteous king doth pervert the ways of all righteousness. 24 And now behold I say unto you, it is not expedient that such abominations should come upon you. 25 Therefore, choose you by the voice of this people, judges, that ye may be judged according to the laws which have been given you by our fathers, which are correct, and which were given them by the hand of the Lord. 26 Now it is not common that the voice of the people desireth anything contrary to that which is right; but it is common for the lesser part of the people to desire that which is not right; therefore this shall ye observe and make it your law—to do your business by the voice of the people. 27 And if the time comes that the voice of the people doth choose iniquity, then is the time that the judgments of God will come upon you; yea, then is the time he will visit you with great destruction even as he has hitherto visited this land. 28 And now if ye have judges, and they do not judge you according to the law which has been given, ye can cause that they may be judged of a higher judge. 29 If your higher judges do not judge righteous judgments, ye shall cause that a small number of your lower judges should be gathered together, and they shall judge your higher judges, according to the voice of the people. 30 And I command you to do these things in the fear of the Lord; and I command you to do these things, and that ye have no king; that if these people commit sins and iniquities they shall be answered upon their own heads. 31 For behold I say unto you, the sins of many people have been caused by the iniquities of their kings; therefore their iniquities are answered upon the heads of their kings. 32 And now I desire that this inequality should be no more in this land, especially among this my people; but I desire that this land be a land of liberty, and every man may enjoy his rights and privileges alike, so long as the Lord sees fit that we may live and inherit the land, yea, even as long as any of our posterity remains upon the face of the land. 33 And many more things did king Mosiah write unto them, unfolding unto them all the trials and troubles of a righteous king, yea, all the travails of soul for their people, and also all the murmurings of the people to their king; and he explained it all unto them. 34 And he told them that these things ought not to be; but that the burden should come upon all the people, that every man might bear his part. 35 And he also unfolded unto them all the disadvantages they labored under, by having an unrighteous king to rule over them; 36 Yea, all his iniquities and abominations, and all the wars, and contentions, and bloodshed, and the stealing, and the plundering, and the committing of whoredoms, and all manner of iniquities which cannot be enumerated—telling them that these things ought not to be, that they were expressly repugnant to the commandments of God. 37 And now it came to pass, after king Mosiah had sent these things forth among the people they were convinced of the truth of his words. 38 Therefore they relinquished their desires for a king, and became exceedingly anxious that every man should have an equal chance throughout all the land; yea, and every man expressed a willingness to answer for his own sins. 39 Therefore, it came to pass that they assembled themselves together in bodies throughout the land, to cast in their voices concerning who should be their judges, to judge them according to the law which had been given them; and they were exceedingly rejoiced because of the liberty which had been granted unto them. 40 And they did wax strong in love towards Mosiah; yea, they did esteem him more than any other man; for they did not look upon him as a tyrant who was seeking for gain, yea, for that lucre which doth corrupt the soul; for he had not exacted riches of them, neither had he delighted in the shedding of blood; but he had established peace in the land, and he had granted unto his people that they should be delivered from all manner of bondage; therefore they did esteem him, yea, exceedingly, beyond measure. 41 And it came to pass that they did appoint judges to rule over them, or to judge them according to the law; and this they did throughout all the land. 42 And it came to pass that Alma was appointed to be the first chief judge, he being also the high priest, his father having conferred the office upon him, and having given him the charge concerning all the affairs of the church. 43 And now it came to pass that Alma did walk in the ways of the Lord, and he did keep his commandments, and he did judge righteous judgments; and there was continual peace through the land. 44 And thus commenced the reign of the judges throughout all the land of Zarahemla, among all the people who were called the Nephites; and Alma was the first and chief judge. 45 And now it came to pass that his father died, being eighty and two years old, having lived to fulfil the commandments of God. 46 And it came to pass that Mosiah died also, in the thirty and third year of his reign, being sixty and three years old; making in the whole, five hundred and nine years from the time Lehi left Jerusalem. 47 And thus ended the reign of the kings over the people of Nephi; and thus ended the days of Alma, who was the founder of their church. Alma 1:1 Now it came to pass that in the first year of the reign of the judges over the people of Nephi, from this time forward, king Mosiah having gone the way of all the earth, having warred a good warfare, walking uprightly before God, leaving none to reign in his stead; nevertheless he had established laws, and they were acknowledged by the people; therefore they were obliged to abide by the laws which he had made. 2 And it came to pass that in the first year of the reign of Alma in the judgment-seat, there was a man brought before him to be judged, a man who was large, and was noted for his much strength. 3 And he had gone about among the people, preaching to them that which he termed to be the word of God, bearing down against the church; declaring unto the people that every priest and teacher ought to become popular; and they ought not to labor with their hands, but that they ought to be supported by the people. 4 And he also testified unto the people that all mankind should be saved at the last day, and that they need not fear nor tremble, but that they might lift up their heads and rejoice; for the Lord had created all men, and had also redeemed all men; and, in the end, all men should have eternal life. 5 And it came to pass that he did teach these things so much that many did believe on his words, even so many that they began to support him and give him money. 6 And he began to be lifted up in the pride of his heart, and to wear very costly apparel, yea, and even began to establish a church after the manner of his preaching. 7 And it came to pass as he was going, to preach to those who believed on his word, he met a man who belonged to the church of God, yea, even one of their teachers; and he began to contend with him sharply, that he might lead away the people of the church; but the man withstood him, admonishing him with the words of God. 8 Now the name of the man was Gideon; and it was he who was an instrument in the hands of God in delivering the people of Limhi out of bondage. 9 Now, because Gideon withstood him with the words of God he was wroth with Gideon, and drew his sword and began to smite him. Now Gideon being stricken with many years, therefore he was not able to withstand his blows, therefore he was slain by the sword. 10 And the man who slew him was taken by the people of the church, and was brought before Alma, to be judged according to the crimes which he had committed. 11 And it came to pass that he stood before Alma and pled for himself with much boldness. 12 But Alma said unto him: Behold, this is the first time that priestcraft has been introduced among this people. And behold, thou art not only guilty of priestcraft, but hast endeavored to enforce it by the sword; and were priestcraft to be enforced among this people it would prove their entire destruction. 13 And thou hast shed the blood of a righteous man, yea, a man who has done much good among this people; and were we to spare thee his blood would come upon us for vengeance. 14 Therefore thou art condemned to die, according to the law which has been given us by Mosiah, our last king; and it has been acknowledged by this people; therefore this people must abide by the law. 15 And it came to pass that they took him; and his name was Nehor; and they carried him upon the top of the hill Manti, and there he was caused, or rather did acknowledge, between the heavens and the earth, that what he had taught to the people was contrary to the word of God; and there he suffered an ignominious death. 16 Nevertheless, this did not put an end to the spreading of priestcraft through the land; for there were many who loved the vain things of the world, and they went forth preaching false doctrines; and this they did for the sake of riches and honor. 17 Nevertheless, they durst not lie, if it were known, for fear of the law, for liars were punished; therefore they pretended to preach according to their belief; and now the law could have no power on any man for his belief. 18 And they durst not steal, for fear of the law, for such were punished; neither durst they rob, nor murder, for he that murdered was punished unto death. 19 But it came to pass that whosoever did not belong to the church of God began to persecute those that did belong to the church of God, and had taken upon them the name of Christ. 20 Yea, they did persecute them, and afflict them with all manner of words, and this because of their humility; because they were not proud in their own eyes, and because they did impart the word of God, one with another, without money and without price. 21 Now there was a strict law among the people of the church, that there should not any man, belonging to the church, arise and persecute those that did not belong to the church, and that there should be no persecution among themselves. 22 Nevertheless, there were many among them who began to be proud, and began to contend warmly with their adversaries, even unto blows; yea, they would smite one another with their fists. 23 Now this was in the second year of the reign of Alma, and it was a cause of much affliction to the church; yea, it was the cause of much trial with the church. 24 For the hearts of many were hardened, and their names were blotted out, that they were remembered no more among the people of God. And also many withdrew themselves from among them. 25 Now this was a great trial to those that did stand fast in the faith; nevertheless, they were steadfast and immovable in keeping the commandments of God, and they bore with patience the persecution which was heaped upon them. 26 And when the priests left their labor to impart the word of God unto the people, the people also left their labors to hear the word of God. And when the priest had imparted unto them the word of God they all returned again diligently unto their labors; and the priest, not esteeming himself above his hearers, for the preacher was no better than the hearer, neither was the teacher any better than the learner; and thus they were all equal, and they did all labor, every man according to his strength. 27 And they did impart of their substance, every man according to that which he had, to the poor, and the needy, and the sick, and the afflicted; and they did not wear costly apparel, yet they were neat and comely. 28 And thus they did establish the affairs of the church; and thus they began to have continual peace again, notwithstanding all their persecutions. 29 And now, because of the steadiness of the church they began to be exceedingly rich, having abundance of all things whatsoever they stood in need—an abundance of flocks and herds, and fatlings of every kind, and also abundance of grain, and of gold, and of silver, and of precious things, and abundance of silk and fine-twined linen, and all manner of good homely cloth. 30 And thus, in their prosperous circumstances, they did not send away any who were naked, or that were hungry, or that were athirst, or that were sick, or that had not been nourished; and they did not set their hearts upon riches; therefore they were liberal to all, both old and young, both bond and free, both male and female, whether out of the church or in the church, having no respect to persons as to those who stood in need. 31 And thus they did prosper and become far more wealthy than those who did not belong to their church. 32 For those who did not belong to their church did indulge themselves in sorceries, and in idolatry or idleness, and in babblings, and in envyings and strife; wearing costly apparel; being lifted up in the pride of their own eyes; persecuting, lying, thieving, robbing, committing whoredoms, and murdering, and all manner of wickedness; nevertheless, the law was put in force upon all those who did transgress it, inasmuch as it was possible. 33 And it came to pass that by thus exercising the law upon them, every man suffering according to that which he had done, they became more still, and durst not commit any wickedness if it were known; therefore, there was much peace among the people of Nephi until the fifth year of the reign of the judges.

≈ 91 BC

King of Lamanites: Lamoni

Alma 17:2–23:18 - 2 Now these sons of Mosiah were with Alma at the time the angel first appeared unto him; therefore Alma did rejoice exceedingly to see his brethren; and what added more to his joy, they were still his brethren in the Lord; yea, and they had waxed strong in the knowledge of the truth; for they were men of a sound understanding and they had searched the scriptures diligently, that they might know the word of God. 3 But this is not all; they had given themselves to much prayer, and fasting; therefore they had the spirit of prophecy, and the spirit of revelation, and when they taught, they taught with power and authority of God. 4 And they had been teaching the word of God for the space of fourteen years among the Lamanites, having had much success in bringing many to the knowledge of the truth; yea, by the power of their words many were brought before the altar of God, to call on his name and confess their sins before him.

≈ 82 BC

Missionary: Amulek

Alma 2:1–16:12 - 1 And it came to pass in the commencement of the fifth year of their reign there began to be a contention among the people; for a certain man, being called Amlici, he being a very cunning man, yea, a wise man as to the wisdom of the world, he being after the order of the man that slew Gideon by the sword, who was executed according to the law—2 Now this Amlici had, by his cunning, drawn away much people after him; even so much that they began to be very powerful; and they began to endeavor to establish Amlici to be a king over the people. 3 Now this was alarming to the people of the church, and also to all those who had not been drawn away after the persuasions of Amlici; for they knew that according to their law that such things must be established by the voice of the people.

Alma 24:1–27:15 - 1 And it came to pass that the Amalekites and the Amulonites and the Lamanites who were in the land of Amulon, and also in the land of Helam, and who were in the land of Jerusalem, and in fine, in all the land round about, who had not been converted and had not taken upon them the name of Anti-Nephi-Lehi, were stirred up by the Amalekites and by the Amulonites to anger against their brethren. 2 And their hatred became exceedingly sore against them, even insomuch that they began to rebel against their king, insomuch that they would not that he should be their king; therefore, they took up arms against the people of Anti-Nephi-Lehi. 3 Now the king conferred the kingdom upon his son, and he called his name Anti-Nephi-Lehi. 4 And the king died in that selfsame year that the Lamanites began to make preparations for war against the people of God.

Alma 16:13–17:1; 27:16–30 - 13 And Alma and Amulek went forth preaching repentance to the people in their temples, and in their sanctuaries, and also in their synagogues, which were built after the manner of the Jews. 14 And as many as would hear their words, unto them they did impart the word of God, without any respect of persons, continually. 15 And thus did Alma and Amulek go forth, and also many more who had been chosen for the work, to preach the word throughout all the land. And the establishment of the church became general throughout the land, in all the region round about, among all the people of the Nephites. 16 And there was no inequality among them; the Lord did pour out his Spirit on all the face of the land to prepare the minds of the children of men, or to prepare their hearts to receive the word which should be taught among them at the time of his coming

≈ 74 BC

Prophet: Helaman I

≈ 74 BC

Captain of Army: Moroni I

Alma 28–42 - 1 And now it came to pass that after the people of Ammon were established in the land of Jershon, and a church also established in the land of Jershon, and the armies of the Nephites were set round about the land of Jershon, yea, in all the borders round about the land of Zarahemla; behold the armies of the Lamanites had followed their brethren into the wilderness. 2 And thus there was a tremendous battle; yea, even such an one as never had been known among all the people in the land from the time Lehi left Jerusalem; yea, and tens of thousands of the Lamanites were slain and scattered abroad. 3 Yea, and also there was a tremendous slaughter among the people of Nephi; nevertheless, the Lamanites were driven and scattered, and the people of Nephi returned again to their land. 4 And now this was a time that there was a great mourning and lamentation heard throughout all the land, among all the people of Nephi—5 Yea, the cry of widows mourning for their husbands, and also of fathers mourning for their sons, and the daughter for the brother, yea, the brother for the father; and thus the cry of mourning was heard among all of them, mourning for their kindred who had been slain.

Captain Moroni, Wars, & Samuel the Lamanite

Captain Moroni, Wars, & Samuel the Lamanite
Alma / Helaman

Alma 43–63 - 1 And now it came to pass that the sons of Alma did go forth among the people, to declare the word unto them. And Alma, also, himself, could not rest, and he also went forth. 2 Now we shall say no more concerning their preaching, except that they preached the word, and the truth, according to the spirit of prophecy and revelation; and they preached after the holy order of God by which they were called. 3 And now I return to an account of the wars between the Nephites and the Lamanites, in the eighteenth year of the reign of the judges. 4 For behold, it came to pass that the Zoramites became Lamanites; therefore, in the commencement of the eighteenth year the people of the Nephites saw that the Lamanites were coming upon them; therefore they made preparations for war; yea, they gathered together their armies in the land of Jershon.

≈ 50 BC

Prophet: Helaman II

Hel. 1–12 - 1 And now behold, it came to pass in the commencement of the fortieth year of the reign of the judges over the people of Nephi, there began to be a serious difficulty among the people of the Nephites. 2 For behold, Pahoran had died, and gone the way of all the earth; therefore there began to be a serious contention concerning who should have the judgment-seat among the brethren, who were the sons of Pahoran. 3 Now these are their names who did contend for the judgment-seat, who did also cause the people to contend: Pahoran, Paanchi, and Pacumeni. 4 Now these are not all the sons of Pahoran (for he had many), but these are they who did contend for the judgment-seat; therefore, they did cause three divisions among the people.

≈ 6 BC

Prophet: Samuel the Lamanite

Hel. 13–16 - 1 And now it came to pass in the eighty and sixth year, the Nephites did still remain in wickedness, yea, in great wickedness, while the Lamanites did observe strictly to keep the commandments of God, according to the law of Moses. 2 And it came to pass that in this year there was one Samuel, a Lamanite, came into the land of Zarahemla, and began to preach unto the people. And it came to pass that he did preach, many days, repentance unto the people, and they did cast him out, and he was about to return to his own land. 3 But behold, the voice of the Lord came unto him, that he should return again, and prophesy unto the people whatsoever things should come into his heart. 4 And it came to pass that they would not suffer that he should enter into the city; therefore he went and got upon the wall thereof, and stretched forth his hand and cried with a loud voice, and prophesied unto the people whatsoever things the Lord put into his heart.

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